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Giants fan left bloodied


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Redskins fans have a reputation of being among the most knowledgeable and classy fans. But, I think that rep is overrated. We have fans who want to do the wave when the offense is on the field in the fourth quarter and, yesterday, who yelled and screamed during the Redskins last drive instead of being quiet. On top of that, I've seen PLENTY of Redskins fans start fights with fans of other teams, get drunk and obnoxious, and, among the worst things I've ever seen at FedEx Field, throw beer and spit at children. This behavior needs to stop.

You must've been sitting in, or close to, section 306. If not, we had the same thing happening, around about the same time of the game. Other people were saying 'we want to see the game...not start a wave.'

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violence is never good...... but in all honesty.... with that many people it's not gonna change anytime soon..... You just can't control people's emotions when they are so passionate about a game. sure alcohol PROBABLY played a roll but you and i both know Snyder wont stop selling it and it wont be banned from tailgates. Best thing you can do is try to resolve the problems peacefully....

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Redskins fans have a reputation of being among the most knowledgeable and classy fans. But, I think that rep is overrated. We have fans who want to do the wave when the offense is on the field in the fourth quarter and, yesterday, who yelled and screamed during the Redskins last drive instead of being quiet. On top of that, I've seen PLENTY of Redskins fans start fights with fans of other teams, get drunk and obnoxious, and, among the worst things I've ever seen at FedEx Field, throw beer and spit at children. This behavior needs to stop.

Word. I've been to enough games now to realize that although our behavior isn't as bad as some (Eagles), it's nothing to write home about.

The funniest though are when people make noise or do the wave when our offense is on the field. That right there throws out any possibility of them being considered knowledgeable. It's happened more than once, and with enough people, for me to realize it's not an aberration.

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One of my friends went to the game with a friend who's a Giants fan. The two of them are probably 17-18 years old, and the Giants fan was getting bullied and jeered by some stupid Skins fan who had to be 21 years old or so, when the kid wasn't even doing anything, just wearing a damn jersey! Their experience was so bad that even though my friend's a Redskins fan, she refuses to go to another Skins game this year because of that moron.

I swear our fanbase is getting dumber, losing class, and embarrassing the hell out of the rest of us ... :doh:

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soccer in england had these problems in the 70s & 80s until the authorities clamped down on it with total alcohol ban and fan seggregation. when i first went to fedex i was surprised that fans were not segregated and you could drink beer but everyone behaved in a good sporting manner lets hope this is the attitude that prevails

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One of my friends went to the game with a friend who's a Giants fan. The two of them are probably 17-18 years old, and the Giants fan was getting bullied and jeered by some stupid Skins fan who had to be 21 years old or so, when the kid wasn't even doing anything, just wearing a damn jersey! Their experience was so bad that even though my friend's a Redskins fan, she refuses to go to another Skins game this year because of that moron.

I swear our fanbase is getting dumber, losing class, and embarrassing the hell out of the rest of us ... :doh:

Short of violence, opposing fans deserve whatever they get. I've been one.

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Yeah people were nuts yesterday. Influence of alcohol anyone? Pretty pathetic. They really should kick people out of the stadium for crap like that. I mean, what the hell are the ushers standing at the exit of each section looking at when they are looking up the stands? Get the trashy people out of the damn stadium. I can handle the cursing and razzing of other fans as long as its all in a joking manner but when it gets violent and stuff embarassing. If there is one thing I hate more than anything else in the world it is stupid, trashy people. I cannot stand them...especially when drunk.

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that's really upsetting. i mean clearly no stadium is perfect, with 91,000+ people + alcohol you can't expect everyone to have common sense. but there is a line that should never be crossed. my two girl friends last year had a gun pulled on them by some guys in the parking lot after a game. a gun! thats the most ridiculous/scary thing i've heard. who even thinks to bring guns to football games? sick. the worst part is the guys ran away and disappeared before the cops could get them. what has football become? i've watched our stadiums go from a pretty safe, family oriented sport to a place where its actually necesary to start threads about fighting problems. sucks. that's not what football is supposed to be about. =(

and another thing, the whole wearing gear to other stadiums? i mean, i went to philly all decked out in skins stuff two years ago, we even had signs. the philly fans talked a lot of crap and said things i would never repeat but i just kinda feel that if you can't wear your teams jersey and represent...then way too many people have forgotten that football is a sport and is supposed to be fun. call me too trusting, but i wouldn't let anything stop me from wearin one of my skins jerseys to a game....

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Loud? Sure. Drunk? Why not. Passionate? Of course. But violent? No place for it in any stadium, much less FedEx.

Come on, Skins fans. We're getting closer to being like Philly fans every year. Let's remember who we are. Next time you see someone trying to pick a fight, get an usher. Watching someone get tossed from a game for being an ******* is a great lesson for everyone else in the area to keep yourself in check

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A gun?!?!?! They pat you down at stadiums.

Yeah but they were in the parking lot. I guess the guy had it in his car. Disgusting and pretty scary. I mean, maybe I'm just paranoid cause I go to VT, but a drunk, out of control fan with a gun ... don't even want to think about it.

edit: and it makes me sick to even think that some one would do that. This is football, America's sport, what the heck happened?!

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i'm headed to see Tech play Florida State whenever that game is .. i've been to Lane Stadium 4 or 5 times and yesterday was my first FedEx experience. the stuff i saw yesterday would never happen at Tech and i know we spend just as much time drinking before the games there as you can @ FedEx

Oh, I love Lane Stadium, next to Fedex it's my other second home. I'm just saying with everything that happened last year...it's really scary to think about out of control people with guns. And yeah, we know how to tailgate =)

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I was, for the first time, totally embarassed to be a Skins fan yesterday. Not because of the game, but because some drunken idiot in Section 450 was offering to fight any Giants fans who came his way. I guess one of them got too close. The Giants fan was left bleeding from the head (hopefully the nose, not the skull) and nearly unconscious lying facedown on the ramp coming down from the upper level. A couple people were tending to him, but there wasn't a cop in sight.

Did anyone see this? Do you know if they caught this idiot?

I know some people say football is for adults.... blah blah blah. No... it's a family game. And this crap needs to stop. I live in the NYC suburbs and always give the Giants fans crap for being classless. Yesterday, some of us were no better. Go to rehab or something if you're gonna get THAT drunk.

I saw the whole thing happen, I actually broke it up...and no they didn't catch the kids, which I counted five of them...I am in section 448 so I probably walked down just before you did...it was a disgrace to see us fight after a loss...we aren't the eagles fans guys, please grow up...

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Yeah but they were in the parking lot. I guess the guy had it in his car. Disgusting and pretty scary. I mean, maybe I'm just paranoid cause I go to VT, but a drunk, out of control fan with a gun ... don't even want to think about it.

edit: and it makes me sick to even think that some one would do that. This is football, America's sport, what the heck happened?!

I wasn't doubting you, I'm just shocked. That's really unbelievable. Wow. That is scary. What you're alluding to shouldn't happen anywhere, but unfortunately, as we have seen, it does.

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I saw that guy with the bloody face too. I'm pretty sure he tripped and fell and hit his face on the concrete. There wasn't a fight or anything; just an unfortunate accident.

wrong answer, I saw him get jumped by about 4-5 skins fans...bunch of punk white trash fans...so embarassing...

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i've been to Lane Stadium 4 or 5 times and yesterday was my first FedEx experience. the stuff i saw yesterday would never happen at Tech and i know we spend just as much time drinking before the games there as you can @ FedEx

Does Lane Stadium have more security than FedEx taking their difference in size into account?

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