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Does Taylor getting shot make you feel you may need to purchase a gun?


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I was about to start a thread in the tailgate before the shooting on how Gun advocates use home invasions as fear mongering tactics for people to buy guns. It now appears that I dont have to as many of you now beleive a thief will come to your home, armed and ready to kill anyone and everyone inside before robbing you.

The fact is, home invasions are rare, and when they do happen, the intruder is most likely related to the victim in some way. Home invasions are oftend cited on offical police reports when a drug house or marijuana grow op is robbed.

Most criminals, dont want to bother with people or animals inside the home which is why most robberiers take place when no one is home. There is enough work invloved in picking a home to rob, finding out where the valubles are and how to get to them that killing 3- 5 people is really an extra step they dont need or want to take. And what if they finally get caught? Would you rather do 5-10 for robbery or 25-life for murdering a 65 year old lady who wouldnt drop the silverware?

But you Americans, first thing you go for is your gun, and your right to have it. This is the kind of mentality that allows semi and fully automatic weapons into peoples homes, for what they deem is "protection". Protection from what? The spanish army? Gun makers try to sell these guns as safety items, and you guys fall for it, thinking that if my gun is bigger than the gun of my yet-to-arrive-home-invading-rape-happy-robber you will be safe. Thats as dumb as you can get as far as Im concerned.

And another thing, why does everyone jump to the conclusion this was a home invasion or a robbery? There has been no official police report yet this is the conclusion everyone jumps to. it could be that Sean shot himself accidentially or maybe one of the residents of the home shot Sean by mistake or maybe not by mistake. The point is we dont know, but everyone likes hyping it as a home invasion, like its something we all need to be aware and afraid of.

Chances are, neither you or anyone you know personally will be involved in a home invasion, but most of you will go out and buy a gun to protect against that very threat. And for those who think home invasions are a very real threat, go ask everyone you know who keeps a gun in their house for protection to see if they have had to use it to defend themselves. The overwhelming majority will tell you "No I havent, but Im glad its there, just in case."

So you now have a group of people who are armed to protect against something that most likely wont happen. Seems kinda silly dont you think?

It's better to have a gun and not need one than to not have a gun and need one.

You say robberys are rare? I've had people either break in my place or attempted to, 4 times!!!!!!!!!

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Really? Considering that it's against federal law to sell any firearms, subject to the Gun Control and Brady Act, to a person who doesn't possess a valid ID and requiring a NICS check. I'm sure ATF would be very interested in speaking with those FFL's.

Only if you're a dealer. I can sell my personal firearms to whomever I want. No background check or ID check required.

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No I have 17 already, but i make take one of the secured lockup.

I have had all mine secured inside cabinets since I had kids, now they are grown so I just may take a pistol out and keep it in the bedroom.

I almost shot my own brother when i was 13

When I was 13, my brother used to sneak out of the house and go partying. One night he was sneaking back in the house and make a noise getting through the window and blinds, i awoke and pretended to be asleep. I thought it was a burglar and when he left the room i got up and grabbed my .22 and loaded it and went after him, he turned the corner same time i did and he grabbed the gun before i could react. It was a close call my parents never found out about till years later.After that my brother would tell me when he was planning on sneaking out

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A decent security system would also thwart any home invasion :)

bingo. It blows my mind that ST had a home envasion a week ago, someone leaves a knife on his bed and he didn't have some additional security installed? He had walls around his house. A couple of rotties or pinchers, perhaps a security guard or some perimeter motion sensors, lights and alarms... What was he thinking about? Also did he ever report the previous break-in to the PD? You'd think it would've been in the news.

I waited for my son to go off to college to buy a hand gun and shot gun.

I've had a security system for 10 years as I travel a lot. FL passed new legislation last year giving the home owner more rights and extended the "Castle Doctrine" to your car and place of business. Anyone can keep a loaded gun in the glove box of the car. If a unwanted stranger jumps into your car, as MSF would say, "Buh Bye"

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I have been putting it off for a couple year because I always thought that a handgun in the house would serve no purpose. But I will be picking up a Mark 23 as well as going to go get my conceal carry license. Once I get out of the Condo and get a house I will definitely be investing in a good gaurd dog. I am looking at the Boerboel right now.


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Yup, dogs are a major detterant. Every member of my family in Pakistan has 2 mean vicoious guards. Something else I'll consider if I am in a very large home in the future

I completely agree. There is simply no replacement for the hearing, senses and instincts of a good dog. Probably the single best method of providing reliable security for your home.

It doesn't even have to be a big dog. My Shepherd/Collie mix is only about 35 pounds, but she howls and barks and growls up a storm when anyone comes around the house, or even walks on the sidewalk during the night. And she's also incredibly sweet and gentle with my wife, our family and guests.

As devestated as I am over the tragic loss of Sean Taylor, it reminds me of how thankful I am for my two dogs and the unconditional love and protection they provide every day.

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I say no. It may be good protection against intruders, but too much can go wrong with a gun in the house. What you might think is an "intruder" could be a family member just getting up for a glass of water in the middle of the night.

Bingo. That is why I won't have a gun in the house. I work nights, and if I ever come home early in the middle of the night I might be a dead man.

of course, it is not so easy to get around the "beep beep beep" that the alarm system makes whenever I open the door. That is after disarming it.

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interesting that a liberal supporter of Obama would actually go out and buy a Glock.

Obviously you don't live in the liberal utopia of Washington DC- where it is illegal for law abiding citizens to protect themselves from home invasions..

good for you :cheers:

Well, I think its a farce to think every Liberal is against guns. I just don't buy into the whole gun control thing. Look at the skyrocketing D.C Murder rate, you have to effing kidding me you cant own a handgun or use one in self defense in DC... Meanwhile we give more rights to the thugs running around in DC. I'm a firm believer we should be allowed to blast anyone that breaks into your home. If you cant feel safe in our home then where can you feel safe? Its your own home for Christ sakes, its not like every person that owns a gun wants to pull a Charles Bronson and be a vigilante. I just don't get why some liberals get all worked up.


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and for the propagandist who is trying to convince those of us in the REAL WORLD that home invasions never happen-

maybe you should actually read the Washington Post metro section sometime..:doh:

Thank You :applause: something we can agree on. Look at the current Philadelphia crime rate, a murder and 5 shootings a night. People are afraid in and outside of their homes in Philly.


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