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Election 2024 & Presidential Cage Match: Dark Brandon 46 vs Felonious Farty 45


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3 hours ago, EmirOfShmo said:


Just pointing out, his first campaign's economic plan was that if elected, he would:  


1). Start a trade war. 
2). Default on the national debt. 
3). And deport America's entire agricultural workforce. 

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Funny.  All of the wannabe Nazis who get offended when somebody excludes them because of their "free speech".  


They only support Fascism, when they figure they're going to be the ones doing the fascism.  

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4 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



So weird to me. I thought Ron's strategy of running while not announcing would have made him more popular compared to Cheeto Jesus who hasn't really been able to do anything or get on live TV beyond with his strongest base.


It's only March 1st and I'm guessing Ron's team is trying to figure out if they can close that gap without him announcing.



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16 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:

I still think if DeSantis is the smart he'd wait until the 2028 election to run. That young turks video shows the playbook on how to stop a DeSantis campaign right in its tracks. Just keep showing up with "Trump paraphernalia". 🤣

I dunno. I still think its risky, given that Trump will likely win the 2024 general election, but will do enough damage to the GOP brand in the following four years that it'll be tough for the '28 GOP nominee against whoever the Dems throw up there.


Yes, even though I was wrong in '20, I'm very skeptical about the GOP voters going against Trump for the nomination. And inflation appears like its going to be a headache for Biden longer than previously anticipated.

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21 hours ago, Captain Wiggles said:

I still think if DeSantis is the smart he'd wait until the 2028 election to run. That young turks video shows the playbook on how to stop a DeSantis campaign right in its tracks. Just keep showing up with "Trump paraphernalia". 🤣


If he wants to run AND win (whenever that is) his current strategy of throwing red meat to the hard core Republican base with gesture politics and sound bites that play well on OAN will need to be adjusted significantly. He's more competent than Trump and less insane (a low bar) but he's equally divisive.

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6 hours ago, hail2skins said:

I dunno. I still think its risky, given that Trump will likely win the 2024 general election, but will do enough damage to the GOP brand in the following four years that it'll be tough for the '28 GOP nominee against whoever the Dems throw up there.


Yes, even though I was wrong in '20, I'm very skeptical about the GOP voters going against Trump for the nomination. And inflation appears like its going to be a headache for Biden longer than previously anticipated.

The only way Trump wins a 24 general election against Biden is depressed Democratic turnout or we are in a recession then.


A recession where there’s actual job losses hurts the incumbent.  But if there’s no recession, plenty of voters will be motivated to keep Trump from getting back in. So, he should be beaten.



Now any other Republican, even little Hitler Ron, should beat Joe.

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Joe Biden is pretty good at being president. He should run again.


The most basic reason for a president to decline reelection is if they’re doing a bad job and are calamitously unpopular — if they’re overseeing a brutal war like Johnson and Truman were, or surging inflation or joblessness, or some other kind of disaster.


Biden is not in the strongest position you can imagine for a president seeking reelection; he’s less popular than the last three presidents to win reelection were at this point. But he’s more popular than Ronald Reagan was at this point, which — given that Reagan went on to win 49 states in 1984 on his way to reelection — tells you a bit about how poor an indicator approval ratings are this far from Election Day.


But Biden is not at all in the position that Johnson or Truman were in. He is not prosecuting a war with US troops; in fact, he ended the war in Afghanistan after 20 crushing years (a move that, somewhat ironically, marked the beginning of a prolonged dip in his approval ratings). And while the way that withdrawal happened left a lot to be desired, nothing like the sight of US troops being slaughtered during the Tet Offensive (as preceded Johnson’s decision not to seek election) is happening now.


Nor, contrary to much speculation, is the US economy in recession. The economy grew at a steady if unspectacular 2.7 percent last quarter; unemployment is the lowest it’s been since 1969 (LBJ’s war was bad for humans but great for jobs in defense industries); inflation is elevated but falling, or at least relatively stable. Wages are rising quickly, especially for less-educated workers in service and manual labor jobs. You have to go back to the dot-com boom of the late ’90s to get a better economic picture than the one Americans are enjoying right now, and this one is arguably more equitable.


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1 hour ago, The Evil Genius said:



He does have a Scott Walker vibe. Walker just looked like more of a dufus before even speaking. Ron never sounds particularly sharp or witty. He's just popular for going big government on Florida while pretending to be about freedoms. Trying to imagine him speaking in central or western PA and connecting to folks. 

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4 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


He does have a Scott Walker vibe. Walker just looked like more of a dufus before even speaking. Ron never sounds particularly sharp or witty. He's just popular for going big government on Florida while pretending to be about freedoms. Trying to imagine him speaking in central or western PA and connecting to folks. 

His crashing will be spectacular; especially since everyone views him as the best to get past Trump.

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