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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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What brains Scott and Haley used to bring to the table pre-trump are now the same sewage as found throughout maga land.


Cheney, Kinzinger, Testor, and a few others represent the really small number of gopers who aren't going down the maga sewer.

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On 10/8/2023 at 11:45 AM, Fergasun said:

No.  They should drop down to Haley v. DeSantis.  Ramaswany dropping out helps the others.  

There’s no real gop race. It’s Trump. If by the slim chance the gop fields a non Trump candidate; it will not be from any of the current candidates and it wouldn’t happen until the convention.

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21 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

There’s no real gop race. It’s Trump. If by the slim chance the gop fields a non Trump candidate; it will not be from any of the current candidates and it wouldn’t happen until the convention.

The issue is that Trump is polling at around 50% again.  There's actually a race if the "Never Trumps" coalesce around someone like Nikki Haley.... 


They have barely had a serious debate around running a candidate who is under indictment, potentially facing multiple trials during the campaign season.  All for stuff that happened when he was President.  Not that I care, but this could come up during the Presidential election.  Sure, his cult is going to buy that this is all politically motivated, but comon.... 

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A few years back I was touting Hurd and Kinzinger (among a handful of others in high positions at state and federal level) as hopeful signs of still decent, sane, and competent legislators under the GOP banner.


Sadly, the little corps of such has only shrunk to the edge of non-existence. Hurd has disappointed a bit but I will keep hope alive since we're still really a two party system.

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