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Welcome to the Commanders Emmanuel Forbes CB Mississippi State


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16 minutes ago, MartinC said:


Funny story - when I played (which was a long time ago and clearly not even remotely anything like an NFL strength and conditioning program ) they where concerned I was only 5' 11'" 160 playing QB. They wanted me to put some weight on and put me on a wright gamin program. So lot is low rep high (for me) weight work and a weight gain diet. 


After a year of that program I had LOST 1 pound. My metabolism and body type just would not let me put weight on. Sadly those days are well behind me ... 


I can relate in a small way.


I used to play soccer-run track.  Never football.  For those spots being thin in high school helped me.  I was 137 pounds.  I couldn't put on weight if I tried, and i did, I ate a lot then. 


In college I grew a couple of inches, was 5 '10, 150 pounds.   I lifted a lot of weights, ate a ton of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I'd down a pint of Hagan Das, pizza as a late night snack -- I got to 160.  My peak was 170.  But lol decades later I got no problem at all putting on weight.  I am not overweight but could lose 5-10 pounds. 


I didn't really have skinny legs like Devonta and Forbes, though even when I was thin.  I've seen Alabama live a few times where I saw Devonta fairly up close and his physique is really jarring.  He was one of my draft crushes on the draft thread years back but after seeing him live for the first time -- I had to throw a disclaimer about his size.


My step father right through the end of his life could never put on weight -- he was 6 '2, and was 155 pounds or so, he also had super thin legs.  I have a friend like that, too, can eat like pig but is skinny. 


At the time, I hated the days in school I was in that mode myself, now I'd kill to go back to that. :ols:


I get those who think hey just eat a lot of crap food and you will put on weight.  But I know its not easy for some.  And I get it sounds crazy to most people because heck, if we have a bad meal or two our belly starts to show fast, me included, but at one time I could relate to Forbes.

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7 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:


I can relate in a small way.


I used to play soccer-run track.  Never football.  For those spots being thin in high school helped me.  I was 137 pounds.  I couldn't put on weight if I tried, and i did, I ate a lot then. 


In college I grew a couple of inches, was 5 '10, 150 pounds.   I lifted a lot of weights, ate a ton of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I'd down a pint of Hagan Das, pizza as a late night snack -- I got to 160.  My peak was 170.  But lol decades later I got no problem at all putting on weight.  I am not overweight but could lose 5-10 pounds. 


I didn't really have skinny legs like Devonta and Forbes, though even when I was thin.  I've seen Alabama live a few times where I saw Devonta fairly up close and his physique is really jarring.  He was one of my draft crushes on the draft thread years back but after seeing him live for the first time -- I had to throw a disclaimer about his size.


My step father right through the end of his life could never put on weight -- he was 6 '2, and was 155 pounds or so, he also had super thin legs.  I have a friend like that, too, can eat like pig but is skinny. 


At the time, I hated the days in school I was in that mode myself, now I'd kill to go back to that. :ols:


I get those who think hey just eat a lot of crap food and you will put on weight.  But I know its not easy for some.  And I get it sounds crazy to most people because heck, if we have a bad meal or two our belly starts to show fast, me included, but at one time I could relate to Forbes.

I was the same. Super skinny. At 21, I was 6'1 130lbs. I ate like a maniac, never gained a pound. Now, I think about eating a meal, 5 pounds show up. It isnt really easy for some folks to gain weight. But a professional strenth and conditioning coach and program can likely do for Forbes what I could never do for myself just due to the better equipment and resources available to them.

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8 hours ago, redskinss said:

That would be incompetence on an almost unimaginable level so let's hope that's not it.

They've done pretty damn well with drafting I'll give them the pass here, but I'm also used to incompetence of a monumental level. He looks like if Jahan Dotson played corner which is nice

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2 minutes ago, CommandB11 said:

I was the same. Super skinny. At 21, I was 6'1 130lbs. I ate like a maniac, never gained a pound. Now, I think about eating a meal, 5 pounds show up. It isnt really easy for some folks to gain weight. But a professional strenth and conditioning coach and program can likely do for Forbes what I could never do for myself just due to the better equipment and resources available to them.


For me it changed as I aged. I worked out like crazy, and had decent strength for my size in my 20s.  At 160 I could bench 235 or so.  But I still couldn't get past 170.  


I think part of it is i liked to run.  And i'd lose weight easily from running.  Professional athletes of course are running a lot. 


In my 30s it changed.  I could get chunky if I let myself go.  I still like to run but it doesn't help me lose weight anymore.  If I eat a lot, I gain. 


I am not saying Forbes can't put on the weight.  But I know its not super simple for everyone to do it.  My step father was even cautioned from his doctor that he is dangerously under weight and yet he really struggled to fix that and he tried. 


I got no idea about Forbes situation but his super thin legs remind me some of people I know who never put on weight. 

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43 minutes ago, MartinC said:


Funny story - when I played (which was a long time ago and clearly not even remotely anything like an NFL strength and conditioning program ) they where concerned I was only 5' 11'" 160 playing QB. They wanted me to put some weight on and put me on a weight gain program. So lots of low rep high (for me) weight work and a weight gain diet. 


After a year of that program I had LOST 1 pound. My metabolism and body type just would not let me put weight on. Sadly those days are well behind me ... 

Jeff Saturday had a heck of a time keeping weight on to play on the offensive line.  As soon as he retired, all that weight melted right off.  Within a few months he was as trim as any fit man.

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8 hours ago, Daniel.redskins said:

.lYou would never see the Eagle's management draft a 160 lb corner.  They will absolutely roll over us next year.  

They drafted Devontae Smith who was ten pounds lighter at the combine fwiw (10th over all) 

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5 minutes ago, tmandoug1 said:

I will say this about him though, he needs to watch his taunting. That will get him flagged in the NFL.  Seems to do it quite a bit in the first video.

Honestly thats a lot of college defensive backs being hot head jerk. Jon Allen will have one conversation with him about it and get it straightened out

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I went from lukewarm to pissed off to being fine with the pick. Gonzalez may or likely will be the better player but, per multiple folks, Forbes’s only major weakness is the weight. If he had weighed 20 pounds more, he would’ve been CB1 or consensus CB2. 

The guy is high character, studies film like a madman, is fast, has the wingspan, anticipates at an elite level, and plays the run. He is a football player. 

Furthermore, they apparently have testing they run to determine injury risk and they felt confident with the results they got on Forbes

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I’ve got high hopes for the kid but sometimes big college numbers don’t translate. Remember David Amerson from NC State?  Had crazy interception numbers in college and absolutely sucked for us.  They this kid has a good head on his shoulders which I’m not sure was the case w Amerson.

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2 minutes ago, XxSpearheadxX said:

Honestly thats a lot of college defensive backs being hot head jerk. Jon Allen will have one conversation with him about it and get it straightened out

Per the reports, he is a quiet guy off the field who becomes a feisty charismatic guy on the field

Just now, mojo said:

I’ve got high hopes for the kid but sometimes big college numbers don’t translate. Remember David Amerson from NC State?  Had crazy interception numbers in college and absolutely sucked for us.  They this kid has a good head on his shoulders which I’m not sure was the case w Amerson.

Amerson could not actually cover

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I'm 50/50 on the pick.  I just want to see how he plays and adds to the defense.  I can see the arguments for him and against him.  I also agree that interceptions in college aren't a stat that necessarily carries over to the NFL.


I do like the seemingly high football IQ, the apparent work ethic.  I hope we got a good one here, but it also looks like he'll do everything he can to make sure he makes an impact.


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3 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:




Forbes just said in his intro presser when asked about his weight that he was going to let the strength and conditioning coaches handle that.


Good kid...



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4 minutes ago, HigSkin said:


Forbes just said in his intro presser when asked about his weight that he was going to let the strength and conditioning coaches handle that.


Good kid...




For me if they can get his weight up, it means a ton, it would turn the pick from a double to a home run for me. 

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