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Official: Evidence points to unjustified killings by Marines


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chom if you read carefully i disagree with the tone not the content of your posts:2cents:

oh and chom, the Marines had nothing to do with Abu, thats the army you want to talk to;) but seriously i cant recall anyone comparing the Marines treatment to the treatment of prisoners at Gharib...

No, they spent about 40 posts announcing that their treatment was "worse than Gitmo".

(A claim that they still haven't backed down from.)

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Yes, that is true. His tone did come off as very condemning, but that was with the caveat that "the guys still deserved their trial, but based on what we are hearing right now..."

This is how it always works. When someone posts a story that some guy molested some kid, everyone here just posts their anger at the event. No one immediately demands that the guy accused of the crime should be set free until after his trial, and no one accuses us all of being hypocrites for rushing to convict him. It is understood by everyone posting here that the charges must still be proven, and might be wrong, and the guy might walk, but we can still talk about the incident and what we think about it before the final jury verdict comes in.

Somehow, the rules are different in this case, and Chom was being a disloyal commie terrorist-loving traitor for not automatically assuming that the charges are entirely trumped-up. The fact that the US Military itself is making statements about the evidence and indicating some bad acts is not enough - Chom is a terrorist-lover for listening to our own US Military without automatically assuming that the US Military is lying.

Maybe the charges are true, maybe they are not. Everyone says that, and then accuses everyone else of rushing to judgment.

Ultimately, this has a lot more to do with some posters' personal animosity toward Chomerics than it has to do with the subject being discussed.

and for some reason you did not actually read my post- you glanced. how do i know that? you're grouping me with the guys who are saying everyone is a traitor and so forth, and please refrain from making generalizations like that in the future. for further insight please refer back to my original post on the last page, thank you
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I guess everybody has to "just ask him", because it's too much work for you to show us where "he has already said he is positive they ARE guilty", right?

He has said it several times.. this is from page 16...

QUOTE FROM CHOMERICS: If these allegations are indeed true, and it appears to me as if they are , from all of the corroborating statements made by the military and US congressmen, the actions of the Marines in question is NOT any better then what Saddam did.


I'm not sure what semantics were debating, but he has said several times he doubts the marines and believes the Military and Murtha.

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chom if you read carefully i disagree with the tone not the content of your posts:2cents:

I see, my bad ;)

Yes, my tone was quite condemning, I will admit. It is just that this case gets my blood boiling because it puts all military in a bad light.

oh and chom, the Marines had nothing to do with Abu, thats the army you want to talk to;) but seriously i cant recall anyone comparing the Marines treatment to the treatment of prisoners at Gharib...

It was Sarge's initial supposition into the thread. . .

The only shame of it all is that we have Marines being treated worse than *******s in Gitmo for something that has not been proven

And yes, I agree the Army is to blame for that fiasco, not the corps ;)

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I see, my bad ;)

Yes, my tone was quite condemning, I will admit. It is just that this case gets my blood boiling because it puts all military in a bad light.

It was Sarge's initial supposition into the thread. . .

And yes, I agree the Army is to blame for that fiasco, not the corps ;)

see this is why i respect you alot more as a person than alot of posters on here, but respect on your issues, thats another thing:silly:
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im out of here, i cant even comment on the tone of this place without getting blasted with searing hatred....

Yeah, the searing hatred from the treasonous, communist, anti-american, terrorist lover who needs to get beat up in a dark alley for getting all of his information from daily Kos and Democratic Underground is terrible, isn't it?

The nerve of some people, actually asking you to please explain what it is that you object to in his posts.

(Was that thick enough, or do I need a [/sarcasm] tag?)

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He has said it several times.. this is from page 16...

QUOTE FROM CHOMERICS: If these allegations are indeed true, and it appears to me as if they are , from all of the corroborating statements made by the military and US congressmen, the actions of the Marines in question is NOT any better then what Saddam did.


I'm not sure what semantics were debating, but he has said several times he doubts the marines and believes the Military and Murtha.

bear, there is a big difference


"it appears to me as if they are (guilty), from all of the corroborating statements made by the military and US congressmen"


"But Chomerics doesnt MEAN.... IF they are guilty because he has already said he is positive they ARE guilty... Just ask him..."

They are two completely different statements. Don't try to tell me you can't tell the difference between "appears" and "positive" :doh:

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Yeah, the searing hatred from the treasonous, communist, anti-american, terrorist lover who needs to get beat up in a dark alley for getting all of his information from daily Kos and Democratic Underground is terrible, isn't it?

The nerve of some people, actually asking you to please explain what it is that you object to in his posts.

(Was that thick enough, or do I need a [/sarcasm] tag?)

WTF is wrong with you? i havent said any of these things to you or any other, i merely comented to start off with the civility in this thread and you only prove my point, you earned the ignore list for the next 24 hours, maybe when i turn you back on you'll have something to say after READING something instead of just impulsivly responding when you see a few words in a post. you have insulted me greatly and wont acept or want any apology, good bye.
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WTF is wrong with you? i havent said any of these things to you or any other, i merely comented to start off with the civility in this thread and you only prove my point, you earned the ignore list for the next 24 hours, maybe when i turn you back on you'll have something to say after READING something instead of just impulsivly responding when you see a few words in a post. you have insulted me greatly and wont acept or want any apology, good bye.

Skins, in Larry's defense, I think he read your initial post as I did, and did not catch the tone part. He is just as frustrated as I am when it comes to debating the issues with some of the posters here. It is a constant battle with people who equate you to being a traitor for simply stating an opinion that differs from theirs.

He did lump you in with the other posters, but I don't think he meant anything personally by it at all, he is just not used to your posts and assumed something false.

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and for some reason you did not actually read my post- you glanced. how do i know that? you're grouping me with the guys who are saying everyone is a traitor and so forth, and please refrain from making generalizations like that in the future. for further insight please refer back to my original post on the last page, thank you

Please relax - I did not say that YOU did anything like that. I said that Sarge and co. did that.

I thought you were totally reasonable in your posts, but I was telling you what I saw happening in the thread before you got here. I have nothing against you, no hate for you, I'm not grouping you - I was trying to respond to your comment by explaining that I did not think Chom was being treated fairly in this thread by Sarge and co.

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And, yes, I was perfectly aware that you, personally weren't calling chom all of those names.

My point was that you walked into a thread where chom has been threatened with physical violence, and told chom that you had a problem with his tone.

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