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If you imagine Redskins stuff for all of that it's neat


Some guy has a sig of his Redskins fan cave, good stuff


That's pretty sweet.  I don't have a room near that size, just the bonus room above the garage.  If we ever move, I will 100% try and move into a house for sale that has a full size, furnished basement.  Then, I would go all out.

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Wife and I got tired of asking the sales office for a key to our house. So we asked for it yesterday and ran to Lowes to make a copy. Now we can get into our house whenever, as well as some of their spec homes. Not sure how many laws we broke in the process, but I regret nothing

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Sigh. Teenagers goofing around and playing music,(some of it not that bad),wife cleaning and occasionally handing me something. All this while I'm really trying focus on the photography business. Times like this do nothing for my ADD and with my favorite color being mountains and those spots on my computer screen but I'm doing okay despite the distractions and man that's a cool Redskins medallion type thing on the wall.  



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Wife and I got tired of asking the sales office for a key to our house. So we asked for it yesterday and ran to Lowes to make a copy. Now we can get into our house whenever, as well as some of their spec homes. Not sure how many laws we broke in the process, but I regret nothing

lol, did you actually try the key in the spec homes?

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Chew that reminds me of when we were buying our first home. Realtor gave us lock box combo. ...it was 'YES'

i then realized that on every listing they had, on the info sheet it said 'Lockbox: YES'

i always assumed it was just answering a question. ...we self toured quite a few homes after that.

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lol, did you actually try the key in the spec homes?

No, but the key chain tag said "spec homes 2" lol. Gonna walk all our neighbors houses today if it works lol

when my parents purchased their house, we would go into the house every few days by sneaking in someway to check on the progress

We were leaving the basement door unlocked the last few weeks, but they're to the point of appliances and water heater instalment so they've been locking it up tight.

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So i am at the dealership to get my mom's car fixed and i clogged the men's only stall. What should i do?  It really stinks in there lol



This I.fskinsfans guy in the OTA tweet thread has been hilarious the past couple of days. I finally got caught up on that last night.

No worries, judging by his posts he will never figure out how to get over here to this thread




Nah, I'm sure someone here would be very happy to let him know... like with RedBeast  :) . Never ever saw that dude in the Tailgate, much less the rtt, and this was the only place i ever talked about that. I think whoever told him must have thought I'd be embarrassed, but they misunderstood my reason for keeping the convo here to begin with. Had nothing to do with being uncomfortable discussing it directly with him. I just don't go out of my way to **** on people (well, most people). And honestly, saying you think someone is lying about their wife and posting fake pictures (even though you 100% believe it) is kind of ****ting on them.




Was looking for this song for ages since playing Spec Ops: The Line. Finally found it.



Good to see people keeping that iconic brand of music alive

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So i am at the dealership to get my mom's car fixed and i clogged the men's only stall. What should i do?  It really stinks in there lol


Leave. Play it cool while you do it, and if someone sees you, act like a normal person that walks in a bthroom that someone just bombed

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I didn't read the article but it said Amazon leaked it and Microsoft didn't deny it. June 15th or something like that.






yeah i saw that too. Its the same day as E3.  Its a 1TB for $399. I am so mad that i bought a xbox one 2 years ago for almost $700!

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I didn't read the article but it said Amazon leaked it and Microsoft didn't deny it. June 15th or something like that.





Ah the one with a 1 Terabyte storage.  Was only available as a special CoD edition if I remember correctly.  

Speaking of movies...


Finally have the wife watching Angel Heart. We are 30 minutes or so in, and she is already asking me questions about things...DENIED.

Classic film.  

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I'm watching the new TMNT right now. I'm 15 minutes in, haven't seen a ninja turtle yet. Oh, here we go. Finally.

This **** is lame man. Plays out just like a Michael Bay movie.

Why do they keep green lighting stuff like this?

$191M domestic. Makes sense.

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Ugh, I was gifted that movie for christmas (by someone well aware of my grumpitude towards Michael Bay ruining the turtles) and still haven't been beaten into watching it. Movie looks terrible.

On the other hand, more recently I watched a 30 minute fan-made Casey Jones movie that was pretty enjoyable for what it is. http://caseyjonesthemovie.com

Unforunately they embedded this weird player into their site that you can't set to full screen, but by monitoring the network when connecting, I found where the video file itself is stored so you can download it and run it on your own media player. http://caseyjonesthemovie.com/video/caseyjones_700kbps.flv

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