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I actually give Rashad a better chance of beating Anderson than Bones

against Anderson, theres the chance he could lay on Anderson for 5 rounds

against Bones, he doesn't have that option

can't wait to add that fight to the collection, a masterful performance from Jones

Edited by StillUnknown
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So who does Greg Jackson corner in the fight?

I was wondering the same thing, he may sit this one out. I mean he either has to back the guy that's been with his camp longer or the guy who is going to win the fight and dominate the division for years most likely.

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I think the knee to the rib while Shogun was getting up broke something, which the final body punch destroyed and Shogun went down. Jones already smashed the right side of his face... I didn't think he would get dominated like that.

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Anyone else notice Jones attempted 3 or 4 Steven Segal front kicks? The first one was seriously close to landing on the tip of the chin. He adopted that thing and let 'er go. How many spinning elbows? A couple? His ground and pound is so quick that he doinks his opponent with something very painful every time he gets his arms free.

There's an aura that Jones has when he starts setting up ground and pound. I feel sorry for what is ABOUT to happen to his opponent, before Jones even throws a strike. If it gets down there, you might want to cut a huge fart or something, because Shogun is known to be a wizard off his back, and Jones just suffocated and beat the crap out of him down there.

And on the feet? I mean, Shogun showed next to nothing. His confidence and endurance were ripped from him before the first round was even up. Just an overwhelmingly one-sided fight. Just amazing.

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Taking nothing away from Bones Jones, that was an amazing performance, one for the books, at 23 to dominate a title fight like that, however is it me or did Shogun not look right from the very beginning? Shogun routinely stood there at Jones's range, and even settled for fighting backwards, which is not his style at all. He is not a counter-puncher like Machida, he is best when moving forward, pressing the action and a ferocious pace. Dude looked sluggish even before he took any damage. By the end of round he quite frankly already had a "well I'm losing tonight, but let me try to make it look respectable" look on his face.

Like others have said, Bones was so good tonight, that I don't even know if it would have made a difference anyway, but Shogun definitely looked off, either that or his trainer's gameplan going into the fight was not very good.

Nice to see Faber putting a couple of wins together, and bringing back his wrestling. I appreciate Faber's wrestling because he doesn't just settle for taking his opponent down, he makes a good effort to land punches and create damage while on top.

Cro-Cop. Retire. Please. Dana said post-fight, he is done in UFC. I hope that sends a big enough message.

Overall, pretty good night of fights. Buffalo Wild Wings was more packed than usual, but that was because of March Madness which I totally forgot to take into account. Luckily enough space opened up that we got seats inside, cause it was raining and windy as a mutha****a, and it would have been a ***** having to watch the card outside.

How was everyone night?

My interest in a Silva vs. GSP fight kind of has hit an all-time low, and I am officially on the Silva vs. Bones Jones match bandwagon. Seems they are the only guys that can really neutralize each other's reach advantage. I give Silva the edge in striking, but Jones's wrestling could definitely present a problem for Silva, especially since he is stronger. I think in the clinch he could muscle Silva down. With that said, Silva has shown that he can submit someone who is physically dominating him on the ground.

@lorenzofertitta Lorenzo Fertitta

Bones vs. Silva? Who wants it?

2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

*Slightly heard beyond the horizon....the drums of war slowly beginning to beat*

Also, given his appearances the last week on MMA Live, and admitting he is in Dana's doghouse, and his post-fight confrontation tonight, is it me or does Rashad look like he is rather uncomfortable in his current position. Not in a "OMG I am afraid to fight Bones" way, but more of the situation itself and how it seemed to change overnight from both guys agreeing to never fight each other, to all of the sudden Bones doing a 180 on that, and then Rashad was kind of forced to say "okay, fine" in order to not look like he was ducking anyone.

I wonder if there was pressure put on Bones at all behind the scenes to soften his stance on not fighting training partners. We all know Dana was none to pleased back when Machida was champ and he seemingly was eyeing a Machida vs. Silva possible match, and the two said they would never fight each other. I wonder if Dana or some other people made an effort to get to Bones early, before he had solidly made up his mind, and sway him. It is just weird how Bones did a 180. You can see it in Rashad's body language, he doesn't seem to feel "right" about it.

Edited by NoCalMike
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The Jon "Bones" Jones era has begun. He made a living legend look like an amateur last night. Absolutely sick how dangerous Jones is. Rua brought an awful game plan. I saw him use exactly one leg kick. Just dreadful. It would not have mattered what he did though. Jones is simply a machine.

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Interesting that Bones takes over the title and now we have a group of Strikeforce talent coming in eventually. Hendo, Mousasi, Lawal, Cavalcante are all LHWs. Bones-Mousasi is interesting. Is Fedor dropping to 205? Would Silva move up again? So many questions.

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