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2024 Presidential Election- 11/5/2024 : Prosecutor/Coach vs Felon/Couch *******


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One of the lines from Cowherd's video that resonates is regarding the people who are "not happy unless they're unhappy."


I get that there are a lot of folks that have less than optimal satisfaction with their jobs, and I often do wonder if we have enough "productive" jobs for the population we have. But what gets me is just the constant ****ing about how bad everything is. And that's what the cable news media, particularly the right-wing ones, do. Remember watching Hannity after Trump got elected and for a good at least six months he was still ****ing about Hillary every night.

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5 hours ago, Wildbunny said:

Absolutely true.


So I would have advised him to pick one side and stick to it. 

Trying to win both side is never a good thing, you almost always end up losing on both.

One of Biden's issues I've noticed is that he panders to every crowd he speaks to. Maybe it's taking a look at the polls but initially he was very Pro Israel before realizing such a stance would cost him votes in Michigan

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12 hours ago, Larry said:


I'm looking forward to this SCOTUS ruling that state laws cannot determine who is allowed on the ballot for POTUS. 


RFK Jr looking forward to SCOTUS ruling that he must appear on the ballots in all 50 states without any qualifications at all. 

I read there was a distinction between ineligibile to hold office/run, and being a named/write in candidate.   

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35 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

He's really gonna run with "I didn't say 'Lock Her Up!' "????


It's possible that he didn't.  


That "all he did" was feed the crowd a trigger, and then stand there and beam in satisfaction when the crown chanted.  


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Posted (edited)



That is, of course, a lie. Trump not only beamed and nodded from the podium as his rally crowds chanted, “Lock her up,” he also said it himself, multiple times. He said it on Oct. 14, 2016, at a rally in Greensboro, N.C. As the crowd chanted the line, Trump said, “For what she’s done, they should lock her up.”

Edited by CobraCommander
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Mother****er ran with "lock her up" repeatedly.  Now that there's a chance he gets locked up he wants to crawfish that **** back?!?



Once again,  he's a lying piece of **** who can't cowboy up and stand by what he says. 


This would be a great opportunity for Hillary to publicly ask him what he said in the last election just to see him squirm.



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6 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

He really doesn't want to win, does he?



And...he has a major problem when he's outside of conservative news. Most news people aren't going to cut and splice his rambling nonsense to make him semi coherent.

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