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Just got something from UBS called my annual escrow statement. Says I owe $172 more a month. What in the flying ****? Did property tax go up that much? How is this possible? So angry.

Yep. Assessed values go up? So does your mortgage payment.

Mine went up too, not by as much though so you must live in a nicer house than I do.

Going open house window shopping this weekend. Two today and then as many as we can tomorrow.

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For those looking to buy/sell. If you aren't working with an agent but have an idea of who you want to work with. PM me. I can refer you to them and then credit my referral fee back to you at closing. You just have to do something nice for someone else.

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Just got something from UBS called my annual escrow statement.  Says I owe $172 more a month.  What in the flying ****?  Did property tax go up that much?  How is this possible?  So angry.

Oh, yeah...that.

I rented my old house for $650, bought it, and with my VA loan, payment went to $529.  Next year, $531.  Next year, $640.  Get used to it, or put an extra $ amount on your payment to cover the following year.

My increases were due to my county suspending some taxes, then throwing them all in my face at once...I didn't know.

But now you do...just throw another $20-30 onto your payment, and next year you'll either be all good or getting payments decreased (hopefully)...you can designate where that money goes...into your principle, etc.

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There is a huge division between the secretive ultra rich white people and the locals (which mostly means blacks and somehow doesn't include the large population of crucian ricans, because, well, ricans are just on their own with everything). On the east end is where all the white people live (I'm a west man). My business partner, is a young white chick, who's grandparents have lived here for a very long time. Turns out, her family opened a bunch of resorts and are super connected to the ultra rich white cliche.

There is a club called the Ha Penny Beach Club, where the ultra rich old white women meet and do whatever UROWW do and her grandmother is a respected member of this secret society. She got invited to go to a dinner there and I guess one of the members or guests is a token gay couple, that they enjoy. Well, he publicly addressed what her and I are trying to do and why and they all started asking where the donations should go. Turns out, there might be millions of dollars for us to start a state of the art animal rescue here on island.

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That's awesome kb

Yeah, a lot has happened this week and I'm chomping at the bit. Drop my Dad at the airport in an hour, then it's serious go time. I'm about to blow some **** up round here.


And don't be trying to **** my **** up over in the crazy house (stadium) dude. I'm a Skins fan first and foremost. Always have been. When you're a kid, you don't understand divisions and stuff. Conferences didn't matter back before cable, because they might as well have played in the Canadian league. I was equal on the fence with the two, without understanding and then the Eagles let me down in 80, then I got to see what a real franchise was. I figured the Eagles were probably a USFL team or something, like the Seahawks. I didn't know any better. Then in the 90's, that Eagles defense was my all time favorite and by far the best I ever saw. I think there was a string of 13 games between the Eagles and the Skins that were decided by 8 points or less. It was some of the best football I've seen, but I always routed for the Skins to win. 

You can't even begin to imagine how happy I am for you!!!!!!(and for puppies, and kitties, and whoever else comes in...)

Soooooo awesome!!! Keeping good thoughts!!!



I'm about to hit the gas in life. Back to the gym, diet with a serious focus (diet just means the food I eat, not a weight loss regime), business blowing up, rescue kicking ass, house dialed in. I need to get focused.

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dude. keep it up, & thanks...I needed a kick. ;)

Damn, one letter away. Just one damn letter change and this is too ****ing funny.


You had to know someone would say something lol. Just happened to be one my 6 posts I'll make in the stadium this year.

I saw the notification that you commented on something I posted and my first thought was "I haven't posted in the RTT".  OLS

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Don't overextend yourself. Your wife is gonna fall in love with something too expensive, and your property taxes will go up each year.

I've already decided what I desire. Unfortunately for me, most of those houses put them over or close to the borderline of what we are qualified for. Taking up a mortgage like that would be very intimidating (I'm talking more than double what we are paying right now).

This leads me to want to move further away where I can get more for my money. Centerville has great value, it will lead to a huge commute though. Give and take.

We want our next home purchase to be the one our kids call their "childhood home".

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