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So Tazette was trying her best to troll me, jokingly, I took her Lotso Huggin bear (from Toy Story) and the following conversation follows:


Tazette: "Hey, I'm gonna tell Santa on you!"

Me: "Yeah, but Santa doesn't bring me gifts anymore, so go ahead."  

Tazette:  "Well......he should bring you a big ol bag of manners!"

Tazette:  "Bam!  You just got served by a seven year old."

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So Tazette was trying her best to troll me, jokingly, I took her Lotso Huggin bear (from Toy Story) and the following conversation follows:


Tazette: "Hey, I'm gonna tell Santa on you!"

Me: "Yeah, but Santa doesn't bring me gifts anymore, so go ahead."  

Tazette:  "Well......he should bring you a big ol bag of manners!"

Tazette:  "Bam!  You just got served by a seven year old."




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I almost choked to death from spit backwash a few minutes ago, that would've been an interesting way to go.

Is spit backwash what you rainbow flags call it now days? Get that gross **** out of here. (Not that that lifestyle is bad or anything. I'm totally PC and support free choice)

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I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings. Needed to get out of the house for a couple of hours. First time I've ever eaten here. Pretty typical. Not great, but not bad. Had 5 bone in wings and a buffalo grilled chicken sandwich.

I guess I'd come back. But like Dave & Busters, so damn NOISY!

Any chick's for you to holla at? Get your mac on!

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pj, If I walked into a sports bar themed restaurant and it was quiet...I could never go back.


Football and basketball games going on. It's going to be noisy.

Not that I can see. All too young for me. I was out and about and got hungry. Decided to try it.


You underestimate yourself. You could pull lots of young hotties in that situation.

I am not suggesting to wife them up or anything....but it could be a wild ride.

Get in while the water is warm.

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Oh yeah, I expect it to be noisy, I just underestimate how noisy. I have sensitivities to loud sounds. Have to wear ear plugs at rock concerts, even when I was younger. Peircing sounds get to me after a while. I hate the commercials that get loud.

Been 11 years since I've been out there as a free agent. Never had great game to begin with, so now I'm older and even rustier.

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I can't stand a loud place, but I don't hear well.

I hate BBQ sauce.

I love vinegar.

Ranch dressing is for tricking kids who've been raised on a **** SAD, to eat carrots. That's it.

I don't like to judge people, but if you put ranch dressing on things, or worse, put things in ranch, I'm judging. Hard.

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I can't stand a loud place, but I don't hear well.

I hate BBQ sauce.

I love vinegar.

Ranch dressing is for tricking kids who've been raised on a **** SAD, to eat carrots. That's it.

I don't like to judge people, but if you put ranch dressing on things, or worse, put things in ranch, I'm judging. Hard.

Whatever, man.


The classic "I'm going to pretend I have ___ rule to make myself feel better, but violate that rule, thereby proving I only keep it when it's convenient" setup.


I'm going to go buy some cheap processed fish sticks and smother them in ranch just because this is 'Murica and I can.  I'm not even going to make them crispy, I'm just going to microwave them on a dirty paper plate.

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I can't stand a loud place, but I don't hear well.

I hate BBQ sauce.

I love vinegar.

Ranch dressing is for tricking kids who've been raised on a **** SAD, to eat carrots. That's it.

I don't like to judge people, but if you put ranch dressing on things, or worse, put things in ranch, I'm judging. Hard.



I will dip my hot wings in ranch, slop 'em up, dip my fries in it too.  Judge away bruh :)


And when I'm done eating them ranch covered ****s, I'm like



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Have to wear ear plugs at rock concerts,.

I've worn earplugs for sleeping for years. Not every night, like when I'm tired as all hell, collapse in bed and fall asleep within 30 seconds. But on most nights, it's part of the sleep prep. My dogs are sensitive to sound and will bark their everloving heads off if they hear suspicious noises. I'm generally a light sleeper, so the earplugs are a godsend.

Also wear them (although not as snug as when I sleep) when I play drums. Moreso because it makes me play harder. My technique is 2x as good when I wear earplugs or headphones. It's like when you're listening to music through earbuds and say something to someone. You speak louder and clearer because you can't hear yourself that well. Tellin' you, to a fellow drummer, earplugs/headphones when you play. For a reason beyond saving your eardrums...

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