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Have you ever been jumped?


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I didn't start this fight. I guerentee you that. He got all intense and I got in my stance and he dove at my chest. I then just put him in a headlock. I didn't even want to fight him. Otherwise my adrenaline would have burst through my body. I was scared I'd get in trouble or really put the guy in danger.

Oh yes you did! By getting out of the vehicle and confronting them, you became the aggressor. As you said in your first post, all they were doing was laughing at your girlfriends attempt to park her car. I laugh at female drivers all the time, but I have never been fronted by a hero boyfriend trying to make a point.

In fact, your whole post appears to be a 'look at me, see how tough I am' situation.

I had the best headlock I've ever had in my 7 or 8 fights. It started to choke him and I was very comfortable.

****iness was your downfall. Gloating at how you were feeling about having someone in a headlock and not paying attention to your surroundings, and where his mate was.

With all this supposed training, and with punching being your strength, one decent blow to each would have rendered them non-compus, and give support to claim self defense for a 2-on-1 situation.

I'm definitley emotionally scarred from losing my first fight,

Oh puleeze! Has the precious one got hurt feelings for losing a fight that he started? Did your girlfriend give snookums sympathy because you felt it was your duty to make a mountain out of a mole hill? I was always told not to start anything I couldn't finish, and a street fight is something I've never had to finish.

And to think all this started over a female trying to park a car. I bet there were lines marked on the roadway as well.

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Oh yes you did! By getting out of the vehicle and confronting them, you became the aggressor. As you said in your first post, all they were doing was laughing at your girlfriends attempt to park her car. I laugh at female drivers all the time, but I have never been fronted by a hero boyfriend trying to make a point.

In fact, your whole post appears to be a 'look at me, see how tough I am' situation.

****iness was your downfall. Gloating at how you were feeling about having someone in a headlock and not paying attention to your surroundings, and where his mate was.

With all this supposed training, and with punching being your strength, one decent blow to each would have rendered them non-compus, and give support to claim self defense for a 2-on-1 situation.

Oh puleeze! Has the precious one got hurt feelings for losing a fight that he started? Did your girlfriend give snookums sympathy because you felt it was your duty to make a mountain out of a mole hill? I was always told not to start anything I couldn't finish, and a street fight is something I've never had to finish.

And to think all this started over a female trying to park a car. I bet there were lines marked on the roadway as well.

Why am I not allowed to get out a car? Why am I not allowed to look at people that seem to really want to look at me? I didn't even say the first word. I didn't even make the first move. I guess I made a mistake by not running away, but I've definitley learned that already. I didn't even say one thing to them besides asking why I'm not allowed to look at them back. I'm so glad I got that "point" across.

I have earned the right to gloat. The skins win a game and you can gloat to people at work. I was good at kickboxing. I didn't win this fight, either. Hey, I got cut on the mustasche, HAHA, look at me. I'm the man! I got hit everybody, I am gloating. Let a man preach some accomplishments when he experiences a down time. It isn't like saying, "oh man, I am so fast with my fists." I am proud that I am good, not great, not insane, just good. I believe that's humble for only being said once in a blue moon. You'll be hard pressed to catch me saying that stuff again. You have a good run, it comes to an end, I reminissed. I'm sorry, I must have remenissed with the wrong person.

There was no time to be "****y" about having him in a headlock, I was paying attention to his footwork and keeping him off balance for about 2 seconds before I got pulled down by his friend. I have never been one to smirk to myself or anybody else when I have them in a vunerable position. I'm just saying that I felt good about the position we were in.

The fight didn't start out 2 on 1. The defense claim wouldn't have been 2 on 1 until the point where the other one yanked me down by my sweatshirt. At that point, I tried to roll out but the guy I had in the headlock just wrapped his forearm around my neck. I'm not the Terminator, I can't just grab his wrist and crack it. From that point on, I was focused on getting out of the lock.

I only said I was emotionally scarred because the "what ifs" are running through my head. What is something you've grown up doing? Imagine somebody was daring you to do it. Imagine they put it in front of you. You'd want to do your best, right? Well, imagine you were doing a nice job, and all of a sudden the guy's friend destroys it, and all of a sudden your face magically swelled up. First time you didn't do it correctly and your face is damaged. The guys run away and you are left there to think. "Emotionally scarred" is too heavy of a term, I'll admit, but it is definitley a first time experience for me. And losing is never fun; and trust me, especially in a fight.

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I was jumped once walking home with a pizza, apparently the guy was pretty hungry, I was lucky it was one of em and he ran off when I fought back, I knew a guy years ago though who was jumped, beaten badly by a group of guys, had his stuff stolen, etc. It was bad.

Oh I forgot I was semi-jumped by one of the many hobos in Flagstaff, I think he had the idea to do it and was making a lot of noise but man he was drunk as hell it was kinda sad.

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I dont agree with that at all. A street fighter fights with rage and anger using all his aggresssion. A well trained fighter will use specific blows that take little to no effort and can end the fight quickly. Trust me on this one. Street fighters will beat your average karate kid but not someone trained to fight

A good fighter keeps his cool, trained or not. I've been in plenty of fights and the first thing I learned is to keep my cool.

How did I call it out? And since when has anybody ever been trained for somebody flying in from the backside? I don't care who you are, that can be sort of a determining factor.

You called it out by even by saying something to them. They were laughing because the best you had was "I'm aloud to look at you if you're looking at me". Dude I would have laughed at you for saying that. The best thing you could have done was either say nothing or laugh with them , point at the car and shake your head.

Because their friend might be able to hold his own. If they want to get involved, either rip someone off after its happend or engage the fight instead of hiding behind your car. I was never trained for a sneak attack during a fight. This could happen to anybody. I don't see how if you are TRAINED you are automatically able to win a fight against 2 people.

A streetfighter would have just went for a knockout on the first one and asked the second one iof he wanted some. I'm not trying to demean you but you can tell you have no streetfighting experience. If there is more than one guy around expect the fight to get ugly quick.

You are right. I have training though. Just because I lose to a sneak attack doesn't mean it was because of not having my tools sharpened. I lost focus, and momentarily forgot about the other guy. After all, he was about 90 feet away, in his car for all I knew. My mistake, but I guess they aren't idiots at all!

He did jump in when I had his friend's head locked. If I knew he was coming, I may have been able to take them both (considering I'd be hyped to throw big punches). This was bad judgment, and the most confusing fight I've been in.

Doesn't really sound confusing to me. The guys buddy was getting choked out and he jumped in..... That's to be expected.. Remember street fighting is not sanctioned fighting. Anything can and will happen. So.. fight like there is no tomorrow, because there might not be...... If possible the best thing is to just walk away...

In answer to your question..... Yes I was jumped when I was a kid in jr high walking home after a football game. About 6 other kids from the cowboys of all teams wanted to fight me. Being a true redskin lol (that was our neighberhoods team) I stood my ground and used my helmet as a weapon. After about two swings it was over and they were running.

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Yes, I've been jumped, several times.

The most memorable one was back when I was 18-19 yrs old. They had threatened to "Jump" me numerous times. I was able to avoid them for almost a year. They tried setting me up one night at a party, with my own brother's help, but once again I was able to avoid the situation.

Then one night I was out partying, trying to drink the memory of my girlfriend of the past 2 and half years off my mind. We had finally realized that the only place we ever got along all the time was in bed, and that just wasn't enough to move forward. In the six or so months since the breakup, we had only seen each other a couple of times to, well, scratch our itch, but that night I was feeling particularly sorry for myself, and very vulnerable.

When the first one walked into the bar, I was a little surprised to see one without the other. I knew immediately that tonight I was gonna take the bull by the horns, and resolve this matter once and for all. Then the other one walked in. Side by side, they approached me with that, "Your ass belongs to us" look in their eyes. I turned and sat straight up on the barstool facing them. "This is it", I thought to myself.

The first one threw her arm around my neck and instantly went tongue in my ear. The other slid between my legs, grabbed a hold of my crotch and said, "I understand you're not seeing _______ anymore."

Well, being a gentleman, the story will have to end there, but that weekend, and the many that followed, had just begun. :D

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IR gotted jmpd by like 8 guys. I said "Hey I can look too" They said "naw" Then dude came up on me and I was like "Stop" and they said "naw". So since I big bd ass like the OP I killed them all.. They said "Sotp killin us d00d".. I said "Naw" then two show every1 how badass Iwuz I came to here and posted bout it, cuz irl Ir just got pwnt but will tell every I know teh kungfu so they think ir real mans.

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Before I became saved as a Christian, I used to get into many scrapes.

Once in Ocean City MD I got into a fight with a guy next to my hotel room. One of our lady friends had stolen all of our beer (a case at least) and gone next door to hang with some guys she met. My friend and I went next door to retrieve the beer. We knocked, he answered (baggy-pants and no-shirt), argued, he hit my friend and knocked him out. I hit the guy in the solar-plexus with a double-openhanded shove and sent him back into the room. I followed him in and threw him on the counter, dragging him across broken glasses. Then his friends started pouring out of the back, about eight of them. I took one guy and popped him in the chin, grabbed another by the hair and put his head into the wall. That's when a coor-light bottle got me across the back of the head. Wow that hurt! It dropped me to my knees, but didn't knock me out and the door to the room slammed shut. Looking back I remember thinking, "I'm gonna get beat down now." Then another friend of mine kicked the door in and rushed the guys. One hit him in the eyebrow with a bottle. He just glared at him and got more angry. The guy tried to run and he punched him the back of the head. After my friend finished clobbering a few others, I managed to get to my feet and hauled my first friend to our room where one of our girlfriends picked the glass out of the back of my head.

We saw the guys the next day, and were told they had to take several of them to the hospital. I'm not proud of it, and I thank God that I survived. That's only a glimpse of the stuff I used to get into. :(

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I got jumped once. Sucker-punched is more like it.

I was 17 and helping a friend tear down some drywall where he lived in Sterling Park back in '90 or so. Stopped at Taco Hell on my way home for some cheap grub and a guy inside knew me and waved.

He walked out with 10-11 other guys and started talking to me while I'm sitting in my car waiting in-line at the drive-through when one of the dudes sucker punches me right on my cheek bone. Probably hurt him more than it hurt me, considering where it hit me. I was 17 and stupid. Still had tools with me, got out of the car and went psycho on him with a hammer. Actually called the cops when I got home to tell them what happened. Even though he got his, I was still considering pressing charges.

The next day, the guy I knew came up to me and told me not to press charges, I better watch out, bla, bla, bla. Nothing ever happened, of course. Turned out they were supposed to fight some guy there who never showed, so the guy tried starting something with the first person he saw. The Police said it wasn't worth it to press charges, anyway, considering nothing would most-likely happen to the guy.

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I was 17 and stupid. Still had tools with me, got out of the car and went psycho on him with a hammer.

Not to get too personal here, but how many times did you hit homeboy with the hammer? I would have done the same thing in the situation.

I've never been jumped but came pretty close to being mugged when I lived in a bad part of Richmond. I got out of my car with my waiter uniform still on. A couple thugs from the gas station next door spotted me and immediately starting walking my way. One went around the back of the building and the other was right behind me. As soon as I got to the corner of my building I ran like a little wuss to my door and pushed in the code as fast as possible. I'm 6'3" 220lbs but I wasn't even trying to get into anything. I just worked a 15 hour day and had over $300 bones in my pocket.

Gotta pay the bills :cool:

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It was just a couple times. Once (I think once) upside the side of the head (not very hard... even though I was pissed, I still pulled that one a little) and two or three (maybe four) times randomly on the upper body, arms, back, etcetera. It wasn't a well thought-out reaction, considering I was actually kind of scared and it was completely instinctive... :laugh:

I didn't even think anyone else would take advantage of me being alone, which was foolish of me. No one did anything, though, other than pull me off. I was lucky in a sense.

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Not only could you have walked away, you could have driven away. The results could have been far worse so you are lucky.

Exactly. In this day and age you can be 6'4 and 220 as I am and have some punk who is 5'4 140 come up to you and run his mouth and you can beat his ass all you want, but in the end he will win with a bullet to your head. It's today's society.

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I think people are missing something extremely important here... The property mentality of self-defense.

Whether it's martial arts, knife fighting, OC spray, blunt weapons, a firearm, or a combination of those things that a person uses for self-defense, the biggest tool an individual should be using to keep themselves safe is their mind.

Avoiding a confrontation is always the easiest way to "win" a confrontation. Whether it's by avoiding areas and situations where you might run into a problem, or defusing the situation non-violently before it escalates into a fight. Physical controntation should always be the LAST resort in these type of situations.

Assuming that the physical confrontation is unavoidable, one must learn the mentality of "Winning". That is the mentality that you will keep fighting until the last ounce of strength is gone from your body. The mentality that you will win the fight, no matter what it takes. No matter what nasty, dirty, underhanded trick it takes to come out on top. If you're fighting fair, you're losing. If you're not expecting anything to happen at any time, you're losing.

Always remember this... The police generally consider whichever party calls them FIRST to be the offended party until proven otherwise. Be the First person to call the police as soon as the altercation has ended.

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when i was in the 7th grade i was walking home from school and a group of about 10-12 guys (some were knuckle heads at my school and some were high schoolers) were attempting to jump some other kid. the other guy ran home and the main harassers turned and saw me. one of them got in my face and said, "i heard you wanted to fight me?". I said no and took a step. The guy swung at me but i dodged and he missed. Next thing I know multiple guys were on grabbing and punching. I wasn't taking any real damage but I decided to fall to the ground hoping they would leave me alone. As I fell this old lady came outside and tried to break it up. Then mob then decided to turn on her. I thought they may beat her up, so I punched one in the back of the head (hurt like a mutha) and hauled ass. They gave chase but I was able to make it to a major road. They stopped chasing and I walked the rest of the way home. I was cool until I walked into the door. My mom was happy to see me and seeing the big smile on her face made me cry like a baby. She eventually called the police and the school but they couldn't/wouldn't do anything about it. Eventually some of the boys were found with a gun and were expelled. I often wonder if they had the gun with them that day. :(

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It was just a couple times. Once (I think once) upside the side of the head (not very hard... even though I was pissed, I still pulled that one a little) and two or three (maybe four) times randomly on the upper body, arms, back, etcetera. It wasn't a well thought-out reaction, considering I was actually kind of scared and it was completely instinctive... :laugh:

I didn't even think anyone else would take advantage of me being alone, which was foolish of me. No one did anything, though, other than pull me off. I was lucky in a sense.

They pulled you off cause they knew you would have smashed the dudes face in. Glad you made it out ok, must have been some crappy nightmares for a while after that. It would have sent chills down my spine thinking about what could have happened.

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They pulled you off cause they knew you would have smashed the dudes face in. Glad you made it out ok, must have been some crappy nightmares for a while after that. It would have sent chills down my spine thinking about what could have happened.

Dude, you don't even know... :laugh:

I actually felt quite manic when I got home that night. The Police had to calm me down a few times during the conversation I had with them at my house. One time I had actually burst into tears thinking of how I reacted and what could have happened. It gave me some bizarre feelings for a few weeks after that. It's like a side of yourself you have never seen before and suddenly you begin to wonder if you even know who you are.

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Kudos to the guy above (in the blue pants) for keeping his drink intact. :applause: :applause:

:laugh: :laugh: Nice catch btfoom! The guy barely spilled a drop! And from his position in the two pictures, he either fell twice or he rolled a hell of a long way. :applause:

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If someone gets aggressive with me I usually make a hissing noise and hop around in a bunny motion. Freaks them out. If the dude doesn't scare easy I will practically urinate in my underwear and run after him/them...trust me, they ALWAYS run. :silly: Women are so fun to fight...you can just pull their hair out...souvenir for when you get home. To answer your question, I've never been jumped on...but I have jumped on an aggressors back before and made a strange wooing noise whilst riding him...until he apologised and I dismounted.

For more fighting tips PM me. :applause:

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