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This is either going to be the start of something really great or just another major letdown. I was really pumped to watch Raw this week and I'm cautiously anticipating the rest of the week and Raw next week. They could really make this a great angle or they could drop the ball big time. Unfortunately, the latter seems to happen more often than not. We'll have to wait and see...

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rofl if Cena and Lashley fight...who will overcome the odds? WWE seriously needs to get a more serious tag division up and going. They also need to stop pushing wrestlers who are boring in the ring and give more time to the creative guys. Johnny Nitro is one of my favorite wrestlers in the WWE at the moment and he hasn't gotten a good push at all. Pretty lame if you ask me. The guy is awesome. I wish RVD didn't leave because him and Benoit could have some incredible matches on ECW. ECW got a lot better with Lashley and Snitsky leaving. I hope everyone else stays. They need to push Striker. He is a good wrestler as well...I'm not a fan of the gimmick, but he can wrestle. Balls Mahoney is another example. Guy is huge but can move around and wrestle his arse off.

Bottom line is that WWE needs new ideas and needs to seriously develop more talent. In addition, they need to not limit what wrestlers are allowed to do in the ring because right now...WWE stands for Worst Wrestling Ever.

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This is either going to be the start of something really great or just another major letdown. Unfortunately, the latter seems to happen more often than not. We'll have to wait and see...

I agree with you Ace. They do have an opportunity here, but given their history over the last few years, I have a feeling that we will be disappointed.

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WWE.com has been updated.

Mr. McMahon presumed dead


Mr. McMahon's limo is engulfed with flames with the Chairman inside it following a massive explosion.

By Zack Zeigler and Craig Tello

Written: June 11, 2007

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – A night originally designated Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night turned deadly when the WWE Chairman’s limousine burst into a fiery explosion just moments after Mr. McMahon stepped into it. Permanently uprooting the world of sports-entertainment, the Chairman has been presumed dead in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Local authorities stated it was still too early to declare anything as fact, including exactly what caused the explosion, but described the blast as an apparent “car bombing.” They also revealed that as of 11:30 p.m. EST, no body had been recovered from the incinerated wreckage.

Firefighters were quick to assess the scene, taping off sections of the parking lot to protect the evident crime scene and safeguard scores of onlookers – mostly our fans – from potential injury. Despite the intense heat and ubiquitous clouds of black smoke, countless people spilled out of the arena to get a closer look at the chaos they had just seen happen live on the TitanTron. Moments earlier, the sold-out crowd came to a still hush as they speechlessly watched from their seats.

“By the time we arrived on the scene, the entire automobile was on fire,” explained a Wilkes-Barre firefighter. “It was like an inferno, and our guys were doing whatever they could to contain it as quickly as possible. In my 27 years with the fire department, I’ve never seen anything like that.”

The emblazoned limousine was engulfed by flames that reached skyward at estimated heights of more than 50 feet. The sight of the charred debris led to speculation that there was no conceivable way anyone could have escaped from the limo alive. Early assessments from local firefighters and police officers sent a similar feeling regarding the probability of the Chairman’s survival.

“We’re doing our best to respect the McMahon family and the fans of WWE,” the firefighter said. “However, with that said, we have not found anything – there hasn’t been confirmation that Mr. McMahon’s body was extracted from the limo.”

As the physical body of Mr. McMahon remains to be uncovered, perhaps the most perplexing piece to this puzzle is the Chairman’s uncanny, almost clairvoyant premonition of tonight’s grim events. Over the last few weeks on WWE programming, the swaggering, well-off billionaire seemed to unravel right before the eyes of millions. Speaking of a threatening presence that lurked in his foreseeable future, Mr. McMahon even cited the looming of a “black cloud” last week – a cloud very similar to the post-combustive smoke that billowed above his limousine tonight.

Was this evening an eerie prophecy fulfilled for Mr. McMahon, given his recent premonitions? Or was it simply a fateful execution of coincidence? The ominous reality is that what was brushed off as incoherent ramblings of a broken man and former ECW World Champion actually may have proven to be an exercising of a recently discovered sixth sense.

This incident is the first of its kind since the assassination of political figure Orlando Letelier in Washington, D.C. in 1976. Sources say that given the nature of the apparent car bombing, under law federal authorities will be called in for a more thorough investigation that would supersede local Pennsylvania authorities.

Check back with WWE.com as we continue to follow developments in the most shocking incident in sports-entertainment history.

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Didn't see that part but I could only assume that Vince is trying to kill the on air personality that is Vincent K. McMahon. I doubt it but I would be happy if he decides to let the show go on without having to be an on air personality.

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And it's because of stupid **** like this that people think real-life serious injuries, or Owen Hart's death are just "part of the show." :rolleyes:

Come on Vince. The reason people watch your show is for the second "W" in WWE. Get back to technical wrestling, well-cooridinated high spots, personalities and great matches, instead of trying to make the next Die Hard movie, and you'll get some of us old-school fans back.

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Just when I think they can't get any lamer....

I thought they steered away from this junk after "killing" the Undertaker a few times.

Just pathetic.

man the undertaker has a sweet thing going for him though, whenever he needs to take a vacation he just asks to be killed, then he rises from the dead and he has his job back...pretty nice if you asked me :)

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McMahon family to release statement

Written: June 12, 2007

The McMahon family has been mourning since the tragic limo explosion that presumably claimed the life of WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon Monday night in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

The family refused comment in the hours immediately after the tragedy; however, WWE.com has learned that tomorrow, WWE Executive Vice President of Legal Affairs Ed Kaufman will release a statement from the McMahons, the first since the events of Monday night.

Check back to WWE.com tomorrow to see the exclusive video statement.


Eyewitness Views

By Mike McAvennie

Written: June 12, 2007

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. - The flames have been extinguished, but the Pennsylvania air remains thick with fear and uncertainty following Mr. McMahon’s presumed death from an apparent limousine explosion on Raw Monday night. For a long time to come, fans who attended the televised event in Wilkes-Barre will not be able to extinguish the all-too-vivid memories of a thunderous explosion outside the arena, a white stretch vehicle engulfed in flames…and, according to one eyewitness, a seared corpse hanging outside the limo.

“It was disgusting,” described Lucas Adnyl, a Curry Hill resident who made a 20-minute commute with a friend to watch Raw live at the arena. “A whole mess of people ran out of the building right after the explosion, and some of us got a pretty good look before [police officers and firefighters] cordoned off the area. I thought I saw Mr. McMahon’s body in the car, but I can’t say for sure; whatever it was, it was completely covered in flames. And the smell…God, I thought I was going to lose it.”

Adela Montoya drove nearly an hour from her home in Junedale so that her son Luis could have a birthday he’d always remember. Now she fears that he may never forget the moments following the explosion.

“We were having a great time when we heard the blast outside,” she recalled. “I thought we were under attack or something. My boy started crying, so I headed for the exits. We ran out as fast as we could.”

“It was hard to see anything with all that smoke coming from the car,” said Rob Mills, a Ronconcoma, N.Y.-based postal worker who was in Wilkes-Barre visiting his parents for the week. “One policeman pushed me and some friends behind a barrier, so we were a pretty good distance away while the firemen tried putting out the car. I don’t know how they could stand it, because those flames were hot as hell, even from where I was standing.”

Frank Vesley, of Parsippany, N.J., admits that he couldn’t see much of the blaze up close, nor did he need to. “The flames were so bright you could have used them to land an airplane nearby,” he said. “Personally, I didn’t mind all that much that McMahon’s limo went up, though I feel a little bad for his family. He was kind of a jerk, but I guess nobody should lose a loved one like that.”


Preview:The show must go on

June 12, 2007

Mr. McMahon is presumed dead following an explosion that engulfed his entire limousine in flames, mere moments after he entered the vehicle Monday night on Raw. Despite the horrific explosion, tonight's ECW on Sci Fi will go on as planned. Sources say an entire show in tribute to Mr. McMahon may be in the works.

Memories of the Chairman—both recent and past—have been anything but pleasant, as evidenced by the testimonies of WWE Legends and numerous celebrities during Monday’s “Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night.” What can our fans expect to hear now that Mr. McMahon has presumably passed away? Will their thoughts on the Chairman change now that he is no longer with us?

The winds of change are upon WWE…and they begin on ECW on Sci Fi, tonight at 10/9 CT.


A morning of mourning for Mr. McMahon

By Corey Clayton

Written: June 12, 2007

STAMFORD, Conn. – After Monday’s horrific events on Raw, those “dark clouds” the Chairman once spoke of are now felt prominently in the halls and offices of WWE headquarters.

With Mr. McMahon presumed dead, the corporate flag on the roof of Titan Tower was lowered to half-staff Tuesday morning. The company McMahon built into a sports-entertainment giant began to mourn the passing of its leader and visionary.

Many WWE staffers are still suffering from the trauma of seeing their corporate leader’s limousine explode on live television just after Mr. McMahon entered it.

“I sat there stunned, not believing what I just saw,” said marketing employee Stefanie Granata. “Then I just cried. You just don’t realize how precious life is until something like this happens.”

Though federal officials at the scene have not recovered his body from the charred chassis of the limo, investigators believe that Mr. McMahon’s body could possibly have been incinerated in the blast.

Some WWE employees wore black clothing to express their sadness. Others have left flowers by the Chairman’s office door. And if you listen closely, faint sobbing can be overheard occasionally amongst the din of the phones, fax machines and printers.

Heather Lubin, a long-time marketing employee, said the loss is being felt hard around the Stamford offices – mostly because of the unexpected, unexplained nature of the tragedy.

“It’s hard to cope with this tragedy when there’s so many questions unanswered,” Lubin said. “Who could do such a thing to Mr. McMahon?”

As for Liz Montgomery, a WWE creative services employee, she hopes that everyone can come together and help each other cope with the shocking loss of the company’s heart and soul.

“He’ll be truly, truly missed,” Montgomery said. “Wherever he is now, I hope it’s in a good place. But we’re going to miss him terribly.”


Feds probe crime scene

By Craig Tello

Written: June 12, 2007

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. – WWE.com has learned that United States federal agents have arrived at the crime scene in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where Mr. McMahon was presumed dead less than 24 hours ago. As rumored, given the severity and nature of the explosion, by law, federal authorities have taken full control of the investigation.

As first speculated in previous reports by WWE.com, federal authorities confirmed that a body was not recovered from the limousine’s blackened remains. Investigators believe that Mr. McMahon’s body could possibly have been incinerated in the blast.

With the initial stages of the federal investigation underway in Pennsylvania, authorities have closed the crime scene to check for DNA evidence that may lead to additional information on last night’s shocking events. Forensic experts are scouring the scene and are expected to comb through the wreckage for the next few days in an attempt to find even the most minimal trace of Mr. McMahon’s body.

In addition, explosives experts have arrived in Wilkes-Barre to thoroughly examine the limousine and determine what type of device may have been used in connection with the incident. In the earliest stages of probing, authorities are analyzing each fragment of debris and gathering clues to build their investigation.

At approximately 11:07 p.m. ET last night, the WWE Chairman left the Wachovia Arena and stepped into his stretch limo, which almost instantly combusted before the eyes of millions watching Raw on TV. The sight of the explosion with Mr. McMahon inside the limo drew an eerie hush to an audience that had been wound with excitement just moments earlier during the live WWE Draft. This incident is the first of its kind on U.S. soil since the mid-1970s.

Instants after the blaze was controlled by firefighters in the late morning hours, the charred vehicle was scoured for the Chairman’s remains. Rescue workers and authorities were puzzled by what they found: nothing. Federal agents shared this perplexed state this morning, confirming that a body has yet to be recovered within the melted heap that was once Mr. McMahon’s limo.

Earlier today, WWE.com reached out to representatives of the McMahon family. These representatives stated that the grief-stricken family of the Chairman had no comments to offer at this time, but told reporters that something may be forthcoming in the near future.

As more details become available, continue to check back with WWE.com for exclusive coverage of one of the most shocking events in history.


Exclusive footage of fatal explosion aftermath to be released

Written: June 12, 2007

Later tonight, WWE.com will release exclusive video of the immediate aftermath of the explosion that presumably took Mr. McMahon’s life on Raw Monday night.

WWE.com will show exclusive footage of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., firefighters rushing to the scene of the explosion that destroyed the Chairman's limousine when Raw ended on Monday night. Viewers and Superstars were stunned as Raw ended with the limousine bursting into flames just after Mr. McMahon entered the vehicle.

Log on to WWE.com and find out what happened as firefighters rushed to the scene.

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By: Bob Ryder

6/12/2007 5:53:16 PM

Say what you want about the stunt WWE pulled last night, but they are getting a lot of mileage out of it.

CitizensVoice.com ran a "Breaking News" story this afternoon confirming that Vince McMahon is still alive. The story says Wilkes-Barre police confirmed that the explosion was taped on Sunday and that WWE had sought permits to perform the stunt. Click here to read the story

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I love how 1wrestling has to run that release.

Vince McMahon is alive, the WWE is mourning the loss of "Mr." McMahon. In fact, Mr. McMahon just got a 10 bell salute on ECW. Complete with a Mr.McMahon 1942-2007 graphic......

This is so stupid, but I cant help but laugh at it......

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I love how 1wrestling has to run that release.

Vince McMahon is alive, the WWE is mourning the loss of "Mr." McMahon. In fact, Mr. McMahon just got a 10 bell salute on ECW. Complete with a Mr.McMahon 1942-2007 graphic......

This is so stupid, but I cant help but laugh at it......

Heyman coulda pulled this pff better. Remember when he had Sandman stay confimed inside his house for a month to sell an angle.


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Heyman coulda pulled this pff better. Remember when he had Sandman stay confimed inside his house for a month to sell an angle.


Did Heyman have Sandman stay in his house or did Sandman do it on his own? It's on the Rise and Fall DVD iirc. Anyway...yeah...Paul E > Vince any day.

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