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Can you believe this Giants fan moron was the best man at my wedding?


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Giants fan who recently got upset when I text-messaged him during the Skins a$%-whupping of them. Unbeknownst to me, his girlfriend was breaking up with him (like I was supposed to know that) on his birthday. Can you believe this guy is 30?

Look what this dope posted on MySpace. Looks like some people never grow up -- I can't comprehend this immaturity. It's one thing to talk trash before the game, it's another thing to rub it in like this. Never mind disrespecting Sean Taylor's memory.

I think 20 years as best friends may have just gone out the window. I don't want to talk to him.




Sooooooooooooooooooooooo close, so very very close to having that miracle run!




Oh wait, live shot of that punk ass ***** Randle-El in the post game!


What kind of self respecting man would wear a dress and a pig snout?



I think it's wonderfull that we live in a country that mourns A CRIMINAL, A THUG, AND A PIECE OF HUMAN DOG ****! Apparently being a bully is the new in thing and I just wasn't informed that's all. What's next are we going to mourn for Saddams death also?

Yeah I Believe too. I BELIEVE YOU SUCK ****ING ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



GOOD DAY SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"DIE! DIE! DIE YOU ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Otto & George

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I thought the part where he said "Redskins suck" was all of it, and I was gonna say that eventually you will forgive him and move on. Then I saw that the message continued. This guy is no longer your friend. Ever.

I'm a pretty forgiving guy. I'm not sure if I can say ever. But I don't want to speak to him.

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He was mad because I was texting him and his girlfriend was leaving him that night. There's no way I would have sent those messages if I knew he was going through that crap. Football rivalries shouldn't be taken personally. You talk trash, game's over, you're all friends again. Hell, I even have a couple COWPUKE fan friends.

I thought he was a great friend, but I always knew he lacked maturity and had anger management issues. Unfortunately, he's wrecked things with this latest stunt.

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Watch, next year when we whoop the Giants, the guy who started this thread is going to get his revenge..

And then the Giants fan is gonna post to the Giants board, "Can you believe I was the best man at the wedding of this Redskins fan moron?"


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It is so sad how people can change, people we thought we knew so well, and how anyone can act like a monster. These actions are atrocious and classless. With time and through love, you can forgive, but the problem is, how can you ever consider someone a best friend who has ever uttered these words about another human being?

Was he smoking crack when he texted this? Are you sure it was your best friend who texted this? I would make sure before you cut off all ties. Make for darn sure before you cut him off as your best friend. But, I know if it was mine, I would never be able to forget it, in time I would pray to be able to forgive, and pray for them, but they would not be my best friend, nor my friend, anymore. (no way). You don't talk about my family that way. I would have beaten the guy up. I would have jumped him. And I'm a girl.

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eh... classless and stupid, but I wouldn't end a 20 year friendship over it

i have friends who i know for a fact laugh at the whole sean taylor thing... and while it pisses me off and i actually feel bad for them, i'm not going to stop being friends with them over it

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