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No man. The amp is built in. 2 pieces. Most of the soundbars I have seen are no more than 3 inches in height.


The only thing I don't like about that one is that there is no remote.


I have a Samsung (I don't recall the model) and it's incredible got it for X-mas ...I want to say two years ago (might have been last year (not three weeks ago).

I love the damn thing, it's awesome. Like Chew was talking about on another topic when the wife isn't home I throw on some Too $hort and you can feel it.

Mrs. Kosh not down with Too $hort!?!?!  


I'm going back and forth between the Sony and Samsung ones, it will be an early birthday present for me, which is fine by me.  When I looked up the model on Sony's website, it had dimensions for an amp, which confused me cause I thought it was just the two pieces, guess they were trying to push more **** on people lol.

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If you can afford and it isn't too much of a hassle, always opt for conventional surround sound.

The Ravens lose, all is right in the world.

Yeah, I have a nice surround sound system in the bonus room, three front speakers, two back and subwoofer, tuner/amp.  I thought about bringing it down to the living room, only thing is its all wired and the sub on it is pretty big :(  


I might wait til our furniture gets delivered so I can get a better idea of what it will look like.

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I don't hate the Seahawks, but the hoopla surrounding their fans drives me crazy. Since when have they been an incredible fanbase? When they got that subwoofer of a stadium? It's the ****ing Seattle Seahawks. It's like if the Chargers or Dolphins fans started getting slobbered over. C'mon man. For a couple decades their stadium had as many people in it as the surface of Mars. Now, they've claimed ownership on the term used for every teams' home crowd - "The Twelfth Man". That is cheesy and arrogant as ****. You ain't ****, ya yuppy ass, depressed ass, 'bouta get disintigrated by lava ass, lost ya damn basketball team ass Canadiens.

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I don't hate the Seahawks, but the hoopla surrounding their fans drives me crazy. Since when have they been an incredible fanbase? When they got that subwoofer of a stadium? It's the ****ing Seattle Seahawks. It's like if the Chargers or Dolphins fans started getting slobbered over. C'mon man. For a couple decades their stadium had as many people in it as the surface of Mars. Now, they've claimed ownership on the term used for every teams' home crowd - "The Twelfth Man". That is cheesy and arrogant as ****. You ain't ****, ya yuppy ass, depressed ass, 'bouta get disintigrated by lava ass, lost ya damn basketball team ass Canadiens.

PREACH, bruh

Actin all hard and **** like theyre gonna do anything but throw some iced coffee at you

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I don't hate the Seahawks, but the hoopla surrounding their fans drives me crazy. Since when have they been an incredible fanbase? When they got that subwoofer of a stadium? It's the ****ing Seattle Seahawks. It's like if the Chargers or Dolphins fans started getting slobbered over. C'mon man. For a couple decades their stadium had as many people in it as the surface of Mars. Now, they've claimed ownership on the term used for every teams' home crowd - "The Twelfth Man". That is cheesy and arrogant as ****. You ain't ****, ya yuppy ass, depressed ass, 'bouta get disintigrated by lava ass, lost ya damn basketball team ass Canadiens.


I'm still mystified of how the Saints fans were magically turned into some incredible fan base. It started after Katrina and I thought that it was just goodwill from the media but the crazy myth has never faded away.

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Telling you, man. I lived in Seattle for two years. Great city, but horrible sports fans.

The stereotypes of Seattle are true. Hundreds of thousands of wanna be cool guys. Paul Bunyan beards, flannel shirts, non-prescription glasses. Picture a city full of Mocos lol

Portland was a much smaller citt and had SO MUCH more culture than Seattle. A lot of Asian influence kinda like SF, but other than that...Seattle felt like it had no personality.

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Telling you, man. I lived in Seattle for two years. Great city, but horrible sports fans.

The stereotypes of Seattle are true. Hundreds of thousands of wanna be cool guys. Paul Bunyan beards, flannel shirts, non-prescription glasses. Picture a city full of Mocos lol

Portland was a much smaller citt and had SO MUCH more culture than Seattle. A lot of Asian influence kinda like SF, but other than that...Seattle felt like it had no personality.

So Seattle is Brooklyn?

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Man, I just wish the Cards didn't suffer all those injuries.  They could beat Seattle this year with Palmer, I have zero doubt about it.  Panthers were a 7-8-1 team, that got the benefit of playing an injured Cards team.  Not taking anything away from them, but it is what it is.  



Oh well, tonight was **** Seattle, tomorrow is **** Dallas.  Then if Dallas wins, its **** Dallas again and again if they win and make it to the Super Bowl.  

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With Palmer I believe the Cards would have a better chance. However their great D was punched in the mouth that night.

4th Quarter I guess it was when they talked about his 7/7 on 3rd downs...


That made it a done deal.


There was that thing called hope, but there was really no chance.


(And yes, I realize that stat is talking about his passing).

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I'm a disgusting person that will do anything for sex I guess and tonight will be one of those nights that I will lock away in the vault because of her fetish that Ill take to my ****ing grave(I won't tell anyone that I actually know in person). I looked in the mirror after and I'm a sick person that needs help


The only thing that makes me not want to jump out the window is that she grilled me for like 25 minutes trying to find out if I was clean asking me like 20 questions off a sheet of paper (which was also really odd) So I'm confident im okay tonight but I've had sex with 3 people now I feel like thats a lot of people and I don't want my future wife if Im lucky enough for one to think Im a whore so is 3 a lot?

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