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Giants fan left bloodied


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I've only been to 3 skins games, that includes yesterdays game. The 1st 2 games I attended were wins for the skins. This may sound like a dumb question, but are fist fights a common occurrence when the skins loose? I've seen some skins fans rough up some opponents fans when the skins have won.

dude it happens everygame....win or lose.

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how much are club seats? I would like to go again, but don't want to expose my kids to grownups who act like idiots

Every moron who gets busted for trying to start a fight or beats someone up should be forced to go to philly and watch a game by themselves in a redskins jersey

So we do 2 things

1) Ebay and ask around. Often I get club seats for anywhere between $50 and $150 a ticket. The $50 comes when I can wait until the day before the game. ebay always gets a rush of sellers that just can't go.

2) Redskins Credit Card - I know it sounds like a commerical, but I use that as my main Card. Every year I have enough points to redeem for 2 tickets for club or, like this year and last year, suite seats.

BTW - Worth it. Ask yourself what you would spend for your kids. Spend $60 a ticket and have a bad time because there are drunks around you and you are worried about your kids.

Or $150 a ticket and know that your kids are going to have a pleasent experince they will always remember.

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haha...that happens at least once ever game to an opposing fan at FedEx. Would I go to another stadium and wear Redskins stuff?...hell no. And what happened to that dumbass Giants fan is the reason why.

You are a idiot. It's not acceptable.

I've gone, with my 4 year old at the time, to Texas staduim wearing Redskins stuff. And never had a issue.

Are you saying that Cowboy fans are better then us?

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Sorry, but there is no defending these types of acts. I love those who use the "What do you expect with 90,000 people? There is going to be some bad apples" line. It doesn't make it right which some of you seem to think so. Of course if you were the one who just got their skull busted open you wouldn't have that same mentality.

The loudest and rowdiest tailgate I have been to in quite some time was in '05 against the Eagles. Yes there was some serious alcohol consumption going on and yes we gave the Eagles fans a good ribbing, but we did it in a manner to where we would surround the Eagles fans and boo them. Nobody was threatened or hurt and a good time was had by all. It's not that difficult really.

Troy Aikman said it best when he said the Redskins lost home field advantage when we left RFK. I know some will disagree, but that's the truth in many ways.

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The problem is that the alcohol and the fighting go hand in hand in some fans eyes. Why get so drunk that you have lost your mind and all moral fiber goes out the window?

The problem is some people know when to stop before crossing the line into violence, some do not. Those who do not should be removed and repeat violators should not be welcomed back.

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It sucks that some people resort to fighting over a football game. I think that the stadium should have cops watching the ramps closely after the game. Walking down the ramp leaves a long time for some of these dumb asses to do stupid **** like what happened to this guy. There is no excuse for this behavior. When I saw the guy standing up, I wondered I didn't see security there.

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You are a idiot. It's not acceptable.

I've gone, with my 4 year old at the time, to Texas staduim wearing Redskins stuff. And never had a issue.

Are you saying that Cowboy fans are better then us?

First of all, screw you for calling me an idiot.

now that thats out of the way...

hahaha...no one is going to fight someone with a child.

You are asking for trouble if you wear an opposing teams uniform to the home team's stadium. You can't deny that.

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Also, I heard from another ES guy (in a Penn State hat) that some Giants fan took a swing at a Skins fan and wound up getting tossed three or four rows down his section and getting a nasty cut under his eye. Didn't see it happen, maybe someone else can confirm this one.

That happened in 453 in the 4th quarter. Everybody was looking back past me, I turned around and saw a guy in a blue Shockey jersey tumbling down seat by seat. He had a cut under his right eye and was removed by three of PG's finest along with a Skins fan. Both were tanked.

I told my son, we came to a fight and a football game broke out.

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First of all, screw you for calling me an idiot.

now that thats out of the way...

hahaha...no one is going to fight someone with a child.

You are asking for trouble if you wear an opposing teams uniform to the home team's stadium. You can't deny that.

finally somebody is on the other side of this.

if you are in a hostile stadium and talking **** then you are pretty much asking for a fight.

im really shocked that you are the first person to acknowledge this..

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That happened in 453 in the 4th quarter. Everybody was looking back past me, I turned around and saw a guy in a blue Shockey jersey tumbling down seat by seat. He had a cut under his right eye and was removed by three of PG's finest along with a Skins fan. Both were tanked.

I told my son, we came to a fight and a football game broke out.

So thats what happened. I saw there was a big disturbance up there. I saw them taking the guys out.

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