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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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19 hours ago, China said:

Nun who became ruthless sniper with 40 kills is 'captured by Ukraine'


An infamous sniper fighting for the Russian invasion force has been captured by Ukrainian troops after being left for dead by her comrades.


Irina Starikova, code name Baghera, achieved infamy and a reported kill count of 40, including Ukrainian civilians - but her true identity remains unclear and is shrouded in mystery.


Believed to have originally been born in Serbia, she is according to some reports she a former professional handball player named Daniela Lazovic.


It is reported that she was once a nun who became a drug trafficker, before covering to Islam.


She has fighting on behalf of the pro-Russian rebels in Donestk since 2014, when Russia invaded Ukrainian territory in Crimea and parts of the Donbas.


The Kyiv Defence Ministry's news agency, ArmyInform, reported that “ZSU [Ukrainian Armed Forces] had taken the famous sniper Baghera from ORDLO [Russian occupied territory] prisoner, who shot Ukrainian prisoners in 2014”.


The official press release continued: “According to some volunteers, she killed at least 40 Ukrainians, including civilians."


According to Ukrainian serviceman Vlad Ivanov, "Baghera" had been wounded before she was captured and treated by Ukrainian army medics.


A report from the Ukrainian intelligence services she has been serving in the units of the "People's Militia in the DPRK” since 2014.


She claims that she was abandoned on the battlefield by her comrades.


Click on the link for the full story










Bagheera doesn't look anything like i remember her....









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This Man . . .

It wasn't a gaffe. It was the truth.

Greg Olear


“For God’s sake,” the President said on March 26 in Warsaw, “this man cannot remain in power.”


This man attacked our democracy, subverting one of our two political parties and ****ing with the 2016 election to help his mobbed-up puppet take the White House. (Five and a half years later, it’s unclear if the American experiment will survive.)


This man pushed for BREXIT in Great Britain—weakening the United Kingdom, the European Union, and NATO in one fell swoop—and still has his sycophantic apologist at 10 Downing Street. (We don’t know how much Moscow tampered with the referendum vote, because the British didn’t actually investigate that.)


This man is a bosom chum to bloodthirsty despots, odious mobsters, and mercenary chaos agents the world over. (That alleged champion of democracy, Edward Snowden, has been mighty quiet since the invasion.)


For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.


This man is a mob lord, in bed with the worst criminals on the planet: arms dealers, drug smugglers, sex traffickers, pedophiles.


This man rigs elections in his own country. He imprisons opposition leaders. He throws dissenters out of tenth-floor windows. He tortures to death tax advisors who speak the truth.


This man kills journalists. He kills his own subordinates. He once had a man poisoned for telling people that he was a pedophile. He orders assassinations to take place in other countries.


For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.



This man stole brazenly from his people. This man stole brazenly from his subordinates. This man stole so much money, and took so much capital out of Russia, that there is not enough left for basic services.


This man put a stop to American couples adopting children from Russian orphanages, out of pique—consigning those children, those orphans, to a much worse life.


For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.


This man blew up apartment buildings in and around Moscow in 1999, killing some 300 Russians, and blaming his acts of terror on Chechen separatists—all to accrue power.


This man completely leveled Grozny, the Chechen capital.


This man revels in destruction. Ask the people of Georgia or the people of Kazakhstan. This man is indeed a butcher, just as the President said.


For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.



This man didn’t just bum-rush a comedian and smack him in the face. No, this man invaded a comedian’s country, raped his women, killed his children, displaced his family and friends, destroyed his home, and tried multiple times to kill the comedian dead.

This man tried to poison members of the delegation negotiating a peace deal—including one of his oldest and most trusted comrades.


This man is a liar, a thief, and a homicidal maniac. It is not possible to negotiate with a man like that. His word is worth less than a 2022 ruble. How can telling the truth escalate what is already a genocide?


For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.




The Putin fluffers at the GOP think they caught Biden ****ing up, when POTUS spoke to the gaggle of White House reporters who exist for a gaffe or a gotcha.  They have not caught him. Biden did not err in Warsaw, and he did not err in Washington. “I’m not walking anything back,” the President said. “I was expressing outrage of this actions of this man.”


This Man . . . - PREVAIL by Greg Olear (substack.com)

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@Dan T.

I have to agree with everything, and in a few days we're gonna give him a thumbs up for the robbery of the east of Ukraine.

Let's ne clear with Crimea and Donbass, those separatists have been fueled by Putin's propaganda from the beginning. Far rights parties in France and many other countries are financed by Putin and his goons.


Yesterday evening, watching TV, on my news channel there was tidbits of Russians people saying live on their propaganda bull**** that they should nuke Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and maybe even Paris while they're at it. Not really what you would expect from a peaceful country.


Our leaders have repeatedly told us that we aren't at war with Russians, but they sure do look like they are at war with us. I still can't believe we spend the whole week-end discussing if Biden made a gaffe or not. That was just true. Simple as that.


We're gonna pat ourselves in the back saying we played it the best way possible, will lift sanctions and goes back to business as usual. Then in a few years we'll be good for Round 4/5, I've lost count, as Tchechenia, Georgia, Crimea where the first rounds of it and we looked elsewhere.


It's about time to remove that asshole from the job, and also remove Russia from their permanent seat at UN, because they are clearly not working for peace.

Edited by Wildbunny
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15 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

Yesterday evening, watching TV, on my news channel there was tidbits of Russians people saying live on their propaganda bull**** that they should nuke Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and maybe even Paris while they're at it. Not really what you would expect from a peaceful country.


You could easily find videos of our raving moonbat factions screaming the same, or worse. Ours would want to nuke our own cities.

Plenty of Russians oppose this that won't get on TV

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59 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

@Dan T.



We're gonna pat ourselves in the back saying we played it the best way possible, will lift sanctions and goes back to business as usual. Then in a few years we'll be good for Round 4/5, I've lost count, as Tchechenia, Georgia, Crimea where the first rounds of it and we looked elsewhere.


It's about time to remove that asshole from the job, and also remove Russia from their permanent seat at UN, because they are clearly not working for peace.


I wonder about this. There should be no "back to normal" with Russia as long as Putin remains in power.  What form that takes, I don't know.  But he can't be allowed to return to anything close to normalcy in International relations as if nothing happened.  He must pay for his obscene crimes.

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1 hour ago, Wildbunny said:


It's about time to remove that asshole from the job, and also remove Russia from their permanent seat at UN, because they are clearly not working for peace.


If we gonna make the case for removing Russia, we should be looking at removing China as well.  Outside of outright invading a country right now, what is Russia doing that Cphina isn't as well,  or worse?

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Russia would actually be kinda dumb to fully pull back from the north, despite getting beat and pushed back there.  A major thing helping them in the south and east is Ukr forces being frozen around Kyiv and unable to disengage and reinforce.

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1 hour ago, Dan T. said:


I wonder about this. There should be no "back to normal" with Russia as long as Putin remains in power.  What form that takes, I don't know.  But he can't be allowed to return to anything close to normalcy in International relations as if nothing happened.  He must pay for his obscene crimes.

We will be alone in that.  If some peace deal is reached, Europe will be flooding back to Russia so fast; your head won't have time to spin. For European businesses, it will be like nothing has happened. Heck, Europe may grow even more dependent on Russia.  Then 3-4 years later, Russia will invade again.  If Trump is in power then, we will probably help Russia with their invasion.  Nothing will happen to Putin. 

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38 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

Russia would actually be kinda dumb to fully pull back from the north, despite getting beat and pushed back there.  A major thing helping them in the south and east is Ukr forces being frozen around Kyiv and unable to disengage and reinforce.

Its not dumb if they are at risk of getting cut off/surrounded and destroyed.  At least this way you can spin it as a tactical withdrawal.

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3 minutes ago, DCSaints_fan said:

Its not dumb if they are at risk of getting cut off/surrounded and destroyed.  At least this way you can spin it as a tactical withdrawal.



I don't know how much I buy the imminent encirclment stuff coming out of Ukraine, it looks like they are two or three big counteroffensives from surrounding R forces, but things are definitely deteriorating for Russia, so pulling back can certainly help.

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