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Just now, Elessar78 said:

Just in the way that a black kid is portrayed as something that is stereotypically racist—in that it's a bit of stereotype (kinda). On the racism spectrum, it's not hard core KKK far from it. 


Where is the stereotype? Is it because he has missing teeth? Does he need to not have missing teeth for it to not be kinda racist? Don't all children around that age have missing teeth?


I want to better understand the rationale behind what you are saying, because honestly, it's the first time I've heard of this. Pretty sure whatever the gif is from, really is from a kid saying "That's racist." Now maybe the show (whatever it was) may have been in poor taste (I have no idea if it was or wasn't), but the .gif seems more satirical in nature than anything else. Now there is another gif, co-opted and edited crom this one, showing the kid with KFC cried chicken, spinning a basketball, and clutching a watermelon.


Doesn't take a genius to realize that that is overtly racist. But as for the gif of the kid in its original form, saying "That's racist," I'm not really seeing the issue. Would it be less racist if a grown black male said it in a more noticeably direct, adult way, compared to the little boy? Should there not be a gif of any minority at all saying something is racist because it, in and of itself could be viewed as prejudiced/racist? Do you think the people you're thinking of, would care in the slightest, if it's a black boy, black male, Hispanic, Asian, even Caucasian, saying something isn't racist? I don't, because to them, everyone is wrong regardless, if they try to speak up.


I tend to view this the same way I always have.... As a joke, usually when playfully mocking someone that said something that could be construed as racist (and sometimes not even race related at all), but isn't really.  More along the lines of stand up comedy.


Now it may be taken differently by each person, but all in all, I don't see the "kinda racist" angle.

25 minutes ago, Kosher Ham said:


Because neither of you are black ? haha. I have no idea. 


Always a possibility, I'll admit

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Only black people can have a say on this? What if it were an asian kid or hispanic kid—no other ethnicity could weigh in?


On the spectrum, not the most overtly racist. But does it/can it have tinges of racism? To me it does. I did use the qualifier "kinda" (I think).

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32 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Only black people can have a say on this? What if it were an asian kid or hispanic kid—no other ethnicity could weigh in?


This is directed at Kosher, right?



On the spectrum, not the most overtly racist. But does it/can it have tinges of racism? To me it does. I did use the qualifier "kinda" (I think).


I think my posts clearly illustrate that I understood what you meant by that. I just disagree that it was even "Kinda racist."


For me, in terms of how I've always viewed stuff like that, it's either racist or it isn't. "Kinda racist" to me is very subjective, and full of potential boobytraps. Speaking from my own experience, growing up in what was initially a very white Waldorf, MD, I got to experience the white flight phenomenon,and by hs, had a lot of mostly white and black friends, and we would joke around. I got used to a lot of "Mexican" jokes, and vice versa, and although a lot of what was said was racial in nature, it wasn't really racist, or kinda racist imo, and it wasnt hiw I received it, though to some, it could definitely be taken that way. But we never crossed a line with each other (though others did, and others weren't joking at all, so there was plenty of that).


So while I do  understand where you're coming from, judging it from the most simplest perspective (what I see in front of me), I just don't see a problem. And it certainly could mean that I am not cultured enough to understand why, but I have no problem owning up to that, if that is indeed the case. 


I just wanted to better understand your position. I don't ever want to automatically brush someone off that has an issue with what I've said or posted, without at least hearing them out on it (most of the time) :cheers:



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“A lot of people watch Bruce Lee movies, doesn’t mean they can do Kung Fu.” -Bobby Axelrod, Billions.


Thats getting added to my “movie/TV quotes I can use at work” file...


Is there a Billions thread?  I kinda remember one but I searched and couldn’t find one.  I might start one if there isn’t one already.


The season 3 premiere last Sunday might have ended with the most disturbing scene in all of television history.

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