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Have you ever been jumped?


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A number of people have already commented on the one word I think is most important in these types of situations... TRAINING. Whether it's with physical force, knife, OC spray, or a firearm... if you're going to plan on trying to defend yourself, you need to have training. Training and practice often make the difference between success and failure in that moment we all hope to avoid. Part of that training is physical and part of it is mental. It also has to be constant. Too many people believe that once they've learned a technique that they don't ever have to practice. Many of them learn that mistake the hard way.

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A number of people have already commented on the one word I think is most important in these types of situations... TRAINING. Whether it's with physical force, knife, OC spray, or a firearm... if you're going to plan on trying to defend yourself, you need to have training. Training and practice often make the difference between success and failure in that moment we all hope to avoid. Part of that training is physical and part of it is mental. It also has to be constant. Too many people believe that once they've learned a technique that they don't ever have to practice. Many of them learn that mistake the hard way.

I am with you..I used to practice it for 7 years but I havent in about 3 so I still know what to do but not like I used to. You need to keep you skills sharp and reaction time crisp or all the techniques are useless.

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walking away is my first and favorite option

Yep, avoiding or diffusing the situation is the best option.

If that fails strike hard to disable and avoid grappling, it ain't wrestling ;)

I've been jumped,and even beat down...but no one ever came back for seconds

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because you saw before that he had friends. Why wouldnt they get involved

Because their friend might be able to hold his own. If they want to get involved, either rip someone off after its happend or engage the fight instead of hiding behind your car. I was never trained for a sneak attack during a fight. This could happen to anybody. I don't see how if you are TRAINED you are automatically able to win a fight against 2 people.

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Because their friend might be able to hold his own. If they want to get involved, either rip someone off after its happend or engage the fight instead of hiding behind your car. I was never trained for a sneak attack during a fight. This could happen to anybody. I don't see how if you are TRAINED you are automatically able to win a fight against 2 people.

There are two things I would say

If you see that he has friends dont engage him at all because the friends will jump in when your back is turned.

2nd if you have to defend yourself and you are outnumbered strike with incapacitating force such as a blow to the throat or knee cap.

I am not saying you did anything wrong just that if he has friends in the area they are going to help. There is no such thing as a fair fight

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I am with you..I used to practice it for 7 years but I havent in about 3 so I still know what to do but not like I used to. You need to keep you skills sharp and reaction time crisp or all the techniques are useless.

I kickbox all the time on my heavy bag. I do 12 rounds of shadow boxing a lift weights for 2 hours 6 days a week. I am sharp with my striking, I just felt reluctant to damage the poor dudes face. But lesson learned.

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I kickbox all the time on my heavy bag. I do 12 rounds of shadow boxing a lift weights for 2 hours 6 days a week. I am sharp with my striking, I just felt reluctant to damage the poor dudes face. But lesson learned.

You were probably right in not doing so but if you take one shocking blow the friend is not coming over to help

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I kickbox all the time on my heavy bag. I do 12 rounds of shadow boxing a lift weights for 2 hours 6 days a week. I am sharp with my striking, I just felt reluctant to damage the poor dudes face. But lesson learned.

If you're going to get into the fight, you have to act like it's them-or-you and life-or-death. You have to understand that you're going to get hurt and that you might get badly hurt. Especially if there are weapons involved.

As a former Secret Service agent I know says in his rules of a gunfight...

1. Expect to get shot.

2. When you do get shot, don't expect to die. keep fighting.

3. If you are going to die, take the mother****er with you.

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Street fights and in ring fights are two different things if you ask me.

I dont think you should have provoked them by answering, sounds like you were trying to impress your girlfriend but instead you just put your and her safety at risk. I won't say it was a bad decision but a bad reaction.

I was jumped last year at school, some moron was trying to impress a girl and decided to pick on the quiet kid. He failed.

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Because their friend might be able to hold his own. If they want to get involved, either rip someone off after its happend or engage the fight instead of hiding behind your car. I was never trained for a sneak attack during a fight. This could happen to anybody. I don't see how if you are TRAINED you are automatically able to win a fight against 2 people.

No one seems to have mentioned that you need training and (keywords comin' up...) COMMON SENSE. Come on, dude... the friends aren't going to step in UNTIL their buddy looks like he's getting beat. If you aren't trained to neutralize more than one person at a time do NOT get in a fight with more than one person or even one person with a friend or two to back him up.

This whole ordeal was essentially idiocy on your part.

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No one seems to have mentioned that you need training and (keywords comin' up...) COMMON SENSE. Come on, dude... the friends aren't going to step in UNTIL their buddy looks like he's getting beat. If you aren't trained to neutralize more than one person at a time do NOT get in a fight with more than one person or even one person with a friend or two to back him up.[/Quote]

You are right. I have training though. Just because I lose to a sneak attack doesn't mean it was because of not having my tools sharpened. I lost focus, and momentarily forgot about the other guy. After all, he was about 90 feet away, in his car for all I knew. My mistake, but I guess they aren't idiots at all!

He did jump in when I had his friend's head locked. If I knew he was coming, I may have been able to take them both (considering I'd be hyped to throw big punches). This was bad judgment, and the most confusing fight I've been in.

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My mistake, but I guess they aren't idiots at all!

Of course, they're idiots. The fact that you were an idiot for starting the fight is a bit less obvious.

If I knew he was coming, I may have been able to take them both (considering I'd be hyped to throw big punches). This was bad judgment, and the most confusing fight I've been in.

But he was smart enough to attack when you were distracted. He had a bit of common sense there, didn't he? If that was by any means a confusing fight, you may need to train your mental skills a bit more.

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Of course, they're idiots. The fact that you were an idiot for starting the fight is a bit less obvious.

But he was smart enough to attack when you were distracted. He had a bit of common sense there, didn't he? If that was by any means a confusing fight, you may need to train your mental skills a bit more.

I didn't start this fight. I guerentee you that. He got all intense and I got in my stance and he dove at my chest. I then just put him in a headlock. I didn't even want to fight him. Otherwise my adrenaline would have burst through my body. I was scared I'd get in trouble or really put the guy in danger.

Mental skills are defined as tactics, instinct. Maybe my instinct wasn't on par for a sneek attack, sorry. I never anticipated a 2 on 1 to occur with the 2nd guy coming in late. I trained for official fights. And I was good, I took pride in learning as much as I could soak up. My ring mentality is good, my 2 on 1 mentality must get better. Noted...

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There was a group that tried to jump me outside of a 7-11 back when I was in college.

It was around 4 in the morning and as I was walking up to the entrance, two of them walked by me and plowed into me with their shoulders.... praying that I'd react or at least look at them or say something. I didn't even blink, I just kept walking... didn't even look their way. I think that pissed them off more than anything. :laugh:

I hung out in the 7-11 a little longer and by the time I came out they were gone.

After all... I'm not stupid... there were at least 10 of them and only one of me.

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There was a group that tried to jump me outside of a 7-11 back when I was in college.

It was around 4 in the morning and as I was walking up to the entrance, two of them walked by me and plowed into me with their shoulders.... praying that I'd react or at least look at them or say something. I didn't even blink, I just kept walking... didn't even look their way. I think that pissed them off more than anything. :laugh:

I hung out in the 7-11 a little longer and by the time I came out they were gone.

After all... I'm not stupid... there were at least 10 of them and only one of me.

thats why you bring a couple of freinds with you when you go places. Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson.

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One nite about 9pm I got jumped by 6 or 7 dudes.

I saw them circle me, and I knew it was to late. They were all dressed in dark clothing, I have horrible nite vision. So I didn't even see them. Not to mention I was in no way ever expecting something like this to happen. I can not remember if I even got one punch in. Right before the first hit the dude infront of me said... "you didn't see us did you? and BAM! One guy came around, and punched me with brass knuckles, and it was lights out. I remember being on the ground in a dream like state as they kicked me. I ended up with a couple stiches in my lip(luckly the scar healed pretty good), two black eyes, and a ton of brusies.

All for the 10 bucks in my pocket.

I was found ko'd in the grass by some people walking by. They brought me to my feet, and I was like; "where am I?" I wiped my mouth off, and there was a good amount of blood, and dirt in my mouth.

It changed me in certain ways. It will not happen again. Period!

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