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On July 2, 2017 at 6:44 AM, skinsmarydu said:

I hear ya @d0ublestr0ker0ll.  We had 35 dogs on Thursday, 21 checked in on Friday, and God only knows how many came in yesterday...if we top the 100 mark I may just die...I originally got hired there on July 4, '14.  I don't work till 3 on Monday, but I know it'll take 2 of us to do the boarding room, we have portable kennels stacked on top of each other and I can't even reach the top ones.  I sure hope the rest of the crew is keeping the laundry moving, because I really, really hate running out of clean bedding.



What!?  You started working there again??  Woooahhh.


Man, work has been depressing lately.  Buncha euthanasias on animals I knew well, place has been packed to the brim, been making mistakes like crazy.  I'm legit stressin'.  Spent a couple of days hanging out at the parents house with my 3 pups and the giant Irish Wolfhound.  EVERYONE gawks at him when we take walks.  If I have to tell another person he's an Irish Wolfhound, I'm gonna say it in a pissed off manner.




Have to work a double tomorrow.  Shoot me.





Happy 4th though, everyone.  I'll be sure to catch the fireworks before hitting the sack.  They are crazy about their fireworks here, peeps be competing in the neighborhood.

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Just now, d0ublestr0ker0ll said:

Have to work a double tomorrow.  Shoot me.

I work at the restaurant tomorrow lunch, and the boarding room after.  Boss lady said I didn't have to stay till closing, just "do my thing" LOL

Yesterday exhausted me, and I didn't even work at the restaurant ! ... 72 dogs.  :bill:

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Oh, dude...sorry.  The boarding room had been super cleaned, there was only one load of laundry to do, and I had to wash about 10 bowls my hand cuz the dishwasher was already full and running...there were 3 other people on...a bunch of baths, etc...but we were good.

One crazy new chick who just squirts dogs with water, ugh...told me I was gonna get bit if I kept reaching down between some snarlers...I laughed, grabbed 'em by the collars to separate 'em...loved on 'em some, and everybody was good.:rolleyes:

I pointed to the water bottle and said, "That certainly doesn't help" and walked back into the boarding room.

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Fourth of July on a Tuesday sucks...

I don't like sitcoms anymore. The laugh tracks are SOOOOO annoying...

I hate fireworks in the hood. I just think one time somebody is going to do something stupid and hurt everybody... Like a couple of years ago when someone lit a projectile that didn't project. That joint had like a 50 foot radius. We all got hit. My cousins leg looked like a cigarette burn. Needless to say, I really went Mark Henry on my neighbors that night.


Anyway, I'm bored so that's why I'm ranting. Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday.

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56 minutes ago, CrypticVillain said:

I hate fireworks in the hood.


You've gone soft.  I'm going to consult the ES hood council to consider revoking your southwest card.  


There's nothing like 4th of July in the hood, man.  Nothing.  Fireworks, Smoke, gunshots, open fire hydrants, police sirens.....everywhere.  It's beautiful LOL.


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4 hours ago, skinfan2k said:

I'm on call for work today so i didnt get into anything but sucks tmrw is a regular work day. 

I debate what I'm going to get into while i'm on-call, too, so I can relate.  I can't leave hampton roads when I'm on-call, but I still try to get out the house more.


Not sure how I feel about 4th on a Tuesday.  I took monday off, so I got my 4 day vacation.  It's already hump day tomorrow, I'm glad Friday Eve is right after it.

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2 hours ago, China said:

dick in a box video

That **** is funny as hell every time I see it.


On the 4th, I ended up in oceanview norfolk, va, where I used to live, fishing, watching up and down the beach in both directions people their own fireworks and some of the other cities like Hampton and Newport News.  Took a lot longer this year for the cops to come rolling through, last time I did this they was poking around while city run fireworks were still going off.


I liked the one year I stayed home here in Portsmouth, people had their own fireworks, and there were defiantly people letting off rounds.

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40 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

My girl grilled the best chicken and steak last night holy crap. She just might be a keeper.


Do it.  My priorities might be outta whack, but a woman who can cook is #1 on the potential wife checklist.  The saying is true about the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.  


I **** you not, being dead serious here.  After we had been dating for about two weeks, she cooked for me for the first time.  steak, shrimp, mac'n'cheese, and asparagus.  I knew I wanted to marry her as I sat and ate that meal.  I knew I wanted her to be my wife as I tore through that plate.  I fell in love with her that night.  Right hand to the man.  

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