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Giants fan left bloodied


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I was, for the first time, totally embarassed to be a Skins fan yesterday. Not because of the game, but because some drunken idiot in Section 450 was offering to fight any Giants fans who came his way. I guess one of them got too close. The Giants fan was left bleeding from the head (hopefully the nose, not the skull) and nearly unconscious lying facedown on the ramp coming down from the upper level. A couple people were tending to him, but there wasn't a cop in sight.

Did anyone see this? Do you know if they caught this idiot?

I know some people say football is for adults.... blah blah blah. No... it's a family game. And this crap needs to stop. I live in the NYC suburbs and always give the Giants fans crap for being classless. Yesterday, some of us were no better. Go to rehab or something if you're gonna get THAT drunk.

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That is embarassing. That's sad that it's the first loss of the season and it's to a crappy team, but I mean come on! Your going to loss a game some time or another and people shouldnt get all pissed off when the Skins do lose. I was really pissed! (come on I was at a bar with a bunch of cowwhore fans) I do agree though that it is NOT a family sport anymore, but there is a line of maturity that people have crossed and need to be booted the **** out. More security is a good idea. :gaintsuck

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That is awful to hear, hopefully the guy who did it is behind bars today

While I don't like opposing fans in our stadium and would like them to feel uncomfortable, physical violence and verbal abuse is over the top

Right, it's only a game. We shouldn't be resorting to violence within the stadium and opposing fans.

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Redskins fans have a reputation of being among the most knowledgeable and classy fans. But, I think that rep is overrated. We have fans who want to do the wave when the offense is on the field in the fourth quarter and, yesterday, who yelled and screamed during the Redskins last drive instead of being quiet. On top of that, I've seen PLENTY of Redskins fans start fights with fans of other teams, get drunk and obnoxious, and, among the worst things I've ever seen at FedEx Field, throw beer and spit at children. This behavior needs to stop.

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Some people are idiots. It is a GAME, people seem to forget this. There is a lot more to life than was happens on Sunday. I just don't get how people are willing to fight over a team who you don't actually know, will never get to know, or have any effect over the game. Sure I love the Redskins, will scream at the top of my lungs and get mad when we play bad - but by the next day I move on with my life and realize it is a sport.

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See for every ying there's a yang. On my way down from the 400 level, I saw a fight between Skins and G-men broke out...and people from both sides came into stop and it dissolved very quickly and it ENDED IN A HUG AND A SKINS FAN GIVING THE DUDE"S HAT BACK! Not kidding here.

Look, in a system of 90,000 people, there will be good things, and bad things. Try to remember the good things

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See for every ying there's a yang. On my way down from the 400 level, I saw a fight between Skins and G-men broke out...and people from both sides came into stop and it dissolved very quickly and it ENDED IN A HUG AND A SKINS FAN GIVING THE DUDE"S HAT BACK! Not kidding here.

Sounds like a Miller Lite commercial.

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If this was going down the ramp at Gate "F" then I saw this too. I thought it was a Skins fan but he didn't have a jersey on but I thought I saw a Skins visor next to him. I didn't see what happened but he was down on the ramp bloodied and his G/F or wife was cleaning up his bloody face.

Not sure if he fell or was punched. Unsonny and myself stopped by and he seemed OK....so we moved on.

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If this was going down the ramp at Gate "F" then I saw this too. I thought it was a Skins fan but he didn't have a jersey on but I thought I saw a Skins visor next to him. I didn't see what happened but he was down on the ramp bloodied and his G/F or wife was cleaning up his bloody face.

Not sure if he fell or was punched. Unsonny and myself stopped by and he seemed OK....so we moved on.

Yeah, he definitely didn't have any obvious Giants gear on, which is why I assumed it was an accident. When I walked by he was getting up, and he seemed to be alright - it was pretty ugly though.
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I was, for the first time, totally embarassed to be a Skins fan yesterday. Not because of the game, but because some drunken idiot in Section 450 was offering to fight any Giants fans who came his way. I guess one of them got too close. The Giants fan was left bleeding from the head (hopefully the nose, not the skull) and nearly unconscious lying facedown on the ramp coming down from the upper level. A couple people were tending to him, but there wasn't a cop in sight.

Did anyone see this? Do you know if they caught this idiot?

I know some people say football is for adults.... blah blah blah. No... it's a family game. And this crap needs to stop. I live in the NYC suburbs and always give the Giants fans crap for being classless. Yesterday, some of us were no better. Go to rehab or something if you're gonna get THAT drunk.

I guess idiots don't all live in Philly.:rolleyes:

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Gee, you mean out of 90,000 people there are a few bad apples? Shocking! I'm sure that if we went around the league, we'd find that our stadium is the only one in which cursing, drunkenness, and fighting occurs. And BTW, I don't condone violence, but there were a few Giants' fans there REALLLLLYYYYY stirring the pot. I know that if I go and am rooting for the visiting team, I'd keep my mouth shut after the game instead of trying to instigate **** on the ramps. Perhaps the guy that got popped was one of those types, as opposed to the nice and friendly fans?

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Security at the stadium is a joke. I can live with the cursing and drunkeness, but fighting is too much. When I was walking down the ramp there was a Giants fan and a 'Skins fan yelling at eachother but the 'Skins fan's friends were holding him back. Then the Giants fan came down the ramp and was looking for the 'Skins fan. My cousin flagged down a cop and we told him what was going on. Some other fans walking by even pointed the Giants fan out while he was stalking the other guy. The cop called two of his buddies over and they stood in a circle while the Giants fan walked by. Frustrated, we continued walking down the ramp to see the Giants fan find the 'Skins fan and get a couple shots in being separated by other fans.

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Redskins fans have a reputation of being among the most knowledgeable and classy fans. But, I think that rep is overrated. We have fans who want to do the wave when the offense is on the field in the fourth quarter and, yesterday, who yelled and screamed during the Redskins last drive instead of being quiet. On top of that, I've seen PLENTY of Redskins fans start fights with fans of other teams, get drunk and obnoxious, and, among the worst things I've ever seen at FedEx Field, throw beer and spit at children. This behavior needs to stop.

I remember a time when I would go to the games with my father and grandfather and would enjoy the game. The adults would have a few beers or what have you and go in and enjoy the game. ( was there a little friendly smack talk? Hell yea)

I like to tailgate as much as the next person, but when our fanbase denegrates itself to abusive language towards opposing fans, or much worse their children, that has crossed the line.

In the past ten years I have watched this fan base turn into a bunch of worthless fair weather fans that feel that because they paid the price for admission, they have a right to act like classless A-holes. (This does not apply to everyone mind you, but this is happening entirely to frequently)

This is unacceptable. I don't take my young daughters to the games (maybe pre-season). I have taken my son (16) to many games and he has seen this behavior first hand. It is truly a sad state of affairs.

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