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Does Taylor getting shot make you feel you may need to purchase a gun?


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Assuming that this is some short of Home invasion ( a home invasion has to be the most frightening thing on the planet) make you feel you may need to start thinking of buying a gun? In my case I may actually do so next summer, especially since some MS-13 gang activity has moved in and around my community. Any suggestions on what gun/shotgun/rifle would be good for home protection? I was looking at a Glock 21 .45 the other day, any thoughts?


410 pump shotgun. Just the pump noise might be enough to scare the intruder. And not strong enough to go through walls.

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My father wants one for this very reason. However my stepmother is strongly against it as I have three pretty young siblings. Personally, I think it is a persons choice to own a gun...just as long as it is registered and the user is safety trained and not a nutjob. I would buy a home alarm system before I buy a gun though. I cannot fathom shooting another human.

I dunno about MD, but in VA, you don't need to be registered to own a gun. You have to give some paperwork to buy a new gun, but that's mostly for gun shops to cover their asses. Anyone can buy a used gun without any identification legally.

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I was about to start a thread in the tailgate before the shooting on how Gun advocates use home invasions as fear mongering tactics for people to buy guns. It now appears that I dont have to as many of you now beleive a thief will come to your home, armed and ready to kill anyone and everyone inside before robbing you.

The fact is, home invasions are rare, and when they do happen, the intruder is most likely related to the victim in some way. Home invasions are oftend cited on offical police reports when a drug house or marijuana grow op is robbed.

Most criminals, dont want to bother with people or animals inside the home which is why most robberiers take place when no one is home. There is enough work invloved in picking a home to rob, finding out where the valubles are and how to get to them that killing 3- 5 people is really an extra step they dont need or want to take. And what if they finally get caught? Would you rather do 5-10 for robbery or 25-life for murdering a 65 year old lady who wouldnt drop the silverware?

But you Americans, first thing you go for is your gun, and your right to have it. This is the kind of mentality that allows semi and fully automatic weapons into peoples homes, for what they deem is "protection". Protection from what? The spanish army? Gun makers try to sell these guns as safety items, and you guys fall for it, thinking that if my gun is bigger than the gun of my yet-to-arrive-home-invading-rape-happy-robber you will be safe. Thats as dumb as you can get as far as Im concerned.

And another thing, why does everyone jump to the conclusion this was a home invasion or a robbery? There has been no official police report yet this is the conclusion everyone jumps to. it could be that Sean shot himself accidentially or maybe one of the residents of the home shot Sean by mistake or maybe not by mistake. The point is we dont know, but everyone likes hyping it as a home invasion, like its something we all need to be aware and afraid of.

Chances are, neither you or anyone you know personally will be involved in a home invasion, but most of you will go out and buy a gun to protect against that very threat. And for those who think home invasions are a very real threat, go ask everyone you know who keeps a gun in their house for protection to see if they have had to use it to defend themselves. The overwhelming majority will tell you "No I havent, but Im glad its there, just in case."

So you now have a group of people who are armed to protect against something that most likely wont happen. Seems kinda silly dont you think?

And yet the fact remains that home invasions are thwarted by homeowners with guns. But I guess that's just fear mongering. :doh:

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A decent security system would also thwart any home invasion :)

You think Sean didn't have one? Did you notice the little part about how the phone line had been cut and his GF had to call the police from her cell phone? Conveniently, the security system uses said phone line to alert the police that the alarm is going off. I'm betting on the reliability of a pump action shotgun over the potential smarts of a criminal and the response time of the authorities EVERY TIME.

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Pump action shotgun is definitely the best thing.

1. It's intimidating as hell. Ever hear one being ****ed? It gets the attention.

2. You can't miss.

3. Shot won't go thru wall and kill innocent neighbors

4. Incredibly Safe

The only drawback is that it doesn't fit in the bedside table or a small lockbox. Which is why I use a handgun.

But if you are just thinking about something for home defense, I would strongly recommend AGAINST a handgun, unless you have the time/resources to really get familiar with it.

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You think Sean didn't have one? Did you notice the little part about how the phone line had been cut and his GF had to call the police from her cell phone? Conveniently, the security system uses said phone line to alert the police that the alarm is going off. I'm betting on the reliability of a pump action shotgun over the potential smarts of a criminal and the response time of the authorities EVERY TIME.

Or a criminal that had an agenda, like I said if I knew my life was threatened and I was a targeted then yes I would do whatever I needed to protect my family.

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The fact is, home invasions are rare,

In America. You need to qualify your statement. Because home invasions are VERY common in countries with very tight gun control. What does a criminal have to fear? A frying pan?

So your post is pretty much worthless. :)

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Makes me think about installing heavier doors and locks INSIDE the house. The best plan seems to be a barrier between you and the intruder, a good alarm system, and a firearm with you in case the criminal makes it through your defenses. I don't think anyone would expect a heavy door inside and would fail to get through on their first attempt. That might make them leave all on it's own.

The problem I have with the gun leap here is the time. I'm asleep at that time. A gun isn't going to save me while sleeping. A loud bang when the criminals fails to note that my bedroom door is heavy oak... that helps me a lot.

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I was about to start a thread in the tailgate before the shooting on how Gun advocates use home invasions as fear mongering tactics for people to buy guns. It now appears that I dont have to as many of you now beleive a thief will come to your home, armed and ready to kill anyone and everyone inside before robbing you.

The fact is, home invasions are rare, and when they do happen, the intruder is most likely related to the victim in some way. Home invasions are oftend cited on offical police reports when a drug house or marijuana grow op is robbed.

Most criminals, dont want to bother with people or animals inside the home which is why most robberiers take place when no one is home. There is enough work invloved in picking a home to rob, finding out where the valubles are and how to get to them that killing 3- 5 people is really an extra step they dont need or want to take. And what if they finally get caught? Would you rather do 5-10 for robbery or 25-life for murdering a 65 year old lady who wouldnt drop the silverware?

But you Americans, first thing you go for is your gun, and your right to have it. This is the kind of mentality that allows semi and fully automatic weapons into peoples homes, for what they deem is "protection". Protection from what? The spanish army? Gun makers try to sell these guns as safety items, and you guys fall for it, thinking that if my gun is bigger than the gun of my yet-to-arrive-home-invading-rape-happy-robber you will be safe. Thats as dumb as you can get as far as Im concerned.

And another thing, why does everyone jump to the conclusion this was a home invasion or a robbery? There has been no official police report yet this is the conclusion everyone jumps to. it could be that Sean shot himself accidentially or maybe one of the residents of the home shot Sean by mistake or maybe not by mistake. The point is we dont know, but everyone likes hyping it as a home invasion, like its something we all need to be aware and afraid of.

Chances are, neither you or anyone you know personally will be involved in a home invasion, but most of you will go out and buy a gun to protect against that very threat. And for those who think home invasions are a very real threat, go ask everyone you know who keeps a gun in their house for protection to see if they have had to use it to defend themselves. The overwhelming majority will tell you "No I havent, but Im glad its there, just in case."

So you now have a group of people who are armed to protect against something that most likely wont happen. Seems kinda silly dont you think?

No, doesn't seem silly at all.

There is quite a bit more to it than that though. Let's say, for instance, your government declares martial law. Next thing you know you have every derelict in town smashing a grabbing people's valuables. I'm sure you and your family are going to feel really safe when your front door gets kicked in.

I'm sure you will be able to reason with them.

The fact that I could own a gun and never have to use it is hardly a bad thing. I'm not sure why you wouldn't want that layer of security?

It is not like a gun ban would keep the crazies from having them. Why would you want to tie both hands behind your back?

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I dunno about MD, but in VA, you don't need to be registered to own a gun. You have to give some paperwork to buy a new gun, but that's mostly for gun shops to cover their asses. Anyone can buy a used gun without any identification legally.

Really? Considering that it's against federal law to sell any firearms, subject to the Gun Control and Brady Act, to a person who doesn't possess a valid ID and requiring a NICS check. I'm sure ATF would be very interested in speaking with those FFL's.

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Pump action shotgun is definitely the best thing.

2. You can't miss.

This is wrong, but it's a very common misconception.

At the distances normally seen in home invasion shootings - 20 feet or less - the pellet spread of even an 18-inch barrelled shotgun will be no more than about 6 inches.

Did you notice the little part about how the phone line had been cut and his GF had to call the police from her cell phone? Conveniently, the security system uses said phone line to alert the police that the alarm is going off.

Better alarm systems use a cell phone connection as a backup. Assuming that Taylor's house even had an alarm, he can afford to spend a couple extra grand for a good one.

There are lots of measures that you can take to make it harder for someone to break into your house. But if you also feel you need a gun, I've got no problem with it. It sometimes takes the police forever to respond to alarm calls, and I can tell you from experience that - at least in some areas - they sometimes don't respond at all.

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Moving from McLean to Richmond has really made me want to purchase a gun. 18years in McLean and never one threat. Two weeks in Richmond and some thug threatened to kill me and even flashed his piece. Saddest thing about it was that it happened at a McDonalds drive through.

I might need some protection.

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