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Yeah I am a huge fan of the Max Payne franchise. This one looks to be really good.

Never played Max Payne 2...

Something about it turned me off. Maybe it was the fact that they showed a lot of daytime shots, and the first Max Payne was done entirely at night. Anyways, Max Payne remains one of my most favorite games of all time. It's also definitely one of the darkest and grittiest games I've ever played.

I'd have no problem playing 3 now, but I admittedly had to pause for an extended amount of time in 1, especially during the house scenes, when he's running on the suspended bloodtrail with the baby crying in the background, and the lead up to the fight with Lupino at Ragna Rock, when you can hear him speaking in tongues. Definitely wasn't meant for a 13 year old to play...

With the way the storytelling was done, it kinda had a smidgen of a Rodriguez/Tarantino feel to it. Really captured the essence of the underbelly of NYC.

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I didn't play Max Payne 2 either because it wouldn't have done justice to the first one. The first one is by far my all time favorite game. The Max Payne character is a ****ing badass.

Then they made the movie. It sucked so ****ing bad.

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Then they made the movie. It sucked so ****ing bad.

I cringed throughout. The fact they had Mark Wahlberg play the role of Max Payne was frustrating enough (seemed like that role was tailor made for Michael Madsen, but I would've been fine with a cat like Jim Caviezel), but the fact that they had Ludacris play the role of Jim Bravura, who was a white, husky, gruff sounding police chief in the game (and not even one of the main characters) was just a complete insult to my intelligence. Jack Lupino is a Latino ex soldier, when in the game he's an Italian mobster. I could go on and on.

I say this a lot, but it literally felt like that throughout that movie they were pretty much saying "Look you ****ing retard fanboy, it's a videogame, who cares? We're just going to throw some sweet cinematic **** together, pay some b level actor to be the main guy, and surround him with scrubs, and you are going to like it!"

I hate it when stupid directors try to act like they know more than even the average videogame fan, and literally attempt to destroy franchises.


Street Fighter (An abomination of Stephen A Smith porportions)

Mortal Kombat Annihalation

Tomb Raider


Resident Evil

Final Fantasy

It seems like companies are doing better with comic book adaptations these days, now they need to clean up the videogame genre. Yes...there are storylines...yes, you need to follow them. The only thing great about that movie was Mila Kunis.

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You know despite Ludacris portraying a character he never should have, I thought he did a good job. In fact, I think he was the best out of the rest of the sorry bunch.

Mark Wahlberg though. I wanted to punch him throughout the movie. The Max Payne character is supposed to have this aura of "I'm ****ing pissed off but not really expressing it, except I'm going to kick your ass for screwing my life up". Mark Wahlberg was just bored throughout the movie. Completely sucked the emotion out of Max Payne.

---------- Post added May-14th-2012 at 01:55 PM ----------

As far as videogames to movies, they can make something pretty sweet out of Mass Effect. But they'll probably find a way to **** it up.

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Ludacris may have played a decent role, but I just couldn't get over the fact that he was cast as Jim Bravura. Couldn't do it. Had they just completely eliminated that character, and given him a different name, I probably wouldn't have had a problem with him. They completely murdered that movie though. Nothing about it even remotely connected with the game, at all, even on the lowest of levels.

And honestly, the only way it would even be worth my time is if it was a trilogy. Too much stuff to be crammed into one movie. I dunno about Mass Effect, but I am on suicide watch for Metal Gear Solid. Anything other than CGI and David Hayter/Hideo Kojima would make me want to riot. I dare them to do it.

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I have a question. Where does the "THT' nickname come from? Is the "HT" for "Hightower?" If so, then why does it have to be three initials when Hightower is one name? Now I'm saying that with the realization that it's the Stadium, where you see **** like "Loose/Lose," "Synder/Snyder," Paloffs/Playoffs," etc

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Well my girlfriend has kept looking for a house even though she has a backup offer on one near where she lives now. Sits on 2.5 acres with some great views of the Carson Valley and the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada range. Small house though with no garage. No problem I can build that,but it is a bit of a cost. She looked at one today that sits on an obviously smaller lot but it is in town. Little over 200 sq. feet more room and it has a nice garage,(work bench and area already there. :D She made an offer. Everything ready to go except no bathtub,(my 1st honey do right there). Apparently 2nd on the honey do list is there as well,but I haven't found out what that is yet. Just said "Yeah I can fix it.". :D

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