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I wasn't stupid enough to flip someone off without backup.

Lmao! Oh Mary, you're a hoot!

Too much violence in return. If someone gets out their car and confronts me, I'm giving them a hug.

Leaving them ribs exposed, huh? I'd slide a steak knife smooth through them joints.

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Wedding complete.  I drove down separate from my wife due to having to work until 5pm and Tazette having to be back in my hometown for the rehearsal by 5pm (yesterday).  Got to her in time for the meds to kick in and work by the start of the wedding.  Now she's feeling a lot better.  


Tazette was the only one in the wedding besides the bride and groom.  She had laser focus as flower girl, you could see the concentration pouring out of her veins.  Great little ceremony, so happy for my SIL and BIL.  

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I know it's Women's soccer but I was proud of the effort China put forth today and i twas a good game 


KEep bashing women's sports but it's fun to watch and it's not mainstream. I'd rather watch women's soccer than the ****ing NBA. The NBA sucks. 

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I know it's Women's soccer but I was proud of the effort China put forth today and i twas a good game 


KEep bashing women's sports but it's fun to watch and it's not mainstream. I'd rather watch women's soccer than the ****ing NBA. The NBA sucks. 


You drunk?  LOL


I don't bash any womens sports.  At the same time, I don't watch many either.  Main exception being the Olympics and maybe tennis during the grand slam tournaments.  

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Do you know how boring I find the NBA? Do you know how bad it got after they took away the defensive rules and opened up the offense? You should be able to openly block and hit players and play defense without "foul". No more ticky tack fouls please. 


That's why I like watching soccer and hockey now, these players are so physical and grind each other and check each other and there's no call most of the time. Very physical game. Not like the NBA where Dwayne Wade is "fouled" going to the basket and no one touched him. Not like the NBA where the Spurs openly rest players regularly in an 82 game season (did Jordan or Pippen or Rodman sit out for any of the 82 games?) and Adam Silver does NOTHING at all to stop it. Not like the NBA where teams like the Wolves and Sixers and Knicks regularly treat the regular season as something optional and openly tank for players. 


At least both sports have an officiating problem. 

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My BIL asks me sports questions. Hell, he's an Eagles and Yankees fan.


I think it is because he doesn't follow close enough to his own teams to even know anything about other teams. He is a ESPN wet dream to me. Then he asks me so that when he has conversations with his friends...at least he has an opinion right or wrong.


He likes sports, but he is into other things much more (gaming, computers, phones, history).

Stay in your wheelhouse bro. If they can't appreciate that...they aren't friends anyway.

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Have you ever seen a soccer game? They're allowed to push and shove players down and hit them 

Yes.  And I used to play soccer.  Don't like it anymore and I find it extremely long and boring.  Not taking anything away from their athleticism or anything like that.  Just don't care for it at all.  

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A former member OVCChairman got married today.  He has a few friends that were on the board who attended the wedding.  Honorary Hog and (I think) SC Skinsfan (or something to that effect).  I grew up in the same neighborhood as OVC and am friends with him and others on Facebook.


Congrats to him and his new wife.

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I'm not saying I watch every game and I mostly watch USA games because I'm an American but soccer isn't that bad


I will say I barely pay attention to DC United though, they keep thinking they're relevant in this city they aren't. They won many titles but no one acknowledges them, they still think no DC team has won a title since 1991 and that would be correct

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Well, that's an interesting dynamic.


I'm with the thumbs down soccer crowd though.

I played the game as a kid and I was terrible...but watching it...no thanks.


One thing I like about soccer.  No commercials.


That is my absolute biggest gripe about football and why I will probably give it up one day.  It is one long advertisement.  One play, commercial.  One play, commercial.  Touchdown, commercial.  Extra Point, commercial.  **** that ****.


Football has the least amount of action for the amount of time played.

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