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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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1 minute ago, Larry said:


You are clamoring for a mythical younger nominee. 

Klamoring for Kamala.  


Is she a slam dunk?  No.  But I will take the coin flip over my odds now 

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Just now, samy316 said:

In your fantasy world, what do you think will happen?  I hear all this replace Biden talk, but none of you bring up which candidate you want, and how that process will take place.  You do realize that you’re not living in reality, right?  You can’t just put in “insert candidate here”, and start anew.  What happens to all of the delegates?  What happens to the campaign money raised?  It’s purely fantasy land for the anti-Biden brigade.


This is where  I am at.  I would be very happy if Biden stepped down, I don't think he can win.  But, he won the primary, such as it was, and controls the DNC.  There is no process for replacing him unless he chooses to step aside, and then there is really no process for picking someone else.  So the conversation needs to address the HOW before we can even get to the WHO.  

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1 minute ago, The Evil Genius said:


Based on? It's not like Biden energized voters in 2020. I feel like people too easily dismiss how incredibly unpopular Trump and his party are. I also fully expect turnout against him to ramp up the closer we get to November. 

biden is a different person in 2020 than he is now. He certainly energized voters and he didn’t have these large majorities of voters telling us it’s a huge problem with them and he didn’t have the worst de she performance ever in 2020. 

Its a different environment and we need to adjust for that. 

a new younger candidate, Kamala, can out-campaign Trump 3:1 minimum

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5 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

even reading off a teleprompter he’s not great. He’s just “passable” but still prone to looking like an old frail fool. 

why anyone would willingly risk democracy on this candidate when you have someone younger in the wings that could easily take over is absurd  



he’s not even passable. 

it’s cute they think the conversation will end. It won’t end until he’s no longer president. If he wins we’ll be hearing this through his entire term. And it’s certainly not going to just go away after he is officially nominated. 

they seem to think they can put the toothpaste back in the tube. Idk man, my guess is he continues to make ridiculously stupid mistakes and this just continues. 

now the shooting… 


youve got a guy that survived an assassination attempt and stands to address the crowd vs a guy that can’t give a prepared speech with a teleprompter without make mistakes that are ridiculous and deserve mocking. 

I just don’t think this is that hard to see how this plays out. 

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1 minute ago, PleaseBlitz said:


This is where  I am at.  I would be very happy if Biden stepped down, I don't think he can win.  But, he won the primary, such as it was, and controls the DNC.  There is no process for replacing him unless he chooses to step aside, and then there is really no process for picking someone else.  So the conversation needs to address the HOW before we can even get to the WHO.  

if you convince Biden to step down, you do it so he holds a press conference and steps down as candidate, continues as president, says he is respecting democracy and the will of voters that picked Biden/Harris ticket in 2020 and 2024 primary and handing reigns off to her to finish the job then asks all Dems to coalesce around her and let’s get this done to defeat Trump etc 


it’s an easy handoff. It’s a layup. Weeks of praise for Biden and Kamala. Just have to convince Joe

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34 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I’m sure it doesn’t speak to any enthusiasm or gotv concerns though. Nothing to see here 


You literally just showed a poll that had him slightly ahead in VA and slightly behind in PA. This he can't win **** doesn't make sense, your own posts and polls don't prove your point. Stop bringing this useless handwringing in here, it does nothing, it offers nothing, we can't use it for anything.

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7 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Based on? It's not like Biden energized voters in 2020. I feel like people too easily dismiss how incredibly unpopular Trump and his party are. I also fully expect turnout against him to ramp up the closer we get to November. 

And by your theory, if Trump is so unpopular (here's a hint, he's not actually that unpopular) turnout will ramp up against him regardless. 


It's the enthusiasm gap for Biden that has the Dems frozen.  Had he had the June 27th debate moment in 2023, there would have been an open primary.  And he still loses his train of thought.  Can barely speak from the teleprompter.  And looks old. 


Percy Purplestate wants none of that.


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10 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

biden is a different person in 2020 than he is now. He certainly energized voters and he didn’t have these large majorities of voters telling us it’s a huge problem with them and he didn’t have the worst de she performance ever in 2020. 

Its a different environment and we need to adjust for that. 

a new younger candidate, Kamala, can out-campaign Trump 3:1 minimum

About the only relevant thing you mentioned is Kamala’s age.  It’s hilarious that you think younger voters (who are FAR more progressive than centrist Dems) would just flock to Harris because of her age, not taking into account that she’s basically a younger Biden as far as policy goes, AND that she was a freaking prosecutor, before becoming a politician.  She was a prosecutor that locked up her fair share of AA men in the Bay Area, and was a tough on crime Attorney General.  Real progressive politician here.





If you think that Kamala Harris will energize the younger voters, you’re living in a fantasy world.

Edited by samy316
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16 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I think most of us are happy with Kamala taking over so not sure what your point here is 


I could see a scenario where Kamala takes over, and I wouldn't **** about it. 


It involves Biden resigning the Presidency. Kamala takes the oath of office, and hits the campaign trail as President Harris. 

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15 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


You literally just showed a poll that had him slightly ahead in VA and slightly behind in PA. This he can't win **** doesn't make sense, your own posts and polls don't prove your point. Stop bringing this useless handwringing in here, it does nothing, it offers nothing, we can't use it for anything.

Honestly, man, you think a Biden +3 in VA is a good poll for him or indication of him winning, im not sure what else to tell you. You’re seeing what you want to see. The Pa poll is also a large movement to trump 

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Well, that was fun.  I'm gonna bring it up again on Thursday and see if the discussion changes (or we will see how his next interviews go).


The problem for Biden is that he was really damaged by the debate and can't really recover.  Why didn't the guy campaigning in Michigan show up at the debate?  We'll never know... except. Nope.  Not gonna pile on.

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5 minutes ago, Larry said:


I could see a scenario where Kamala takes over, and I wouldn't **** about it. 


It involves Biden resigning the Presidency. Kamala takes the oath of office, and hits the campaign trail as President Harris. 

That’s just unnecessary when she can essentially run as the incumbent without being bothered by the non of president which Biden can handle for the next few months 

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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Honestly, man, you think a Biden +3 in VA is a good poll for him or indication of him winning, im not sure what else to tell you. You’re seeing what you want to see. The Pa poll is also a large movement to trump 


Its not bad for Biden, just like its not good for Trump. Dems have overperformed in the polls for over six years, don't know why you want to chaing yourself to polling months out.


Once again, this is an election thread, not the "...but Clooney said...", thread. Talking about Biden stepping down needs to be its own thread at this point.

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20 minutes ago, samy316 said:

About the only relevant thing you mentioned is Kamala’s age.  It’s hilarious that you think younger voters (who are FAR more progressive than centrist Dems) would just flock to Harris because of her age, not taking into account that she’s basically a younger Biden as far as policy goes, AND that she was a freaking prosecutor, before becoming a politician.  She was a prosecutor that locked up her fair share of AA men in the Bay Area, and was a tough on crime Attorney General.  Real progressive politician here.





If you think that Kamala Harris will energize the younger voters, you’re living in a fantasy world.

i never brought up progressives but I don’t think there is any scenario where Kamala does worse with progressives than Biden will do, given his age and the Gaza policies. Kamala addresses both of those. 

Kamala does energize younger voters for the simple fact she is what 35+ years younger than Biden? 

and among Dems and independents that are saying Biden’s age is a problem, it’s a huge boost in the arm 

4 minutes ago, Simmsy said:


Its not bad for Biden, just like its not good for Trump. Dems have overperformed in the polls for over six years, don't know why you want to chaing yourself to polling months out.


Once again, this is an election thread, not the "...but Clooney said...", thread. Talking about Biden stepping down needs to be its own thread at this point.

if Va is +3 Biden in November, than Trump has won with a large house and senate majority so yeahs it’s good Trump 

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I think the major question is whether the "Biden should drop out "Dems will go ahead and vote for him anyways the same as "We don't really approve of everything Trump says" GOP go ahead and vote for him anyways.


I don't think anyone is going to choose to vote for Trump over Biden for any of the age-related issues, it's more a matter of if it hurts turnout itself.

Edited by NoCalMike
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1 minute ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

i never brought up progressives but I don’t think there is any scenario where Kamala does worse with progressives than Biden will do, given his age and the Gaza policies. Kamala addresses both of those. 

Kamala does energize younger voters for the simple fact she is what 35+ years younger than Biden? 

and among Dems and independents that are saying Biden’s age is a problem, it’s a huge boost in the arm 

Uh, you do realize that’s she’s his VP, right?  Any decisions about Gaza are on the admin as a whole, which she’s apart of.  I watch the news, and I haven’t heard of Harris taking a stand with regards to this Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  Young people will just say that she’s more of the same when it comes to that conflict.

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I’m all for team Kamala. I’m voting Dem no matter what, but I couldn’t feel more defeated about America’s future than I do right now. I’m literally scared of Trump getting back in and Project 2025 breathing down our throats. Of the things to be scared of, America turning into a theocratic nation was not on my list. It is now. 

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2 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

I think the major question is whether the "Biden should drop out "Dems will go ahead and vote for him anyways the same as "We don't really approve of everything Trump says" GOP go ahead and vote for him anyways.


I don't think anyone is going to choose to vote for Trump over Biden for any of the age-related issues, it's more a matter of if it hurts turnout itself.

I agree. And when 70% of indepents are telling you

its an issue, to continue to run Biden is just hoping they come your way instead of staying home. They literally telling us why they won’t show up for either candidate and we’re ignoring them.

In a race with razor thin margins, it’s inexcusable 

1 minute ago, samy316 said:

Uh, you do realize that’s she’s his VP, right?  Any decisions about Gaza are on the admin as a whole, which she’s apart of.  I watch the news, and I haven’t heard of Harris taking a stand with regards to this Israeli/Palestinian conflict.  Young people will just say that she’s more of the same when it comes to that conflict.

Oh ****, she’s the VP? Wow. Crazy 


So let her campaign. She has a chance to differentiate herself on that issue worst case, she doesn’t improve on the Gaza side if she can’t chart her own path but she still helps with the age issue 

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At the end of the day, Biden and his inner circle has committed political malpractice.  Despite his age, they never set up Harris for success or gave her any meaningful policy or administration role (quite the opposite frankly with giving her the impossible border control issue in the beginning).  If the inner circle saw Biden's decline as has been reported, the fact that they didn't groom Harris as a potential last minute successor just in case is a patently ridiculous decision and risk management strategy.  I don't know what's possible now and whether replacing Biden with Harris at this point moves the needle, but Biden's inner circle's reputation should be rightly tarnished going forward for getting us to this place in the first place.

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8 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

I agree. And when 70% of indepents are telling you

its an issue, to continue to run Biden is just hoping they come your way instead of staying home. They literally telling us why they won’t show up for either candidate and we’re ignoring them.

In a race with razor thin margins, it’s inexcusable 

Oh ****, she’s the VP? Wow. Crazy 


So let her campaign. She has a chance to differentiate herself on that issue worst case, she doesn’t improve on the Gaza side if she can’t chart her own path but she still helps with the age issue 

Sorry to burst your little bubble, but if AIPAC has its hooks on Biden, chances are that they definitely have their hooks in on Harris.  In fact there’s this:



Sorry to throw cold water on your fantasy of Kamala being a great candidate,  it it’s not looking good for her.  Being another politician with marching orders from AIPAC, and being a former “tough on crime” prosecutor.  You’re batting .000 so far on the younger voter enthusiasm factor, LOL.




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