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What do some of you not understand?


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I'm with Panthro. Why put up with this insane power trip? I thought the message board was about arguing ... even if someone doesn't stay consistent, or lies, or whatever, who cares?? As long as the person isn't being overly disrespectful they should be allowed to post. None of this random rule bs.

I question the integrity and self-respect of anyone who would remain loyal to a board that is run in this fashion.

peace out


the message board is also for people who are capable and willing to read explainations to situations. It has been explained a number of times that Madd or whatever his name is, wasn't banned. People here who are just set on being argumentive are refusing to even acknowledge the fact that Art has repeatedly stated that he has banned no one.

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even if someone doesn't stay consistent, or lies, or whatever, who cares?? As long as the person isn't being overly disrespectful they should be allowed to post. None of this random rule bs.

I question the integrity and self-respect of anyone who would remain loyal to a board that is run in this fashion.

peace out

So you talk of integrity and respect??

So you have a stance on a topic, you vehemently support it and then when someone disagrees with you you change the parameters of the original argument.

Explain how you have integrity and why anyone would respect your opinion if you keep shifting like the desert sands??

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I'm a little late in this thread but seriously, who the hell cares? As long as we pick the right player for us (which is a crapshot for any team), I couldn't care less who's involved with the decision making. If it's an ineffective process without any luck of changing, Gibbs can always leave but he hasn't so that should tell us something. Snyder can't leave (he can sell) because he's the owner and he can set any tone he wants, positive or negative.

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I'm with Panthro. Why put up with this insane power trip? I thought the message board was about arguing ... even if someone doesn't stay consistent, or lies, or whatever, who cares?? As long as the person isn't being overly disrespectful they should be allowed to post. None of this random rule bs.

I question the integrity and self-respect of anyone who would remain loyal to a board that is run in this fashion.

peace out

Personally, I couldn't care less about people being "disrespectful". I'm not going to cry if someone on a message board calls me a name.

I'd much rather have a board where people aren't constantly twisting the words of others and creating false arguments just to "win". That makes it virtually impossible to carry on real discussions and then the board becomes practically useless.

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Don't ask why MRMADD is banned.


I can see that it has become a heated argument .

and I have to agree with Rufus

I'd much rather have a board where people aren't constantly twisting the words of others and creating false arguments just to "win". That makes it virtually impossible to carry on real discussions and then the board becomes practically useless.
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I don't think Danny's saying he does a little more than sign the checks and enable his people to make decisions. I think that's some of you here. Snyder is involved very late in the process. After WEEKS of work, meetings and film where everyone puts their opinion down on a guy and we form an overall grade, you then go to the guy who's got to pay for any strategy we follow. We've always agreed that Snyder has involvement, very key involvement at that, but, doesn't make the decisions. Nothing's changed.
LOL Art we are so close, but yet so far!...I just see it that on the ES chat he claimed all he did was sign the checks.

Now i see it that he gives his input in debates liek BPA vs Need. or DL vs S, still with coach Joe making decisions.

I think it was obvious from his presser today that he does infact give input to gives and based on the briggs situation, he might try to find a player and bring it up to gibbs to see if he agrees.

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I can see that it has become a heated argument .

MRMADD isn't really banned and Art explained what happened, but people kept asking, so Art started banning people for asking. That's why I said that.

What happened with MRMADD had nothing to do with his argument, but that he broke an agreement he made with the mods after a previous ban.


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i just love the fact that art is on such a power trip and loves to threaten people. i love the fact that he has ignored my original post about him violating rule #5 himself. i love the hypocrisy in art and his lack of willingness to apologize to anyone for his rule violation.

It's pretty pathetic isn't it? I read the first 5 pages and saw where this was heading and just shook my head in disbelief.

So many loyalist to a total jerkoff. I've been reading this board for years and one day decided to join. Since then, the leadership here has gone to the crapper and many of the top admins/mods have turned into complete *******s.

Everytime I come here and read a thread like this is pisses me off. This place use to be great. Now there's just a bunch of jerks running the show.

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"I think" and "just comes across" are perfect examples of making assumptions.

If being involved with the team you own makes you a meddler, then the NFL probably has about 30 to 32 meddlers.

Um, didn't I say I have no proof?

JKC was an example of an owner that came across as being involved with the team but not meddling in the team. He knew his limits. He didn't go on scouting trips and he wasn't in the war room on draft day. He let those who knew what they were doing earn their keep.

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I don't think Danny's saying he does a little more than sign the checks and enable his people to make decisions. I think that's some of you here. Snyder is involved very late in the process. After WEEKS of work, meetings and film where everyone puts their opinion down on a guy and we form an overall grade, you then go to the guy who's got to pay for any strategy we follow. We've always agreed that Snyder has involvement, very key involvement at that, but, doesn't make the decisions. Nothing's changed.

Really? There's consensus that Dan Snyder was an initial catalyst in the Lance Briggs discussions (which I have no problem with). How does that square with the concept that personnel decisions are thoroughly sifted by personnel evaluators before Dan is brought into any discussion of a potential transaction?

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Don't ask why MRMADD is banned. ;)


And for gawd's sake don't talk about the fullback we're going to take in the 1st round. ;)

This place use to be great. Now there's just a bunch of jerks running the show.

You do realize that it's pretty much the same "bunch of jerks" that started the show, don't you?

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It's pretty pathetic isn't it? I read the first 5 pages and saw where this was heading and just shook my head in disbelief.

So many loyalist to a total jerkoff. I've been reading this board for years and one day decided to join. Since then, the leadership here has gone to the crapper and many of the top admins/mods have turned into complete *******s.

Everytime I come here and read a thread like this is pisses me off. This place use to be great. Now there's just a bunch of jerks running the show.

Which is why the likes of Tarhog, Blade and Diehard are missed. Those guys treated people with respect for the most part and were well respected in return.

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It's pretty pathetic isn't it? I read the first 5 pages and saw where this was heading and just shook my head in disbelief.

So many loyalist to a total jerkoff. I've been reading this board for years and one day decided to join. Since then, the leadership here has gone to the crapper and many of the top admins/mods have turned into complete *******s.

Everytime I come here and read a thread like this is pisses me off. This place use to be great. Now there's just a bunch of jerks running the show.

Just for the record, I've been an ******* since before you joined. But lucky you, this jerk running the show can relieve you of coming here & getting pissed off.

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Really? There's consensus that Dan Snyder was an initial catalyst in the Lance Briggs discussions (which I have no problem with). How does that square with the concept that personnel decisions are thoroughly sifted by personnel evaluators before Dan is brought into any discussion of a potential transaction?
:applause: :applause:

It required Gibbs to make the official offer, but Danny seemed to be the one intially interested.

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Tarhog took a break. He's been back for some time now.

Blade has moved & been making Mini-Blades. Be on the lookout for a new user by the name of SwitchBlade. :D

And T, well he's the original @#%#$%^#%^*@. :)

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