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k, so, Broco . . . I'm an art director as a profession and I work with models at photoshoots. The glasses are too big for your face and they draw too much attention. Secondly, your face is more of an oval shape with no sharp angles so you want to offset that with specs that are more rectangular. Try rectangular ones with a thinner frame, wire frame, or wireless glasses. Smaller lenses as well, if your script allows. 


Try this, when we do a casting call and models send in their headshots and the shoot calls for glasses. We go to a site called zennioptical.com (they sell glasses). But they have a feature where you can upload a headshot and virtually try on glasses of different shapes. 


Don't want to be a dick since you just got your specs, but just trying to help a brotha.

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Idk I might have to get a new pair of glasses or something. Don't get me wrong I like them and idk if its just because its a new prescription but the depth perception is off for some reason. When I'm walking and I look down at my feet it looks like my feet are 2 feet away from my face. This is a fall down the stairs in front of a bunch of people waiting to happen

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Idk I might have to get a new pair of glasses or something. Don't get me wrong I like them and idk if its just because its a new prescription but the depth perception is off for some reason. When I'm walking and I look down at my feet it looks like my feet are 2 feet away from my face. This is a fall down the stairs in front of a bunch of people waiting to happen


Tell your eye doc about that. It sounds like your prescription might be off.

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I have a big nose its okay its something I accepted many years ago. A lot of people when they first see me think that I am _____ (won't say it because its a racist) Always surprised when I say "No I'm not"


Gerald from Hey Arnold got the **** boy haircut. Probably wore his nicest pair of Js to gym so he could look fresh while getting dunked out.

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I have a big nose its okay its something I accepted many years ago. A lot of people when they first see me think that I am _____ (won't say it because its a racist) Always surprised when I say "No I'm not"



See that's more like it !!!  Own that joint and, do "The Humpy Dance".


There may be hope for you yet. Now lose the Ginormous specs and Flannels unless sleeping, or hunting/fishing. Plaid is one thing flannel is completely different.

Don't worry Moco, I got a big nose to. Lol



Difference is you own it. I always feel like when I see people rockin' glasses that big, they are hiding some serious insecurities.

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Like everything is clear and sharp like it should be and looking at things right in front of me or far away from me look normal. It's specifically when I'm walking and looking down at the ground it feels a lot closer than it should maybe its just that the glasses are a different shape than what I've had in the past idk I'll get it checked next weekend.

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