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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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I don't chime in much when it comes to elections, but I don't think the polls will have that much of an affect on what the end result of the 2024 election will be.  If it's Biden Vs. Trump, people might hate it and roll their eyes that these two are running against each other AGAIN, but I ultimately think that Trump will say things that are so crazy and authoritarian leading up to the election, that most people who are on the fence will ultimately hold their nose and vote for Biden. 


If this were a normal election cycle, and Biden was facing another candidate not named Trump, I definitely think that he'd lose.  His numbers are not great AT ALL in key demographics and with young voters.  His age probably has a lot to do with why voters are running away from supporting Biden, but it's is interesting that in an economy that is technically in a good place, and with unemployment near record lows, that Biden is underwater in the polls.

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7 minutes ago, samy316 said:

If this were a normal election cycle, and Biden was facing another candidate not named Trump, I definitely think that he'd lose.  His numbers are not great AT ALL in key demographics and with young voters.  His age probably has a lot to do with why voters are running away from supporting Biden, but it's is interesting that in an economy that is technically in a good place, and with unemployment near record lows, that Biden is underwater in the polls.

Biden's age is definitely the biggest factor, IMO. Economy is pretty solid, but the brunt of inflation largely caused by covid stimmy occurred during Biden's term and although it is abating, the housing market is still out of whack and auto prices are crazy. Not sure how immigration plays into it...the southern border is definitely an issue, but don't know how much it impacts people's day to day lives. Trump was seen as someone who was at least trying to address it by things like "Remain in Mexico."


And then there's Trump. He has a vast majority of the GOP base convinced the 2020 election was stolen, and thus Haley and DeSantis don't have a chance. 


So here we are.

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30 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

Biden's age is definitely the biggest factor, IMO. Economy is pretty solid, but the brunt of inflation largely caused by covid stimmy occurred during Biden's term and although it is abating, the housing market is still out of whack and auto prices are crazy. Not sure how immigration plays into it...the southern border is definitely an issue, but don't know how much it impacts people's day to day lives. Trump was seen as someone who was at least trying to address it by things like "Remain in Mexico."


And then there's Trump. He has a vast majority of the GOP base convinced the 2020 election was stolen, and thus Haley and DeSantis don't have a chance. 


So here we are.


The inflation problem largely turns on corporate profit numbers because they aren't cutting prices back now that other inflation numbers are coming down. The housing problem is largely because the Fed isn't lowering interest rates back down because again, corporate profit numbers. The stimulus was important because money went to the bottom and everyone else and people spent it, fueling recovery. This is definitely opposite of the trickle down scam of Republicans. And it worked. We need legislation to either make corporations decrease their prices or tax the **** out of those profits. Repeal the wealthy and corporate permanent tax cuts backed by Republicans and Trump and institute tax cuts for poor and middle class. Those are the promises Democrats need to get behind from the top down. Plus national bodily autonomy.

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12 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

So if Trumps off the Colorado primary ballot he gonna be off the ballot in the Colorado general election? Don't see how one could argue he can't be on one but can be on the other. 🤔


This is why this needs to go to SCOTUS and get this **** over with already.


My concern is how did they come to conclusion without a single conviction on any of his indictments yet?

Edited by Renegade7
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2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


This is why this needs to go to SCOTUS and get this **** over with already.


My concern is how did they come to conclusion without a single conviction on any od his indictments yet?


Just because he hasn't been convicted of other crimes, doesn't mean there isn't evidence readily available (there is - remember the Congressional Hearings?). 


This evidence was presented in the original trial, the decision of which was appealed in this ruling.

Edited by China
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1 minute ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

Great. More toothless victories while Rome burns. 


How is this toothless?

Just now, China said:


Just because he hasn't been convicted of other crimes, doesn't mean there isn't evidence readily available (there is - remember the Congressional Hearings?). 


Is it charged with a crime or convicted in the constitution?


Sure there's evidence, but this isn't about whether he's guilty or innocent jus the fact there's evidence to show he's guilty, that sounds like jumping the gun with respect to how the justice system is supposed to work.


It's like if someone charged Biden with something and he got barred from running for office before having a single day in court on the matter.


This is the path to keep him off the ballot, but again without a conviction, I'm concerned its too early and won't stick. Not to say once he's convicted to not try again.


I'm not a legal expert, it jus feels chicken before the egg even if the premise makes sense because how it could be abused.

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2 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

It’s toothless because it will be overturned on appeal and will result in nothing. 

Trump is unfit for office. Anything short of stopping him from being the next president is toothless. I’m not as convinced as some that death by a thousand cuts will do the job. 


Don't be so optimistic, this is the right path. Even if I think its too early, but this is right plan once he's convicted of something...it's coming, it jus makes too much sense.

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11 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


How is this toothless?


Is it charged with a crime or convicted in the constitution?


Sure there's evidence, but this isn't about whether he's guilty or innocent jus the fact there's evidence to show he's guilty, that sounds like jumping the gun with respect to how the justice system is supposed to work.


It's like if someone charged Biden with something and he got barred from running for office before having a single day in court on the matter.


This is the path to keep him off the ballot, but again without a conviction, I'm concerned its too early and won't stick. Not to say once he's convicted to not try again.


I'm not a legal expert, it jus feels chicken before the egg even if the premise makes sense because how it could be abused.


The Constitution says the following:



"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."


It says nothing about being charged with a crime or conviction.  Certainly he gave aid and comfort to the Jan. 6 rioters, telling them that he loved them, and even more recently, saying he would pardon them.


BTW, if you read the initial ruling, before this appeal, the Judge came to the conclusion that Trump had engaged in insurrection, but that he wasn't and "officer of the United States."

Edited by China
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6 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Don't be so optimistic, this is the right path. Even if I think its too early, but this is right plan once he's convicted of something...it's coming, it jus makes too much sense.

I sincerely hope you’re right. I’ve just watched this guy skate on literally everything and don’t see how they keep him off the ballot in states that matter. 

I’m hoping for a conviction that sways enough independents to stay with Biden. 

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10 minutes ago, China said:


The Constitution says the following:



It says nothing about being charged with a crime or conviction.  Certainly he gave aid and comfort to the Jan. 6 rioters, telling them that he loved them, and even more recently, saying he would pardon them.


BTW, if you read the initial ruling, before this appeal, the Judge came to the conclusion that Trump had engaged in insurrection, but that he wasn't and "officer of the United States."


Man...how do you prove someone engaged in insurrection and what does it mean if you don't have to?


They throw people away running for office for similar reasons all the time overseas.

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9 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Man...how do you prove someone engaged in insurrection and what does it mean if you don't have to?



Maybe you should review the original case that was presented, because they did prove it, at least according to the judge.


Here's her ruling:


https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/02nd_Judicial_District/Denver_District_Court/11_17_2023 Final Order.pdf


Read it yourself where she concludes, based on the evidence presented, that Trump engaged in insurrection.

Edited by China
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The political parties themselves police their candidates for various reasons and don't allow them to run. In the extreme example of this, I think that Trump tried to infiltrate the Democrats and they weren't having it. And generally speaking, I think that Democrats are more discerning about their candidates, and when certain things are discovered about someone, they don't advance them. 

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