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Yes. That's why I asked here first. I could use more knowledge 


Never had a pet other than fishes and hamsters and birds in my life



I love dogs, but cats are easier to take care of imo.  Get a litter box, they don't have to be trained/house broken, they automatically go to the bathroom in there due to their natural instincts.  Then basically feeding and giving them water daily, brushing them when needed.  


Just have to make sure to keep the litter boxes clean when they start to fill up or they will go on the floor around it.  The don't require the attention a dog does, they have complex personalities.  Also, if you want to take a weekend trip, you can put enough food and water out and not have to worry about having to take them to a kennel and pay extra money.


Another great thing, you don't have to give them a bath, they clean themselves and most hate water anyhow.  Our fat tabby cat, hated water, but when the wife got him in the tub, he would sit still and let her bathe him.  Other cat, she freaks out off one drop getting on her and goes nuts.  If you had to get them a bath, you can take them to large pet store that does grooming and let them deal with it.

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Taze is 100% right. When I was little my dad got my mom 2 kittens for Xmas. They lived for 16 years and were always playing with eachother. Fast toward to those cats passing and out new cat by itself. Anytime my brother brings his cat over or my sister brings her thus cat gets ultra territorial and beats the **** out of the other cats. So my advice to you is if you get only 1 cat, dont ever buy another until the first one. Dies.

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Yes, please do not bathe your cat like some of those psychos on YouTube. They view water as Death anyway, and if you allow them to have claws (another decision you will make) they will gash you.

Litter boxes these days are boss though. You shouldnt have many problems

Make sure you have enough space for some kind of cat den, where they can chill and sleep. Eve. If its just one of those little cat beds. They love that.

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Yes, please do not bathe your cat like some of those psychos on YouTube. They view water as Death anyway, and if you allow them to have claws (another decision you will make) they will gash you.

Litter boxes these days are boss though. You shouldnt have many problems

Make sure you have enough space for some kind of cat den, where they can chill and sleep. Eve. If its just one of those little cat beds. They love that.

It was crazy, our fat one had gotten a ton of clumps and it had litter stuck in a couple.  At first, he just meowed and kicked his feet a bit, never tried to claw my wife.  Then he just sat there and let her wash him.  Then she would dry him and had to trim out the clumps.  Didn't have to do it too often, very lucky he didn't care that much or fight it.  


But like you said, I'd not recommend even trying it unless you had to and be prepared for the worse lol.  And litter boxes are boss these days.  Very easy to keep clean.  Cat dens are cool, especially the ones with the pole and platform high up (4-5 feet), they love laying on that, and you can get them now with a scratching post built in.

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Personally I view declawing as cruel.


Buy a scratch post for $20. Or just yell at the cat. This cat use to scratch the rugs but my dad yelled at it for a month and it has not done it in years.

My mom washed our cat once since we've had it. Its been idk 13 years. It did not like it but it didn't fight. After the bath she could not even walk lol she just slipped on the bathroom floor and my mom wrapped her up in a blanket and she laid there like she was dead for an hour

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What about cats clawing and scratching through my stuff


If they touch the Nats dolls...

Every cat is different.  Some claw the furniture, carpet, etc.  Some don't.  They make anti-scratch sprays you can buy to spray on the furniture you don't want scratched, works pretty good.  All the cats we have had all had claws, we don't believe in de-clawing them.  If they were to ever get lose and in the wild, I would want them to be able to survive.  


Some people swear by de-clawing the front claws cause that is what they scratch furniture with, and they primarily use their back ones for defense.  To each their own, we don't believe in that either.


They most likely will not mess/scratch a bobble head doll lol.  So, those should be safe :)  


If we could do it over, I wish we had bought the scratching post/cat condo/den from the get go along with anti-scratch spray and taught it from the beginning to use the scratching post.  We didn't, thus both scratched our living room chair and couch legs.

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Because I love cats. :)  Got two.   :)    






Fiance' and I decided on a semi spontaneous wedding date of January 2nd. Just going to stop waiting or trying to go through a lot of planning and stuff. This should go over well with a few family members and friends.   :rolleyes:  Anyway. Back to playing with the cats,(they love the laser pointer). 

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Why would I need two cats

One is fine

It costs like 75 bucks for the cat plus 15 for the microchip

Yeah personally, if they're teamed up together in the shop, no way could I get just one and leave the other. I'd have to get both, keep them together. That's just me. And I have a heart. To each his own.

Way too many eagle fans at the stadium.

Maybe it's just me but the more the merrier. I want Snyder to be embarrassed. That's just me

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