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Does Taylor getting shot make you feel you may need to purchase a gun?


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and its a good thing you had that sword handy, isn't it?

That's right.

One time I was home and they just tried to bash the door in.

When they rammed the door the first time, it scared the crap out of me.

Then I immediatly grabbed my sword, and my feelings reversed.

I was kind of hoping they made it in. :D

I grabbed it and said "NOW WHAT *****!!":laugh:

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Honestly, I think this is the worst reason to purchase a gun. Buying a gun should be a cool, sober, and completely rational response. It's about as serious a decision as you can make and if you are going to do it you need to do it calmly and carefully. It should be part of a process that includes gun education, lessons on safety, and gun procedures.

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Its your own home for Christ sakes, its not like every person that owns a gun wants to pull a Charles Bronson and be a vigilante. I just don't get why some liberals get all worked up.


Probably cause they're too blindly partisan in their politics that they just use it as another avenue to bash things conservative? Just a wild guess on my part.

Anyway, it's a simple thought...better be safe than sorry. Can anyone really argue against that logic?

We'll never know if ST would have survived or not been shot if he had a gun instead of a machete. There's just no way to know...but there's always the old say "don't bring a knife to a gun fight."

I think he would have had a better chance, though.

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Probably cause they're too blindly partisan in their politics that they just use it as another avenue to bash things conservative? Just a wild guess on my part.

Anyway, it's a simple thought...better be safe than sorry. Can anyone really argue against that logic?

Yes I can. ST died from a single shot to HIS ****ING LEG!!!! I don't really like those odds. Guns do one thing and one thing only - hurt. I don't need or want anything like that in my house. You never know when an accident may occur and, as proved Monday, it doesn't even need to be a head shot. :(

You want a gun? Fine, its your right. Doesn't mean I should have one and it doesn't mean I have to be happy that you have the right to own one. But I guess some people are too blind to see this isn't necessarily a partisan issue and just love to take shots at liberals... see, I can play that game, too. ;)

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I live in the UK but its good to see most people think getting a gun because of this isnt a good idea.

People have to understand that Sean made a huge error. Dont get me wrong, I'm not having a go at the man for facing up to the intruder (or intruders if there was more than one). He went in to a situation where he was completely isolated, not knowing what he may be facing - one man? two? more? are they armed? knives? guns? where are they? a whole bunch of questions that you dont ask yourself in those situations because you are so pumped up. People understandably think if they have a gun they will be 'safe', but Seans situation is a classic example of how you are actually completely unable to control such a situation even if you have a weapon. Be honest, other than what any of us see in a movie, how many people here could honestly say that they would know how to handle themselves and what to do in such a highly dangerous situation where your heart is probably verging on 200 and your shaking from so much adrenalin.

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I'm going to give a tentative yes. The second amendment of the constitution allows it, and this tragedy shows that even well to do neighborhoods are not safe from criminal activity. But on the other hand, Sean wasn't just anyone and he appears to have been targeted. However, just thinking of the sheer terror of a home invasion, I would consider purchasing a gun for self defense only.

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410 pump shotgun. Just the pump noise might be enough to scare the intruder. And not strong enough to go through walls.

That is incorrect. A 12 guage with bird shot will go through several sheets of drywall. So will .410 and if it is bigger shot it will go through even more boards.

Also, racking shotguns, shouting mean words and spitballs have proven inconsistent and often ineffective in unofficial laboratory tests at stopping bad people. If they broke into your home, how much more responsibility should you take on as to testing their motivational level?

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Pump action shotgun is definitely the best thing.

1. It's intimidating as hell. Ever hear one being ****ed? It gets the attention.

2. You can't miss.

3. Shot won't go thru wall and kill innocent neighbors

4. Incredibly Safe

The only drawback is that it doesn't fit in the bedside table or a small lockbox. Which is why I use a handgun.

But if you are just thinking about something for home defense, I would strongly recommend AGAINST a handgun, unless you have the time/resources to really get familiar with it.

OK, seems I have a full time job around here. You can easily miss with a shotgun. The spread at 12 feet is about 3-4", about the size of a baseball. That's not exactly full proof and, depending on what size load you are using, it WILL go through 2-8 sheets of drywall.

A shotgun is incredibly dangerous which makes it an incredibly good weapon.

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I wanted one then about two months ago I was holding a pellet gun and shot my friend in the arm. I thought the safety was on. My wife said "See that's why I do not want guns in the house."

That's why it is a right to keep and bear, not a requirement. If you don't think you should have a gun, you don't have to. Call me pro choice.

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Laws against guns do not do anything, criminals are already breaking the law and they know that the people they are assulting do not have them so they have nothing to worry about. Everyone should be REQUIRED to have mandatory firearms and first aid training in highschool and everyone should be required to maintain at least one firearm per household. Chances are violent crime goes down.

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Honestly, I think this is the worst reason to purchase a gun. Buying a gun should be a cool, sober, and completely rational response. It's about as serious a decision as you can make and if you are going to do it you need to do it calmly and carefully. It should be part of a process that includes gun education, lessons on safety, and gun procedures.

That post should be read and re-read by anyone considering a firearm.

Good job.


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I was thinking about this yesterday. I plan on purchasing one within a month. I've never shot a handgun, so I plan on getting lessons first. I used to live in a suburb of Cincinnati about 25 miles away from downtown...pretty peaceful place and never felt the need for a gun, although my father owned one. Now I basically live within 5 miles, although its one of the better and safer neighborhoods, but you never know. I trust the Cincinnati police to take care of business, mainly because theyre reputation puts fear in everyone's eyes (good or bad reputation, its there), but for that instance I need the protection immediately, I'd rather have protection.

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HEY STUPID... YEAH YOU! Fully auto firearms require a license. As far as semiauto goes that is another story. All you gun control nuts think Oh this gun is more dangerous then that one so lets ban it. Well if you ban this firearm you'll go right after another, and another,and another. A firearm is only as dagerous as the person behind them.

I was about to start a thread in the tailgate before the shooting on how Gun advocates use home invasions as fear mongering tactics for people to buy guns. It now appears that I dont have to as many of you now beleive a thief will come to your home, armed and ready to kill anyone and everyone inside before robbing you.

The fact is, home invasions are rare, and when they do happen, the intruder is most likely related to the victim in some way. Home invasions are oftend cited on offical police reports when a drug house or marijuana grow op is robbed.

Most criminals, dont want to bother with people or animals inside the home which is why most robberiers take place when no one is home. There is enough work invloved in picking a home to rob, finding out where the valubles are and how to get to them that killing 3- 5 people is really an extra step they dont need or want to take. And what if they finally get caught? Would you rather do 5-10 for robbery or 25-life for murdering a 65 year old lady who wouldnt drop the silverware?

But you Americans, first thing you go for is your gun, and your right to have it. This is the kind of mentality that allows semi and fully automatic weapons into peoples homes, for what they deem is "protection". Protection from what? The spanish army? Gun makers try to sell these guns as safety items, and you guys fall for it, thinking that if my gun is bigger than the gun of my yet-to-arrive-home-invading-rape-happy-robber you will be safe. Thats as dumb as you can get as far as Im concerned.

And another thing, why does everyone jump to the conclusion this was a home invasion or a robbery? There has been no official police report yet this is the conclusion everyone jumps to. it could be that Sean shot himself accidentially or maybe one of the residents of the home shot Sean by mistake or maybe not by mistake. The point is we dont know, but everyone likes hyping it as a home invasion, like its something we all need to be aware and afraid of.

Chances are, neither you or anyone you know personally will be involved in a home invasion, but most of you will go out and buy a gun to protect against that very threat. And for those who think home invasions are a very real threat, go ask everyone you know who keeps a gun in their house for protection to see if they have had to use it to defend themselves. The overwhelming majority will tell you "No I havent, but Im glad its there, just in case."

So you now have a group of people who are armed to protect against something that most likely wont happen. Seems kinda silly dont you think?

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HEY STUPID... YEAH YOU! Fully auto firearms require a license. As far as semiauto goes that is another story. All you gun control nuts think Oh this gun is more dangerous then that one so lets ban it. Well if you ban this firearm you'll go right after another, and another,and another. A firearm is only as dagerous as the person behind them.

Read this thread. Notice the tone. Then read yours. Is there really a call for name calling and being disrespectful? For a hot topic, following an emotionally intense event this conversation has been top notch. There is room for disagreement without being rude.

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Read this thread. Notice the tone. Then read yours. Is there really a call for name calling and being disrespectful? For a hot topic, following an emotionally intense event this conversation has been top notch. There is room for disagreement without being rude.

while i agree the tone was a little over the top, when the person he's quoting is insulting americans, well i just don't care anymore.

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Is the reason Taylor didn't have a gun a corrupt DA that charged him for crimes and let the guys that we knew shot at a car, a house, and were caught with stolen ATVs off the hook?

Perhaps the lesson here isn't about buying guns but one of power and denial of protected rights.....

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OK, seems I have a full time job around here.

Trust me, you don't want to get in a discussion about firearms with me. :)

You can easily miss with a shotgun.

As easy as a handgun? point, shoot. Tell me a weapon that is easier. There isn't one.

The spread at 12 feet is about 3-4", about the size of a baseball.

What barrell length? What type of choke? 19" barrell?

That's not exactly full proof and, depending on what size load you are using, it WILL go through 2-8 sheets of drywall.

+ insulation + osb board + siding, then all over again? Nope.

A bullet though will, rather easily. a .357 Mag can ricochet 3/4 of a mile.

A shotgun is incredibly dangerous which makes it an incredibly good weapon.

A shotgun is NOT incredibly dangerous. That's just a flat out lie.

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