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Books that changed your life


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I have just dropped out of my first semester of my mechanical engineering degree and now have some big decisions to make.

I either go back to university in september, join the royal marines as an officer (first choice), travel around north america and australia etc. It is really exciting to have all of these choices but i really need some focus as so much has been happening.

Anyway to the point have you ever read a book that's has inspired you to change your life or that has just flat out inspired you to do anything?

I am going to have a lot of dead time on my hands whilst earning some money over the next few months and i want to read some great books


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Red Storm Rising was the first book I ever read that actually caused me to scream out while reading. Not in fear, mind, but in rooting :). Red Phoenix was the second. The George R.R. Martin Song of Fire and Ice series inspired a number of admiring sounds as well.

For me, a book that inspires you to vocalize is a good book :).

No book has ever inspired me to do anything. The most memorable, powerful book I've ever read was Red Dragon, which remains almost a PERFECT work of fiction from a craft standpoint. It's so tightly written and deals with such a dark topic, it's memorable.

That's as close as I come.

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Originally posted by Art

Red Storm Rising was the first book I ever read that actually caused me to scream out while reading. Not in fear, mind, but in rooting :). Red Phoenix was the second. The George R.R. Martin Song of Fire and Ice series inspired a number of admiring sounds as well.

For me, a book that inspires you to vocalize is a good book :).

No book has ever inspired me to do anything. The most memorable, powerful book I've ever read was Red Dragon, which remains almost a PERFECT work of fiction from a craft standpoint. It's so tightly written and deals with such a dark topic, it's memorable.

That's as close as I come.

I've always wondered if Schwarzkopf got his idea for the Gulf War from Larry Bond's Red Phoenix...


If you want to read something that will blow your hair back... try anything by the following authors.

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Ambrose

Jon Krakauer


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The Road Less Traveled is an excellent choice for someone trying to find the right path.

What are your interests in general? Now is a good time to pick up books on those too. Don't read only "self-help" types of books. You'll get burned out on them. Mix in some personal interest stuff, e.g. military history or sports or biographies or whatever suits your fancy.

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God Emperor of Dune by Frank Herbert

I don't know if you could say it changed my life but it certainly changed my perception.

Imagine a character with the wisdom that comes from being able to access the memories of all of his ancestors from the begining of time and see into the future, written by a man who can make words sing.

The character of Leto (the God Emperor) has seen into the future and witnessed the fall of the human race. To stop it and re-direct human kind onto his "Golden Path" he has sacrificed his own humanity in order to live for over 3000 years. He sees himself as a preditor culling the herd and his enemys see him as a tyrant. In the end he must face his lost humanity when his enemys discover his one weakness; love.

The story is full of politics and intrigue and is relevant to the current world situation.

As an example, consider this exchange between Leto and his commander of the guards over the punishment of an ambassador of a group who tried to assasinate Leto:

"Forgive my denseness, m'Lord, but I do not understand this thing about the military..."

"They believe that by risking death they pay the price of any violent behavior against enemies of their own choosing. They have the invader mentality. Nunepi does not believe himself responsible for anything done against aliens ."

Idaho looked at the portal where the guards had taken Nunepi. "He tried and he lost m'Lord."

"but he cut himself loose from the restraints of the past and he objects to paying the price."

"to his people, he's a patriot"

"And how does he see himself, Duncan? As an instument of history."

Idaho lowered his voice and leaned closer to Leto.

"How are you different, m'Lord?"

Leto Chuckled. ""Ahhh, Duncan, how I love your perceptivenes. You have observed that I am the ultimate alien. Do you not wonder if I can also be a loser?"

"The thought has crossed my mind."

"Even Losers can shroud themselves in the proud mantle of 'the past' old friend."

"Are you and Nunepi alike in that?"

"Militant missionary religions can share this illusion of the 'proud past,' but few understand the ultimate peril to human kind - that false sense of freedom from responsibility for your own actions."

"These are strange words m'Lord. How do I take their meaning?"

"Their meaning is whatever speeks to you. Are you incapable of listening?"

"I have ears m'Lord!"

"Do you now? I cannot see them."

"Here, m'Lord. Here and here! Idaho pointed at his own ears as he spoke.

"But they do not hear. Therefore you have no ears, neither here nor hear."

"you make a joke of me, m'Lord?"

"To hear is to hear. That which existscannot be made into itself for it already exists. To be is to be."

"Your strange words..."

"Are but words. I spoke them. They are gone. No one heard them, therefore they no longer exist. If they no longer exist, perhaps they can be made to exist again and then perhaps someone will hear them."

"Why do you poke fun at me m'Lord?"

"I poke nothing at you but words. I do it without fear of offending because I have learned you have no ears."

"I do not understand you m'Lord."

"That is the begining of knowledge - the discovery of something we do not understand."

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Being you may go the way of the military, here's a few you might like. Stories about two US Marines. Are the royal Marines known as the "Rock Marines" ?

This may sound crazy, but the book Ba Ba Black Sheep made me take a long hard look at myself and life style. While I was never a fall down drunk like Pappy, I have/had a very similar personality. Complete disreguard for authority, party hard all the time, and get into lots of fights.

It also gives some great insight on the people of Japan towards the end of WW II.

This book didn't change my life, but he has been one of my heros from the time I knew what a Marine was. About the age of 5.

I read Chesty a few years ago. The greatest Marine to ever put on the uniform. It's far more detailed then Marine, which was published earlier on when much of the info was still classified. If you want to be a fighting man that may some day lead men into battle, read this book. Much can be learned from Chesty Puller, and should be required reading at OCS IMO.


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Ditto on the 'no book has changed my life' sentiment...but some of my all-time favorites:

Son of the Morning Star (incredible book about Custer - I finished it as my vehicles made the sweep west getting ready for the ground war in 1991...its buried in Southern Kuwait!)

Undaunted Courage (biography on Lewis and Clark expedition written by Stephen Ambrose)

Contact (Carl Sagan - the basis of the Jodie Foster movie - but a much more serious book asking the 'Are we alone?' question and attempting to give an answer)

Illusions - I read this in high school. By Richard Bach (think he may have also written Jonathan Livingston Seagull) about an auto mechanic who discovers he's the 2nd coming of Christ. It really made me think.

Ubik - a mind blower from sci-fi legend Philip K. Dick (a schizophrenic who wrote short-stories and scifi novels, many of which have become hollywood movies - Blade Runner, Total Recall are two of them. This book is about the nature of reality. Don't read it stoned. Its a mind-blower.

The Killer Angels - a 'must read' portrayal of the battle of Gettysburg by Michael Shaara.

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