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Presidential Election 2024: 11/5/24- Prosecutor vs Felon


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2 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Tried to watch some highlights, got to the part about Pence talking about sleeping with Mother and my day is ruined. 


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I thought it was great watching how uncomfortable HE was saying it.  The pause said it all.  He usually saves that kind of randy talk for the bedroom.


Edited by TheGreatBuzz
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Here is George Clooney's response after Trump accused him

of being a "Hollywood elite."


"Here’s the thing: I grew up in Kentucky.

I sold insurance door-to-door. I sold ladies’ shoes.

I worked at an all-night liquor store. I would buy suits that were

too big and too long and cut the bottom of the pants off to make

ties so I’d have a tie to go on job interviews. I grew up understanding

what it was like to not have health insurance for eight years.

So this idea that I’m somehow the “Hollywood elite” and this guy

who takes a **** in a gold toilet is somehow the man of the people

is laughable. People in Hollywood, for the most part, are people

from the Midwest who moved to Hollywood to have a career.

So this idea of “coastal elites” living in a bubble is ridiculous.

Who lives in a bigger bubble? He lives in a gold tower and has

twelve people in his company. He doesn’t run a corporation of

hundreds of thousands of people he employs and takes care of.

He ran a company of twelve people! When you direct a film you

have seven different unions all wanting different things, you have

to find consensus with all of them, and you have to get them moving

in the same direction. He’s never had to do any of that kind of stuff.

I just look at it and I laugh when I see him say “Hollywood elite.”

Hollywood elite? I don’t have a star on Hollywood Boulevard,

Donald Trump has a star on Hollywood Boulevard! **** you!"



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‘Let me be blunt’: UAW VP for GM has strong words about Trump’s visit to Michigan



The UAW's lead negotiator in contract talks with General Motors on Wednesday issued a scathing assessment of former President Donald Trump hours before Trump was due to speak in Detroit.


UAW Vice President for General Motors Mike Booth sent the Detroit Free Press a profanity-laden email about his thoughts on Trump's trip to Michigan.


"Let me be blunt. Donald Trump is coming off as a pompous (expletive)," Booth said in an email. "Coming to Michigan to speak at a nonunion employer and pretending it has anything to do with our fight at the Big Three is just more verbal diarrhea from the former president."


Trump was expected to deliver prime-time remarks at Drake Enterprises in Clinton Township. The auto parts supplier is nonunionized. According to an AP report, Trump will speak to a crowd of "several hundred current and former UAW members, as well as members of plumbers and pipefitters unions."


"Where were his rallies for striking workers when we were on the picket line in 2019? Where are the jobs he promised to return to the U.S. while on the campaign trail in 2015?" Booth said. "The proof is in the pudding. His actions in office went to enrich the very elite few while the working class of America stagnated. This stunt is another ploy to pull the wool over the eyes of the working class. Again!”


Lot of expletives being hurled at TFG today, from all corners. 

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1 hour ago, China said:

Too bad there isn't more coverage of Biden's speech today.  He hammered Trump and the MAGA faithful, but I don't see this anywhere (I've cut to the second half where it gets interesting):



Yeah, I watched a good bit of it, and thought it was spot on. He said things that need to be repeated daily, until they’re hammered into the American consciousness. 

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That Biden speech was really good. It should be required watching next to a blowhard Trump speech. Side by side there is no comparison as to who is the more respectful president that holds themselves in a manner that is befitting of the President of The United States of America. No contest whatsoever. 

plus it wasn’t bad for a senile old dude who is supposedly going to die any moment and has lost half of his brain.


He even managed to get through that speech without saying “deputary secretary” like the younger Republican Theater Beaver. 

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7 hours ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

That Biden speech was really good. It should be required watching next to a blowhard Trump speech. Side by side there is no comparison as to who is the more respectful president that holds themselves in a manner that is befitting of the President of The United States of America. No contest whatsoever. 

plus it wasn’t bad for a senile old dude who is supposedly going to die any moment and has lost half of his brain.


He even managed to get through that speech without saying “deputary secretary” like the younger Republican Theater Beaver. 


1) That speech blew away the entire "Sleepy Joe, Senile Joe" rhetoric.


2) They should also run Jasmine Crockett's comments during the "impeachment" hearing next to Boobsbert's hammering, stammering "deputary secretary" glitchfest lol...

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2 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


So dark...


He can do nothing and let the people pick instead.


She's already announced her retirement and their senate election is next year.


Not dark.  She died: 



Don't want to leave that seat empty until next year.

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Just now, China said:


Don't want to leave that seat empty until next year.


Can Cali get a special election ready and done in time to not also interfere with the primary for the election of her full-time replacement?


I'm not in Cali, but Porter comes across as superior at make her points digestible for the average American to most anyone in Congress, including Adam Schiff.


I'd want her in that seat, folks in Cali should have the right to make that clear, polling shows them neck and neck, with Adam on top.  She'll be missed wherever she's not, maybe that's the case for sending Adam to the adult chamber of Congress so Katie can help keep the House honest.

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2 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


Can Cali get a special election ready and done in time to not also interfere with the primary for the election of her full-time replacement?


I'm not in Cali, but Porter comes across as superior at make her points digestible for the average American to most anyone in Congress, including Adam Schiff.


I'd want her in that seat, folks in Cali should have the right to make that clear, polling shows them neck and neck, with Adam on top.  She'll be missed wherever she's not, maybe that's the case for sending Adam to the adult chamber of Congress so Katie can help keep the House honest.


No special election needed. Per the 17th amendment and State election law, Newsom has the power to fill the seat until it times out (the election for which is Nov 2024, with the term starting Jan 2025). 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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8 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


No special election needed. Per the 17th amendment and State election law, Newsom has the power to fill the seat until it times out (the election for which is Nov 2024, with the term starting Jan 2025). 


I know there's no need, question is if its appropriate to jus pick one this close to the election to pick her full-term replacement.


He might not have a choice, Senate is too razor thin for that seat to be empty for long.  Agree with someone not running as jus a place holder for the Schiff vs Porter battle to take its natural course.

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1 hour ago, Renegade7 said:


I know there's no need, question is if its appropriate to jus pick one this close to the election to pick her full-term replacement.


He might not have a choice, Senate is too razor thin for that seat to be empty for long.  Agree with someone not running as jus a place holder for the Schiff vs Porter battle to take its natural course.


If he expressly has the power under state law, then it is absolutely appropriate for him to pick her replacement. 


"This close to the election"?  We are over 400 days out.  

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