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Like everything is clear and sharp like it should be and looking at things right in front of me or far away from me look normal. It's specifically when I'm walking and looking down at the ground it feels a lot closer than it should maybe its just that the glasses are a different shape than what I've had in the past idk I'll get it checked next weekend.


Probably a mixture of both. Did you have a new exam when you got your new specs or used the previous one ?  Sometimes they do make mistakes at the lab though. I would give it a week and see how it feels. Then I would be on the phone getting them to check/fix them joints. Last thing you want is for your eyes to get undue strain.

Moco once got busy with a tinder chick in a Burger King bathroom.....


Oh yes ladies, I'm really being sincere,

Cuz in the 69 my Humpty nose'll tickle your rear.

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60.5M: # of US viewers that were watching as NFC title game went into OT. That's unreal. 1/5 of Americans were tuned into watching that game. The NFL is going nowhere

Know your history, my son.

Baseball, boxing, horseracing.... All of it had at one point, the attention of the entire nation. The HW champ used to be considered one of the most important people in the country. The average person now probably couldnt even name one...

Nothing lasts forever. Talent/ingenuity will always determine how far a sport, show, etc, will go. Not the other way around

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60.5M: # of US viewers that were watching as NFC title game went into OT. That's unreal. 1/5 of Americans were tuned into watching that game. The NFL is going nowhere


There is absolutely nothing else to watch on a Sunday in Mid-January between 5-7...No NBA, No College FB, No Nascar, Nothing.

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There is absolutely nothing else to watch on a Sunday in Mid-January between 5-7...No NBA, No College FB, No Nascar, Nothing.


Why are you assuming that these people have to watch TV?

Know your history, my son.

Baseball, boxing, horseracing.... All of it had at one point, the attention of the entire nation. The HW champ used to be considered one of the most important people in the country. The average person now probably couldnt even name one...

Nothing lasts forever. Talent/ingenuity will always determine how far a sport, show, etc, will go. Not the other way around


100% agree.  The NFL is gaining more fans every day for a product that is getting worse.  

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I got a new prescription and I want to an actual eye doctor instead of just one those places that sells glasses. He said my eyes got better so the prescription was going to change a little bit. Things definitely look different tho so it could maybe be that I just need to get use to them. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel a little bit off. If they still bother me on Friday Ill get them checked.

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MoCo, Are you a candidate for Lasik ?


Have you looked into it ?


My wife can get it done...she loves her glasses though. I will convince her at some point that she can rock glasses and have amazing vision...without having to wear glasses.


They would be optional and a fashion statement, instead of a need.

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Got the afternoon crash every day now so I've got to brew a cup of coffee daily to avoid falling asleep in my chair 


I wasn't normally a coffee guy but they got non-dairy creamer and sugar here so I just brew it now 


Most people drink coffee in the morning but I'm alert in the mornings until 10 or 11 which is when the doldrums start to hit. Then 12 -1 lunch. Then 2-3 the fatigue sets in again. 


Also I sleep around 10 PM now instead of 9:30, hoping that sets a later pattern so I won't wake up at 2 AM anymore and sit around in bed for an hour. 

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I would like to get Lasik but I've been wearing glasses for so long that now idk if my face would look weird without glasses.


Also Lasik isn't it super expensive? My dad got it done ti fix one eye and I think it cost him like $2500 or something.


Your face looks fine. We tease you, but you are just as ugly and handsome as the rest of us are. My beer belly should have it's own room. haha.


You can finance the Lasik if needed.


Go to the best doctor in ( maybe not in your case) town, and don't be cheap...it is your eyes. Get a consult at least and see how much it really breaks down to. Do you have insurance ? That might help too.


I paid around $4300 to get my ex's eyes fixed. It was worth it.

No groupon or cheap deals...just go to the best place and get it done. She got something called wave technology back then. No problems, and that has been over ten years now (I think).

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I was engaged in an fierce debate about these bammas who have alligators and bears and lions and tigers as pets (a family in California had an alligator as a pet for 40 years, just living in the backyard) 


It reminded me of the story of a deer who was a pet in a Michigan house for years, the courts said it can stay at the house




They dress her up and put a birthday hat on it and everything, damn


It makes me sad because it's so anthropomorphic (aw look she thinks she's people) but I also feel like that deer probably shouldn't be living in a house and that eventually it's primal instincts will kick in. I've heard stories of monkeys attacking their owners and they've lived with them all their life. They have primal instincts that humans can't totally remove. 


Edit: The deer is living with the Michigan family because her mom got run over so they decided to raise it. Good story. :) 

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I would like to get Lasik but I've been wearing glasses for so long that now idk if my face would look weird without glasses.


Also Lasik isn't it super expensive? My dad got it done ti fix one eye and I think it cost him like $2500 or something.


My dad just got lasik and believe it was about that price. I wear contacts and pay about $200/year for them. So I look at it as after 12 more years of buying contacts, I could have just paid for lasik and be done with it. Very tempting to do, just afraid of that upfront cost.

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I would like to get Lasik but I've been wearing glasses for so long that now idk if my face would look weird without glasses.


Also Lasik isn't it super expensive? My dad got it done ti fix one eye and I think it cost him like $2500 or something.

I had PRK (a different type of Laser Surgery) about 5 years ago. they gave me a discount for insurance, and paid about $2300 total for it. would do it again in a heart beat. It's also something you can use HSA to pay for.

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Like everything is clear and sharp like it should be and looking at things right in front of me or far away from me look normal. It's specifically when I'm walking and looking down at the ground it feels a lot closer than it should maybe its just that the glasses are a different shape than what I've had in the past idk I'll get it checked next weekend.

It's because your 'script is set for 20 feet in front of you (they correct to make you "20/20"). Your feet are only about 5-6 feet away from your eyes. Sounds like you're near sighted (far away stuff look blurry without glasses?). I think smaller frames would help with this too, since you can just "peek" out of the bottom without looking down, so your glasses only affect straight ahead vision. 


I'm on extremeskins, I'm an armchair optometrist, lawyer, sports medicine specialist, political scientist, and economist.

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