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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 hour ago, Cooked Crack said:



No longer will these smug bears think they're safe while hibernating.


I often avoid chiming in on topics that revolve around hunting since I don't know jack all about it.  I have also softened my stance on hunting over the years when it comes to legitimate conservation efforts and/or people hunting for food (seems more humane than using factory farming as a food source).  However are there any hunters on the board that can explain to me why some of these hunting methods should be allowed?  What is the reason for implementing them?  Is it just the next step in laziness-evolution of the hunter or are there sound reasons for allowing this?

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1 hour ago, NoCalMike said:


I often avoid chiming in on topics that revolve around hunting since I don't know jack all about it.  I have also softened my stance on hunting over the years when it comes to legitimate conservation efforts and/or people hunting for food (seems more humane than using factory farming as a food source).  However are there any hunters on the board that can explain to me why some of these hunting methods should be allowed?  What is the reason for implementing them?  Is it just the next step in laziness-evolution of the hunter or are there sound reasons for allowing this?


Maybe controlling the black bear population, and I'm sure it brings in money from tourist hunters.

Jimbob can regale his friends with taking down a beast with Crispy cremes

They can be a bother and it is cheaper than relocating them.

I don't see baiting as any different than deer feeders ect.


Not my kind of hunting








He and other wildlife experts encourage more people who hunt for deer every year to branch out into bear. But that doesn't mean he's advocating "eat bears to beat them." Hunting bears, after all, is pretty dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.




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1 hour ago, NoCalMike said:


I often avoid chiming in on topics that revolve around hunting since I don't know jack all about it.  I have also softened my stance on hunting over the years when it comes to legitimate conservation efforts and/or people hunting for food (seems more humane than using factory farming as a food source).  However are there any hunters on the board that can explain to me why some of these hunting methods should be allowed?  What is the reason for implementing them?  Is it just the next step in laziness-evolution of the hunter or are there sound reasons for allowing this?


No there aren't, and if anyone tries to rationalize it, they are probably able to be baited with donuts. This is for that fatass, get drunk n shoot stop signs demographic.


Legitimate, serious hunters would be ashamed to do this ****.

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1 hour ago, NoCalMike said:

  Is it just the next step in laziness-evolution of the hunter or are there sound reasons for allowing this?

It's a trick, they aren't using bacon and donuts to hunt for bears.  




They're secretly hunting something else...






Think about it....



















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uh, the Intel community already weighed in on ZTE by sanctioning them and labeling them as enemies of our nation. They worked with every single nation we labelled in our Axis of Evil to get around all of our attempts to levy sanctions with UN approval



Oh wait. .. that's right, American public here. We are expected to be too stupid.

guess i should just shut my mouth and let my betters do the thinking.



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You know Ben Carson? I have this vision of one of his staff walking in to the HUD offices and finding Ben dangling with his dick caught in the ceiling fan, shaking their head without much surprise, then continuing on with their day. Sad thing is, he’s nowhere near the worst member of the Trump cabinet.


The GOP isn’t worth a ****. Not one little itty bitty ****. Not still better than Hillary. Not better than Obama or Bernie or Pelosi or Biden or an inanimate, non-sentient object like a toaster. A retarded monkey could walk in to the Oval Office, take a crap on the desk, and it’d be a better President than  Donald Trump.

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5 hours ago, visionary said:


Delgado's ex-squeeze Jason Miller was on CNN last night with Amanda Carpenter battling it out over this informer stuff. Two of them (sitting next to each other) were talking over each other for a solid minute and the camera cuts to Anderson Cooper for a second and he just shrugs like "don't really feel like stopping this."

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