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Russian Invasion of Ukraine


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It's amazing to see a guy like Glenn Greenwald who once was semi-respectable, turn into a typical "I don't even know yet what move Biden plans to make, I just know it's wrong"  Every wrong prediction or commentary he gives, he simply pivots right to something else. 

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9 minutes ago, Larry said:

I have trouble believing that. 

The impression I have is that they're out of food and fuel. 


First, those are soldiers in Belarus, not in Ukraine, so they may not have lost their supplies yet.  Second, that's one of the reasons the soldiers end up with out food and fuel, because they sold it for alcohol.

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14 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

As a long time Biden stan (woulda voted for him in the 08 primaries if he hadn't been mathematically eliminated by the time he got to VA), I will say, someone needs to sit him down, tell him no unscripted comments re: Putin/Russia and that he ****ed up in Poland.


If he hadn't thrown in that last line we'd be talking about whether Russia's pivot towards eastern Ukraine is real or not (signs point to yes, and that the bombing of Lviv was a message to Biden that probably doesn't get repeated), how Russia can't threaten anyone else bc their army sucks, and just generally figuring out how to climb down the ladder of this conflict over the coming days and weeks (huge loss of life in eastern Ukraine notwithstanding, but that's the nature of proxy wars between nuclear powers).


Instead, the ****ing Sunday shows are only gonna talk about that line.  The newspaper headlines are falling all over themselves.  The whole thing plays right into the Kremlin's hands and now they get to talk on all their shows about how this is a war for the very EXISTENCE of RUSSIA with their rally around the flag moment.


It also ****s up any palace coup plans, bc now if you do it you look like a Biden plant instead of like a pissed off 4-star who wants to save Russia.


Ideally this'll all be forgotten in like 2-3 days but just like, it's a big unforced error that has a lot of potential bad implications if Russia wants to get their undies in a bunch over it.


First ****ing rule of war is when your opponent is screwing up just let them.  Don't feed them propaganda or feed into the paranoia of their leader.


Anyways, rant over.

What do you expect when you elect someone who’s almost 80 plus Joe has a history of making gaffs.


I do agree with the gaff. Russia can never be treated the same; as long as Hitler is in power. Europe will quickly rush back to Russia once this ends; so. We will be alone.

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If Russia didn’t have Nukes; they would seem ripe to be invaded themselves.


Their military isn’t as good as we thought it was. Now, it’s true the troops would be more motivated defending mother Russia; but it doesn’t seem like Russians train their military well or have the current basics.

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Here’s What Russia Did in Ukraine While You Were All Squabbling Over Biden’s ‘Attack’ on Putin


Joe Biden’s off-the-cuff declaration on Saturday that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power,” almost immediately walked back by the White House, has dominated Western news coverage this weekend as it stepped on the message the president was trying to put out while giving a boost to the Kremlin’s fanatical propaganda claims about a “fifth column” supposedly working towards regime change in Russia.


But don’t let the wall-to-wall coverage of Biden’s “rhetorical escalation” distract you from the very literal, bloody escalations by Putin’s shock troops.


You may have heard about the six missiles Russia fired at the Ukrainian city of Lviv even as Biden was speaking just across the border.


But what about the reports of white phosphorus munitions being used by Russian troops on Saturday night—just as much of the Western world was in a tizzy over Biden’s assessment of Putin. Ukrainian forces in Avdiivka shared photos of the white phosphorus raining down, days after President Volodymyr Zelensky had warned the world that Russia was using “phosphorus bombs against peaceful people in Ukraine.”


Using a highly toxic chemical substance known for its ability to burn, as one chemical weapons expert put it, “very vigorously” through human flesh—that’s an escalation the whole world should be talking about.


Want another one?


The mayor of Slavutych on Saturday announced at least three civilian deaths as he said the northern city had been taken over by Russian troops. He said the decision to surrender was made to save civilian lives—and pleaded with relatives to come identify the bodies.


Imagine how many Ukrainians were agonizing over whether their missing loved ones were dead or alive while so many in the West focused on Biden’s speech, acting as if his comments might somehow drastically alter the trajectory of the war.


Their stories were pushed on the back burner as Western commentators speculated on how Russia might respond to Biden’s remark.


The story of survivors in Mariupol forced to bury their loved ones—or even complete strangers—in hastily dug graves in courtyards of apartment buildings.


The story of the funeral home there literally giving out empty coffins because there are so many dead bodies on the street.


“When burying the dead, put in the coffin at least some kind of information about the person,” the funeral home director, Nikolai Saparov, flatly advised on Facebook.


Click on the link for more

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4 hours ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

If Russia didn’t have Nukes; they would seem ripe to be invaded themselves.


Their military isn’t as good as we thought it was. Now, it’s true the troops would be more motivated defending mother Russia; but it doesn’t seem like Russians train their military well or have the current basics.


Even without nukes, invading Russia is nearly impossible because of the size of their country and the type of winters they have.  


I find this post crazy in the context of history.  Napoleon tried and it destroyed his empire, same with Hitler, I'd be shocked if China ever tried, and I doubt we ever will (even if we are the only country right now that could even come close). 


Even a joint effort may be impossible, with or without nukes.  So lets jus take that off the table unless we have absolutely no choice.

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The idea ukraine would beat back Russia was cute and fun to root for but never really possible. 

The idea ukraine would come to some agreement that makes putin happy, because the west didn’t do enough, was a strong possibility. So. Makes sense. 

i guess we can at least be happy they didn’t kill every single person. Just displaced millions, destroyed several major cities, killed an untold number of people, and basically destroyed an entire country. 

Hope the idea that ukraine wasn’t worth it was right. Human tragedy aside, there’s national security on the line as well.


Now we just need a Ukrainian investigation into the Biden’s to be released. The circle will be complete. 

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59 minutes ago, tshile said:

The idea ukraine would beat back Russia was cute and fun to root for but never really possible. 

The idea ukraine would come to some agreement that makes putin happy, because the west didn’t do enough, was a strong possibility. So. Makes sense. 

I seriously doubt Putin is happy with any of this. At best he might get some tactical victories realized by occupying east Ukrainian territory (which is not a given at this point), but If the current Ukrainian government legitimately remains in power, Ukraine did beat back Russia. Strategically the invasion of Ukraine was a failure for him, it ruined his economy, accelerated the disconnection of Europe from his oil exports, exposed his military capability, and legitimized and strengthened the NATO alliance. If his goal is to return Russia to their former glory, that goal took a huge hit.

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1 hour ago, tshile said:

The idea ukraine would beat back Russia was cute and fun to root for but never really possible. 

The idea ukraine would come to some agreement that makes putin happy, because the west didn’t do enough, was a strong possibility. So. Makes sense. 

i guess we can at least be happy they didn’t kill every single person. Just displaced millions, destroyed several major cities, killed an untold number of people, and basically destroyed an entire country. 

Hope the idea that ukraine wasn’t worth it was right. Human tragedy aside, there’s national security on the line as well.


Now we just need a Ukrainian investigation into the Biden’s to be released. The circle will be complete. 

Let's not jump the tractor here.

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8 minutes ago, RansomthePasserby said:

I seriously doubt Putin is happy with any of this. At best he might get some tactical victories realized by occupying east Ukrainian territory (which is not a given at this point), but If the current Ukrainian government legitimately remains in power, Ukraine did beat back Russia. Strategically the invasion of Ukraine was a failure for him, it ruined his economy, accelerated the disconnection of Europe from his oil exports, exposed his military capability, and legitimized and strengthened the NATO alliance. If his goal is to return Russia to their former glory, that goal took a huge hit.

poor wording on my part. 

There’s certainly an idea floating around, that’s been written about, that this was all about the eastern /coastal regions anyways. 

I’m sure the economics things are not something he’s happy about - but as others have suggested, I wouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the world decides they’ll settle for Russia stealing territory if they get their gas for a dollar cheaper a gallon. 

I think the idea ukraine surrenders in some way is the most likely possibility. Putin views his troops as fodder it seems. So. If the west is going to rely on just giving them weapons, I wouldn’t be surprised if ukraine decides they’d rather give up some territory than continue to have their cities reduced to rubble. Putin has made it clear he doesn’t care about the war crimes. 

even if ukraine outlasts Russia, they’re still destroyed and in utter disrepair. 

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