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I'm so gonna blow a gasket.  Ok, so Tazette has been raised to tell the truth, always.  One thing I am proud of is she has never lied to us when we ask her something.  We might have to push and pry sometimes to get all the details out, but flat out lie, never.  She's a good kid like that.


Today at school, on the playground (where all tha ruckas is brung - DJ spin that Wu-Tang Clan), two of her friends started kicking her and her other friend.  Tazette, kicked them back.  The girl that initiated it all went to the teacher, told her that Tazette kicked her.  Teacher asked her if that was true, she said yes and told her that the other girl started kicking them first.


Teacher asked the other girl, she lied to the teacher and said no (Tazette's version of the story).  Teacher made Tazette walk laps the rest of recess, other kids went unpunished.  Then Tazette got sent to the principal's office for fighting on the playground.  Principal called us, told the wife that after talking to Tazette, she is certain that other kids were involved, basically believing my kid.


The note sent home from the teacher only stated that she asked Tazette if she did it, she admitted to it, asked why she did it and was told I don't know.  Thus, pissing me off.  She shouldn't hit/kick other kids, she got punished tonight (all privileges taken away), but the fact the other kid just lied and they don't believe my kid is worrisome.  I mean, we are raising her right and this teaches her nothing.  It's counter productive.  


And trying to explain to a 6 year old that is punished for hitting/kicking other kids, that she did the right thing by telling the truth while she watched another kid lie and go unpunished is hard.   I know that teachers have it rough, but at the minimum, both kids should have been punished imo.  



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I don't want Vick because of just his age and he does not have it anymore. But I really don't care much about his past with dogs I honestly don't understand people who are still mad about that.

It just shows the poor decisions he can make...terrible fit for the Redskins. We don't need any more of that.


And trying to explain to a 6 year old that is punished for hitting/kicking other kids, that she did the right thing by telling the truth while she watched another kid lie and go unpunished is hard.   I know that teachers have it rough, but at the minimum, both kids should have been punished imo.  



That does suck. I agree with you...it really makes it hard to show how "moral high ground" is important. Even at 6, she's probably able to understand what karma is, that you get what you give, sometimes years later. (I now have a vision of Tazette standing on the playground, arms folded, foot tapping with that "you'll get yours one day" look on her face, LOL)
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I don't want Vick because of just his age and he does not have it anymore. But I really don't care much about his past with dogs I honestly don't understand people who are still mad about that.

I don't understand people who are outwardly supportive of him, and get heated that I still feel sickened by him.

I just do. I get physically ill, albeit slightly, when I see him on TV. Deal with it.

What he did to mammals of that size, a kid might do to a bug when he's 5. Killing wild animals outright for food is one thing, torture for the thrill of it is another. I'd think a guy is an enormous tool if he was doing that same **** to bugs.

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The stealthy assassin is back!  Our cat got comfortable with being able to roam the house again and last night, around 3am, caught the mouse.  


I honestly thought it was gone/fled with her presence of being around.  Well, I fell asleep in my recliner and was awakened by a loud ruckus behind me, that included the cat, mouse squeal, something hitting the ground and like a bat out of hell, the cat ran upstairs under the bed.


Wife woke up, looked and could hear the mouse and she had it trapped underneath her and was under the bed.  This morning, a glue trap was laying in the floor.  The mouse had partially gotten stuck on it, came out and the cat basically took it to a secluded spot, ripped it off the trap and ate it lol.


She's 14 years old now, has lost a step or two.  Still aggressive towards home invaders though.  

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hahah no!


oh man...you can find 'em on Twitter if you're okay with invading her privacy. ;)


kinda funny how some folks call themselves taking the moral high ground by refusing to look at celebs leaked/hacked nude pics.  As if they're doing their part to stop it from happening or something.  Making a difference LOL.  these women are worth tens of millions of dollars, boo hoo they have to deal with the "stress and embarrassment" of having their nude pics put on the internet.  If fame and fortune comes with having your nude pictures posted online, count me in.  I'll go take a nude, duck face selfie right now in the work bathroom.


End of the day, we've seen Jennifer Lawrence's boobs and they haven't.  ;)

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I'm so gonna blow a gasket. Ok, so Tazette has been raised to tell the truth, always. One thing I am proud of is she has never lied to us when we ask her something. We might have to push and pry sometimes to get all the details out, but flat out lie, never. She's a good kid like that.

Today at school, on the playground (where all tha ruckas is brung - DJ spin that Wu-Tang Clan), two of her friends started kicking her and her other friend. Tazette, kicked them back. The girl that initiated it all went to the teacher, told her that Tazette kicked her. Teacher asked her if that was true, she said yes and told her that the other girl started kicking them first.

Teacher asked the other girl, she lied to the teacher and said no (Tazette's version of the story). Teacher made Tazette walk laps the rest of recess, other kids went unpunished. Then Tazette got sent to the principal's office for fighting on the playground. Principal called us, told the wife that after talking to Tazette, she is certain that other kids were involved, basically believing my kid.

The note sent home from the teacher only stated that she asked Tazette if she did it, she admitted to it, asked why she did it and was told I don't know. Thus, pissing me off. She shouldn't hit/kick other kids, she got punished tonight (all privileges taken away), but the fact the other kid just lied and they don't believe my kid is worrisome. I mean, we are raising her right and this teaches her nothing. It's counter productive.

And trying to explain to a 6 year old that is punished for hitting/kicking other kids, that she did the right thing by telling the truth while she watched another kid lie and go unpunished is hard. I know that teachers have it rough, but at the minimum, both kids should have been punished imo.


You're on top of it as a dad Tazer, I'm envious. The world needs more fathers like you.

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I just dont understand, I'm not some animal rights activist but how do people get so mad about dog fighting but don't go protest against turkey farms where they cut off all the beaks so they can't peck, or go protest shampoo companies that grow toomers in rabbits and rats, put make up in rats eyes, bread them for the purpose of experimenting on. Slaughter millions of over packed under fed cattle. A lot of people don't get upset over that but they get upset over dogs? What makes dogs different? Its like I don't understand what's wrong with chemical weapons. How are those worse than getting your arm blown off and bleeding to death? But everyone still gets upset over chemical weapons. But why?

If private companies can do whatever they want with their rats that they breed then should private citizens be able to do what they want with their pets?

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You're on top of it as a dad Tazer, I'm envious. The world needs more fathers like you.

I love joking around and acting a fool on here with yoos guys/gals and in life as well, gotta have fun always, never know when it's your turn for a permanent dirt nap.


But that little girl is my world man and I love every second I get to spend with her, teaching her things, chilling, letting her paint my fingernails yellow (yes, I did that once - never again though lol), etc.  And I cannot stand it when she is forced to face adversity like this, at such an influential age.  She's sharp, bright, way ahead of where she should be in school for her age.  


If this kind of **** keeps up, she is going to start doing what other kids do and lie to stay out of trouble.  They have a party right now actually, parents can attend so the wife went and is going to confront the teacher about it.  I'm calm enough now to talk rationally to the teacher if I had to, but if the talk went differently than I hoped, my body language/demeanor would show frustration, I wear my emotions on my sleeve a lot of times.  


We like her teacher, she seems really nice.  I told the wife that we need to give her a chance to explain herself as to why she didn't believe my kid, who told the truth and owned up to it, but believed the other kid that lied.  Maybe it's how they have been trained/instructed to handle those situations, if it is, then a talk with the principal will be needed.  

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I just dont understand, I'm not some animal rights activist but how do people get so mad about dog fighting but don't go protest against turkey farms where they cut off all the beaks so they can't peck, or go protest shampoo companies that grow toomers in rabbits and rats, put make up in rats eyes, bread them for the purpose of experimenting on. Slaughter millions of over packed under fed cattle. A lot of people don't get upset over that but they get upset over dogs? What makes dogs different? Its like I don't understand what's wrong with chemical weapons. How are those worse than getting your arm blown off and bleeding to death? But everyone still gets upset over chemical weapons. But why?

If private companies can do whatever they want with their rats that they breed then should private citizens be able to do what they want with their pets?


most people have never had a rat look them at them with an (implied) meaningful look as it licks turkey gravy off of their palm.  

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I just dont understand, I'm not some animal rights activist but how do people get so mad about dog fighting but don't go protest against turkey farms where they cut off all the beaks so they can't peck, or go protest shampoo companies that grow toomers in rabbits and rats, put make up in rats eyes, bread them for the purpose of experimenting on. Slaughter millions of over packed under fed cattle. A lot of people don't get upset over that but they get upset over dogs? What makes dogs different? Its like I don't understand what's wrong with chemical weapons. How are those worse than getting your arm blown off and bleeding to death? But everyone still gets upset over chemical weapons. But why?

If private companies can do whatever they want with their rats that they breed then should private citizens be able to do what they want with their pets?


RE: Dogs


People identify with animals they love and foster.  There are some people who think that dogs = humans.  That is their right.  I don't get it either, but I do detest dog fighting.  The dogs would rather pass each other by with a growl and mean look.  People starve and mistreat these animals to get them to the point that they want to kill each other.  That is wrong imo.


RE: Chemical weapons


Chemical weapons don't discriminate and there is no way to control who is exposed.  There are some unfortunate collateral damage / deaths when using bombs, etc.  That damage and collaterals is localized.  Chemical weapons get caught in the wind and can wipe out an entire city.  THAT is why they are a no go. 

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