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Official: Evidence points to unjustified killings by Marines


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Official: Evidence points to unjustified killings by Marines

About 2 dozen Iraqi civilians killed in November

Friday, May 26, 2006; Posted: 2:24 p.m. EDT (18:24 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Investigators believe that their criminal investigation into the deaths of about two dozen Iraqi civilians points toward a conclusion that Marines committed unprovoked murders, a senior defense official said Friday.

The Marine Corps initially reported that the deaths were caused by a roadside bomb and ensuing firefight with insurgents.

The official, who discussed the matter on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the yet-to-be-completed investigation, said the evidence strongly indicates the killings last November were unjustified.

According to a congressional aide, lawmakers were told in a briefing Thursday that it appears as many as two dozen civilians were killed. And they were told that the investigation will find that "it will be clear that this was not the result of an accident or a normal combat situation."

Another congressional official said lawmakers were told it would be about 30 days before a report would be issued by the investigating agency, the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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If they did it: thrown under the bus..........

But till the prove it: benefit of the doubt...

Previous Quotes:

I don't support the war, I support the troops..

Well, at least until I can use them.................

Some of you make me sick to my stomach..

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I have no access to any evidence, one way or another, but I'm curious how they received whatever information they have that has them convinced that the Marines killed 2 dozen Iraqi civilians for no reason.
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/07/national/07thompson.html?ex=1294290000&en=8704597229a070d3&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss this has happened b4,in vietnam,hugh thompson deserved the medal of freedom for his actions.and the us image in the world is suffering more.
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If they did it: thrown under the bus..........

But till the prove it: benefit of the doubt...

Previous Quotes:

I don't support the war, I support the troops..

Well, at least until I can use them.................

Some of you make me sick to my stomach..

Dead on, It really pisses me off that these marines are being convicted in the media, and by some of our fine congressmen before any kind of trial what so ever :mad: . I'm sure most of us would like to be considered innocent until proven guilty. :2cents:

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I am a Marine that got out 2 years ago. This really angers me that something like this is even being considered viable.

In previous wars Marines were feared for their ruthless behavior. Rumors were spread and enemies were made aware. In Korea and Nam it was, "Don't mess with the white sleeves." A term used to describe the Marines "inside-out" rolled sleeves. In the Gulf War it was, "Don't mess with the black boots." A term used to descibe Marines because of the lack of desert boots to go around. A nick name for a Marine is Teufelhunden which means Devil Dog in German. A name given to Marines by the Germans at the Battle of Bealleu Wood. Now, the mystique is gone and Americas most elite fighting force is laughed at. War is an ugly, ugly thing, but to allow your men to be put on trial just for doing their jobs is disgraceful.

It's all about respect and in order for this country's fighting force to get respect and to be feared once again the government needs to take the kids gloves off and let them regain their reputation as the most feared fighting force in the world.

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If they did it: thrown under the bus..........

But till the prove it: benefit of the doubt...

Previous Quotes:

I don't support the war, I support the troops..

Well, at least until I can use them.................

Some of you make me sick to my stomach..

huh? I support the troops, but I sure as hell won't support them if they have committed massacres. If that makes me unpatriotic or unamerican then so be it. Of course, most of our troops aren't like this even if the reports are true.

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By thier service and training they have earned my respect.

From me they recieve the benefit of doubt untill proven guilty.

These young men operate in conditions that try the soul,not some game.

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By thier service and training they have earned my respect.

From me they recieve the benefit of doubt untill proven guilty.

These young men operate in conditions that try the soul,not some game.

If they did it: thrown under the bus..........

But till the prove it: benefit of the doubt...

Previous Quotes:

I don't support the war, I support the troops..

Well, at least until I can use them.................

Some of you make me sick to my stomach..

i 2nd both of these posts. two thumbs up. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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War is an ugly, ugly thing, but to allow your men to be put on trial just for doing their jobs is disgraceful.

Um, are you honestly saying that cold-blooded murder of a dozen unarmed women and children is "just doing their jobs"?!?!?!?!?!

You and I appear to have differing opinions of what "their jobs" are.

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People in and out of uniform disagree equally on all sides of such issues. I know I won't judge by what I hear at this point or maybe ever. I wasn't there. That said, I do respect what the military justice system decides unless given substantial reason to reject it.

I know for a fact that one can be feared as a deadly fighter without choosing to kill non-combatants. But deciding who is a non-combatant, particularly in gueirella or "urban" warfare is just a little dicey when your life and your buddie's is at stake and quick judgements keep you above ground. Unless you're there, or have the credible testimony of someone who was, I don't know how anyone can judge.

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So once again a journalist reports the news, conservative talk media lambastes them for "fabricating" and then it turns out the journalist is being accurate.

One source that was quoted in the Post as saying this:

""When these investigations come out, there's going to be a firestorm," said retired Brig. Gen. David M. Brahms, formerly a top lawyer for the Marine Corps. "It will be worse than Abu Ghraib -- nobody was killed at Abu Ghraib."

Had THIS to say about the reporting:

"Recent reporting on the events in Haditha, Iraq have included significant factual errors and/or misleading statements. This includes a quote attributed to me in the Washington Post this morning that was taken completely out of context and its meaning distorted. Many facts that are favorable to the Marines involved have not yet been disclosed."

When Brahms and I spoke, he made it clear that his concern is that the Marine Corps do a thorough investigation and punish severely those who did wrong, if in fact it is found that they did. He feels confident that will happen. His other concern is that the Marines involved get a fair trial in a highly politicized environment:

"The worst thing that can happen in a case of this kind is to have it politicized...that's exactly what has happened here. They're leaking a story which is yet unwritten."

"It's not normal to have a Member of Congress to decide to have hearings, at least while this whole business is in flux."

"I think there has been (a rush to judgement)...This has got to impact the fairness of the procedure."

"We'll get more precise information. Let's kind of step back, let's try to realize that there's another side of this story...People accused may be guys like my son and your brothers."

"The problem is, of course, that everybody's got a political agenda...in the middle are a group of American Marines."

Those quotes are all taken from a phone interview I did with Brahms this week


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War is an ugly, ugly thing, but to allow your men to be put on trial just for doing their jobs is disgraceful.

I hate BS so I'm going to ask you a straight forward question. Should marines face the punishment (real punishment not a slap on the wrist) for killing innocent civilians without just cause?

Yes or No.

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