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Update on my mother in law. She was found, she fell down a hill into a wooded area where she passed away. Her service dog was by her side when they found her this morning. It's very sad, life is a fragile thing.

Thank you guys for all of your well wishes.


Good to know.


Sorry for your loss Spring. You know everyone is here for ya!

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I told my wife I'm not cutting my hair until the Redskins win another Super Bowl.........she said I'll be tripping over my **** when I'm 89 (that's 50 years from now)........


I honestly don't think I'll make it to 89, so cut it or grow it?  Remember, I'm almost 40, work remotely for my company.  My wife has told me I look like a homeless man with my beard and hair before.

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That year David Carr vowed not to cut his hair until the Texans won two games in a row I said the same thing about the Redskins.  I went a long time without a haircut, although I think I did finally get one in the offseason.


If you actually don't care what you look like, then go for it.  It could get pretty darn long but I bet you'll cut it before you're 89.

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That year David Carr vowed not to cut his hair until the Texans won two games in a row I said the same thing about the Redskins.  I went a long time without a haircut, although I think I did finally get one in the offseason.


If you actually don't care what you look like, then go for it.  It could get pretty darn long but I bet you'll cut it before you're 89.

My cuz, who is 46 told me to grow it out like a rock star lol. But he was cursed with the high forehead/hairline in the family and blessed with the nice round shaped head, so buzzed/bald is actually an awesome look on him and my dad (and his dad RIP).  I have a lumpy head and would not look good bald.  


**** it, I'm growing this **** out.  I might need to dye it, I'm pretty gray/white now lol.

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You can switch back without problems.

Update on my mother in law. She was found, she fell down a hill into a wooded area where she passed away. Her service dog was by her side when they found her this morning. It's very sad, life is a fragile thing.

Thank you guys for all of your well wishes.

Absolutely horrendous. I'm so sorry; my condolences

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i got married at 23... a baby.   


but the real settling down doesn't happen until you start having kids (in my case around 35) ... at that point EVERYTHING changes.  

Similar to how it went down for me.  Me and my wife met my senior year in high school, got married when I was 22, still in college (about to finish up).  Daughter was born in 2008 when I was 32 (about to turn 33).


Kids do change everything no doubt, but in a good way.  

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I'd like kids someday but not now. Still feel there is too much to do that can't really be done(or is too hard to do)once you have kids.


that's where my wife and I were for the longest.  Too much fun to be had out there in the streets, and kids would get in the way of that LOL.  We dated through our early 20s and then were married when I was 28 and she was 26.  I am now 32 and she's 30, and we just now feel like we are ready to have kids.  We enjoyed the spontaneity of being able to up and fly to Vegas for a impromptu weekend, stay out 'til 3 AM in morning, doing whatever we wanted to do, when we wanted to do it.  I have friends that had kids as early as 19 and 21...and though there are always babysitters or grandmas house, they never really had the opportunity to be truly be spontaneous...and that kinda sucks.   :(


Not that I would ever judge anybody on the decisions they made in life.  Hell, my biological mom was 16 when she had me.  But I am awfully happy that we waited until our early 30s before trying for kids.  My wife and I were able to travel and have fun....really get to enjoy each other before we both turn our attention to little ones.


But the "young married couple without kids" lifestyle is getting kind of old now.  We've been there done that with pretty much all the trendy stuff there is to do for a young(er) married couple.  I'm at a point in life to where I want my Friday nights to consist of poopy diapers and baby powder.   :wub:

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How it went down for us, we both wanted kids.  I would have started trying immediately after marriage if the wife didn't want to wait.  She said she wasn't ready yet.  I respected that.  We got to enjoy each other and do things we wanted to do like Chew said.  When I hit 30, I told her that I wanted to start trying now because I don't want to be on AARP and the kid be in high school still.


She got pregnant when I was 32 and our daughter was born 9 months later.  I look back now and am glad we waited.  I would recommend that to any couple if asked.  Personally, it gives you a chance to grow as man and wife and live out that experience to the fullest, if you choose to do so.  Kids take that relationship to another level.  


Marriage is a bond, having a child with another person is the ultimate bond.  

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I am foreseeing a possible marriage with my current GF...she has mentioned how much she wants kids and always references her "biological clock ticking". I always re-iterate to her the importance of tangible financial stability but she doesn't seem to want to place an incredible amount of importance on it.


In other words, I'd prefer to wait. She wouldn't.

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I am foreseeing a possible marriage with my current GF...she has mentioned how much she wants kids and always references her "biological clock ticking". I always re-iterate to her the importance of tangible financial stability but she doesn't seem to want to place an incredible amount of importance on it.


In other words, I'd prefer to wait. She wouldn't.


From what I've been told, isn't the the whole biological clock thing kinda overblown?  I do understand that there is a higher risk for complication during pregnancy after a certain age, but isn't that like late 30s/early 40s before it becomes even remotely an issue/possibility?  I know plenty of women who have had children well into their 30s with no issues whatsoever.


Maybe she's just really diggin' you and is ready to settle down and become Ms. BBQsauce and have some little BBQ bottles running around ;)

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From what I've been told, isn't the the whole biological clock thing kinda overblown?  I do understand that there is a higher risk for complication during pregnancy after a certain age, but isn't that like late 30s/early 40s before it becomes even remotely an issue/possibility?  I know plenty of women who have had children well into their 30s with no issues whatsoever.


Maybe she's just really diggin' you and is ready to settle down and become Ms. BBQsauce and have some little BBQ bottles running around ;)

Yeah, the I want to say the risk of complications starts getting a a lot higher after the woman is age 37 or 38.  I don't know the exact numbers, but we have had friends have perfectly healthy babies and the mothers were late 30s (like 38/39) and early 40s.  

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I kinda want a kid, but way too much responsibility. I'll stick with being the cool uncle for now.

I want to be a cool uncle, but I'm an only child and my sis-in-law and her fiance aren't sure if they want kids or not.  She's fantastic with our daughter and so is my bro-in-law to be.  Last time she was visiting, they said they go back and forth about it.  I told her as long as they both were on the same page about it, that's all that mattered.


So its not an issue of him wanting kids and her not wanting them at all or vice versa.  They are still young and have time to decide, she's 30 and he's 29.  I did explain to them how big the responsibility is and while they see some craziness and bad moments time to time while visiting, the blessing and wonderful moments by far out weigh the frustrations (i.e. potty training, sassy back-talk, etc.)



They only live an hour and a half away, but I'm more bummed they aren't moving close/near Charlotte.  She just bought a house back near home.  My wife is 7 years older than her sister, they lost their father when the wife was 14, lil sis was 7.  I met her when she was just 8 and immediately fell in love with her, she was ****ing hilarious to say the least.  


But I've been helping watch out for that kid since she was 8 and while we aren't blood related, she is my little sister.  In high school/college, I'd buy her toys all the time, take her to dinner and movies with the wife, even though it wasn't the cool thing to do per my peers (****'em is what I said).  


I taught her how to game and would give her my old consoles when I got a new one.  I'm not lying, she was 11 or 12 and could completely kick your ass at Mortal Kombat II and finish you by ripping your head and spine out (Sub Zero represent).  

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I'm gonna have to agree with RawBBQ...the financial stability thing. (Don't lose your mind over it, tho...love for each other & truly wanting to love & raise "a version of you" is most important.)

And hopefully we'll have a new Chew soon! ~and not as the accessory, but the little pooper y'all are gonna raise to be a Redskins fan/southern cookin' wiz~ LOL

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I don't think I would have a kid if I could not give it everything that it wanted. Want to give it nice clothes, be able to give my kid a car, take a kid on vacations every summer, have enough money to let the kid go to any school they wanted with tuition not being a problem at all and not having to make the kid take out loans. I would want my kid to have the best life possible and get everything that they wanted. I don't think I could have a kid if I could not give them all of that. Then you just make it difficult on the kid and pass along your problems.

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