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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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1 minute ago, TheDoyler23 said:

So is Trump also trashing Youngkin because he may be in the running? He's putting hits out on all challengers these days in advance of his announcement? 


Yes, he's trying to clear the field.  Like everything Trump does, it's slapdash and isn't going to work.  In fact, he's probably legitimizing Youngkin as a contender.  

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27 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

The Republican candidates that stood up to Trump did well at the polls this round. Kemp and Raffensperger in Geogia for example. Have we reached the point where standing up to Trump will be far more popular that going along with him? 🤞

How many actual did that?  

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43 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

The Republican candidates that stood up to Trump did well at the polls this round. Kemp and Raffensperger in Geogia for example. Have we reached the point where standing up to Trump will be far more popular that going along with him? 🤞

“Standing up to” is different to “not sucking his dick”.

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53 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

The Republican candidates that stood up to Trump did well at the polls this round. Kemp and Raffensperger in Geogia for example. Have we reached the point where standing up to Trump will be far more popular that going along with him? 🤞

I don’t know that they stood up to him. Although I didn’t exactly follow all the races that closely. 

What they seem to have done is drop the shtick of rigged elections and minimizing 1/6 (by just not talking about it)


I think now we’ll seen them stand up to him - because he’s on the warpath and everyone’s gotta pick which side they’re on. 

I think there’s a solid chance they’ve already turned his supporters on him. I mean it’s not 100% but as far as I can tell these people like(d) DeSantis and they are coming around to the idea that Trump has no loyalty to the party (never did) and is destroying it and trying to destroy DeSantis. 

I think they’ve realized they had their fun with “pissing off the libs” (the way trump did it at least) but it’s lost its usefulness and they need to move on to win elections. 

whatever % try to cling to trump for longer will have to give it up eventually, else vote against their party. I’m sure some % will. 

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10 minutes ago, tshile said:

I think there’s a solid chance they’ve already turned his supporters on him. I mean it’s not 100% but as far as I can tell these people like(d) DeSantis and they are coming around to the idea that Trump has no loyalty to the party (never did) and is destroying it and trying to destroy DeSantis. 


whatever % try to cling to trump for longer will have to give it up eventually, else vote against their party. I’m sure some % will. 


I bet a certain percentage won't vote at all if Trump is not on the ballot. Maybe not a YUGE one, but definitely some. Some of these people are in a cult. If they do vote, the'll write his name in. 



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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:


Yes, he's trying to clear the field.  Like everything Trump does, it's slapdash and isn't going to work.  In fact, he's probably legitimizing Youngkin as a contender.  

The only way a cleared field benefits Trump is if it's cleared completely. Like to zero. A crowded field helps him more.

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Amid new pushback to former President Trump in the wake of Tuesday’s midterm elections, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted on Friday that he is “willing to burn it all down” if he does not get his way. 

“Trump has made clear he’s willing to burn it all down if he doesn’t get what he wants, which is maintaining his grip on the product line he’s been developing for six years: the Republican Party,” she said. 


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I think it's interesting to see the people who aren't fans of Trump like George Conway and Rick Wilson who think DeSantis won't or shouldn't run. Who else do they think can beat Trump in a GOP primary, or do they just want Trump to win it because he'll be the most beatable in the general?


I personally want the best candidates on both sides, and hope Trump loses in the primary, but see DeSantis as the only possibility there, and even that I'm not confident in.

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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

I think it's interesting to see the people who aren't fans of Trump like George Conway and Rick Wilson who think DeSantis won't or shouldn't run. Who else do they think can beat Trump in a GOP primary, or do they just want Trump to win it because he'll be the most beatable in the general?


I personally want the best candidates on both sides, and hope Trump loses in the primary, but see DeSantis as the only possibility there, and even that I'm not confident in.

Trump isn’t losing his base, not to anyone. In a primary, it’s the base that mostly votes. That’s why you get ****ty candidates because the general non base voter; usually only votes in the general election and not so much in the primary.

So, Ron or anyone would have to decide; if they can either take the base from Trump or will they be able to entice more non base voters than Trump’s base to win a primary.


I don’t see that. 

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SHOCK POLL: DeSantis Beating Trump By SEVEN After Midterms — Brutal Swing of 29 Points In Days


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis beat former President Donald Trump by a convincing seven points in a post-midterm poll — a brutal swing of 29 points from a similar poll days earlier.


According to a new YouGov poll taken after the midterms and published Saturday, “More Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents now say they’d prefer DeSantis (42%) as their 2024 presidential nominee over Trump than say they’d prefer Trump to DeSantis (35%).”


The pollster notes that’s a 17-point swing from a Yahoo! News/YouGov poll taken a month ago.


But the most recent pre-midterms poll with a similar sample size and pollster rating shows an even more brutal swing. Just days before the election, Trump led DeSantis by 22 points in a Morning Consult poll — a 29-point swing.


Republicans have been dumping on Trump with regularity after Tuesday’s midterm Election Night results, which were widely been seen as a Trump-fueled disappointment for Republicans. But not everyone is joining in on the ostentatious kicking-around of Trump by members of his own party.


DeSantis, by contrast, won his reelection in a landslide and took an ostentatious victory lap that certainly caught Trump’s attention, as evidenced by his subsequent attacks on his potential rival.


Click on the link for the full article

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2 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

Trump isn’t losing his base, not to anyone. In a primary, it’s the base that mostly votes. That’s why you get ****ty candidates because the general non base voter; usually only votes in the general election and not so much in the primary.

So, Ron or anyone would have to decide; if they can either take the base from Trump or will they be able to entice more non base voters than Trump’s base to win a primary.


I don’t see that. 

So do you think anyone will run against Trump for the nomination?


The problem with not running in 2024 is that you have to consider the possibility of him winning the presidency. Which means four years of the same drama BS that won't serve the party well heading into 2028.


Best for DeSantis and whoever else to take their shot now, even if my eeyore self if skeptical they can pull it off. But when Trump announces, he once again has the microscope to turn on him again. Which gives the opportunity to get sick of him fast.

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2 hours ago, hail2skins said:

So do you think anyone will run against Trump for the nomination?


The problem with not running in 2024 is that you have to consider the possibility of him winning the presidency. Which means four years of the same drama BS that won't serve the party well heading into 2028.


Best for DeSantis and whoever else to take their shot now, even if my eeyore self if skeptical they can pull it off. But when Trump announces, he once again has the microscope to turn on him again. Which gives the opportunity to get sick of him fast.

I am sure some people will run but none with a legit shot.

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On 11/11/2022 at 11:23 AM, Captain Wiggles said:

The Republican candidates that stood up to Trump did well at the polls this round. Kemp and Raffensperger in Geogia for example. Have we reached the point where standing up to Trump will be far more popular that going along with him? 🤞


They did good in the general.  But the folks who vote in the GOP primaries are - not representative of society as a whole.  (Although they are representative of way too large a chunk of it.)  


Recall reading a poll that Real Clear Politics did, of people who had voted in the NC Republican primary.  (The first GOP primary.  Which Trump had won.)  Some of the results, for "GOP primary voters" as a whole, not just the Trump voters:  


Just under 1/3 stated that they were glad the North won the Civil War.  (And about 1/3 were "not sure", which I figure simply didn't want to say they wished the South had won.  How are you "not sure" about the Civil War?  Waiting for all the facts to come in?)  


More than half thought Islam should be illegal in the US.  


Less than half thought homosexuals should be allowed to enter the country.  


There was something along the lines that the US should require proof of Christianity, to enter the country.  


About half thought that the US should track Muslims who are in the country.  




Now, having said that?  


I think the GOP will successfully label Trump as a loser.  That, I think they can hang on him, and the base will buy it.  The spin machine will be able to sell it.  


They won't change any of the GOP's policies.  They'll simply try to win, with a different face.  

(And it will be glorious, watching Trump's reaction to that.)

Edited by Larry
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8 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

I am sure some people will run but none with a legit shot.


I couldn't disagree more. I think as Trump continues to lose leverage in the Republican party, more and more Republicans (both elected officials and everyday citizens) will turn their back on him. 


Trump did one thing that endeared himself to the right...he unapologetically spoke up for conservative policies. Who knows if he believed in them (probably not most of them), but he didn't care who he offended or what the repercussions were. Conservatives liked that. So, now as he spouts off against people in the party who truly believe in those policies and ideals, he's going to lose support and his following. 


I think DeSantis will easily win the primary and be the nominee in 2024. 

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There will be even more Gen Z voters in 2024. Less of a Trumper Boomers. It's our youth that made the difference this time and going forward there be more of them. The House R Reps will really piss them off because I fully expect the House to carry on bogus hearings, impeachments, and bills outlawing abortion nationwide, no birth control, no gay marriage, and all the rest of their odiferous filth. 


Dems need to constantly run on what they will do good for We the People and deride what House Rs are trying to do. 

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4 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

Trump did one thing that endeared himself to the right...he unapologetically spoke up for conservative policies. he was an unapologetic dick to the half of America that conservatives view as their enemy.


That is and always has been Trump's secret sauce.  He has zero compunction about being a huge asshole, and while he was directing it at the people the MAGA base wanted it directed at, he was a hero.  Now that it sure looks like he's going to direct it at the GOP establishment, nobody is sure what is going to happen.


As my wife astutely put it, who didn't see this coming?

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