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The Official QB Thread- JD5 taken #2. Randall 2.0 or Bayou Bob? Mariotta and Hartman forever. Fromm cut


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2 minutes ago, mac8887 said:

The UNC line was stacked compared to almost every defensive line that they played against, you can compare them to alabamas and georgias and call them crap to them but they weren’t playing those guys weak in and weak out, they were playing against lesser talent most of the time. Mack brown has done well to really boost the takent at UNC, especially compared to most schools in that conference. 


So those were just phantom defensive linemen that were consistently busting through the UNC OL? You're right back to basically just throwing **** at the wall now.

Edited by mistertim
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11 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Evaluating QBs is almost a fool's errand for even the best GMs.  The idiot Draftniks get it wrong more than right.  Even Kiper, who founded the industry, was wrong more than right.  The GMs are wrong more than right.  


Agree 1000% said something similar a few pages back.


11 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

As I've said over and over, I don't care who they draft.  I might be the only person on the board who doesn't even have a leaning.  I don't think it's going to be McCarthy because I think what's happening is a MASSIVE publicity push, which in the end is completely irrelevant.  The idiot draftniks are doing what they do. That could be wrong.  Maybe he's that good.  I wouldn't know.  I'm not going to try and find out.  


I do have a leaning but I'm with you on the publicity stuff. In this case, both things can be true. This kid just keeps growing on me and luckily my opinion was formed prior to the media push. It sounds like you have followed this process as long or longer than I have so I can understand not wanting to get emotionally involved in it. I have found myself more emotionally involved now that "you know who" is gone because we have a real GM on board, so it means something.


Hope springs eternal.


There were many years where I didnt make a single post during draft season...




Just keep in mind this is coming from someone that was excited when Colt Brennan was drafted after I watched him tear it up in college, so my opinion can easily be discarded 😂


Plus, I dont take this stuff too seriously. It's just a game after all, and Im kinda enjoying my team again for the first time in a long time.


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13 minutes ago, Skinsinparadise said:

More smoke about the Giants and Maye





I don't have a super strong preference between the top 3 QBs, but hearing this, regardless of who we pick, we MUST STOP the Giants from getting Maye.


They deserve nothing.  Let us work to achieve that end.

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16 minutes ago, mistertim said:


So those were just phantom defensive linemen that were consistently busting through the UNC OL? You're right back to basically just throwing **** at the wall now.

No not really, I’m just willing to look and see the players film without a personal biased and am willing to call out players deficiencies rather I like them or not. I watch a lot of football, college, pro, high school, and I know I’m no great evaluater or some guru, but I do try to watch these guys as unbiased as possible, and the only one that I think is worthy of our pick at #2 this year is Caleb Williams. Daniels legs rasises his bust potential a little more than the others, but all of the other QBs in this draft have the same bust potential as any other, in most drafts taken in the first round.


Neither Maye, or McCarthy or Daniels, or Nix or Penix has more than a 50% chance of being a top 10 QB in the league year after year for years to come. Only Caleb Williams has that type of generational talent this draft and still he is probably only around a 60% certainty. I’d be willing to take the chance on Caleb. The difference is with the others, with everyone but Maye there is a chance of possibly trading down, still getting them, while recouping picks to make a push for another qb in the future just in case this one fails, or if there is a generational talent that comes available.

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4 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

I don't have a super strong preference between the top 3 QBs, but hearing this, regardless of who we pick, we MUST STOP the Giants from getting Maye.


They deserve nothing.  Let us work to achieve that end.


I don't want NY w/ any of the big 3. That would suck big time


Chi is gonna take Williams.


We are gonna do our part and take a QB. That's about all we can contribute to the situation.


I just need NE to hold true and take a QB at 3. I don't want NY to have the ability to trade up and as long as they cant, problem solved.

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2 minutes ago, BayouBrave86 said:

Just seeing the stuff about Caleb’s dad trying to find loopholes in the rookie wage scale. What a headache. :lol:


At this rate the only way this dude will be worth the headache is if he truly does end up at the Mahomes level in the NFL. Which isn't likely, if we're being honest.

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8 minutes ago, FootballZombie said:


I don't want NY w/ any of the big 3. That would suck big time


Chi is gonna take Williams.


We are gonna do our part and take a QB. That's about all we can contribute to the situation.


I just need NE to hold true and take a QB at 3. I don't want NY to have the ability to trade up and as long as they cant, problem solved.

I think it’s scarier that they don’t trade up, play awful for two years and get a shot at whoever they want after they can get out of Jones contract. Drafting a guy without the picks or cap to build an adequate team around him increases his bust potential big time, whereas if they were to get a guy this year, they still have no money for the next 2 years, and no good draft capital because of having to spend to move up,with an incumbent starter that they have no way to offload to potentiallly cause turmoil in a locker room with a coach on the hot seat and an entire new offensive system coming in a year. That’s the prime way to break a potential franchise qb.

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2 hours ago, ThatNFLChick said:

Is there anyone that hasn't been a star this week in interviews? 😂😂




Not quoting you for discussion on this but...Holy **** is that a lazer.  I literally watched this in a loop for 5 minutes. Impressive arm. The sound of the catch is telling of the heat on that throw. Not advocating,  just admiring.

Edited by rumplestilskin
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29 minutes ago, mac8887 said:

The UNC line was stacked compared to almost every defensive line that they played against


Yeah, I'm not sure that's correct either. Had previously looked for analytics on offensive lines, talk about a snipe hunt, but anyway, the NCAA website shows that only two teams in the 14-team ACC (UVA, Wake) gave up more sacks than UNC this year.

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16 minutes ago, illone said:





Ok, fine.  I got bated into watching this package.


Bottom line up front: this was a BAD BAD BAD game from an NFL perspective for McCarthy.  This convinces me more than ever we're getting a massive sell job, because between this and the Ohio State game, I come away thinking McCarthy is an average college QB on a fantastic team with none of the traits needed to be an NFL QB.  It's possible I'm missing something, but if we select this guy, I'm going to be scratching my head. 


So, I guess now I have a more clear opinion.  I used to have basically none, because I watched one college game the entire year while drinking beer. Now I've watched this package fairly closely.  So my opinion has changed from not having an opinion to "not this guy.  Pick somebody else."  Maybe he develops and is the next GOAT.  But nothing I saw leads me to think that would be the case.   


Biggest criticisms:

- He holds the ball.

- Throws high a lot.

- Most of his successful throws travel 4-10 yards to an open receiver. 

- Average arm strength at best.  Has zip on short throws.  Driving the ball to the outside, ball looses velocity quickly.  

- Did I mention he holds the ball?

- Does not seem to recognize 1:1 matchups pre-snap.  


Yech.  That was awful.  


Look below for play by play analysis. 


Play 1: After the play fake has a guy WIDE OPEN at the 30 for an easy completion, holds the ball, keeps running, and then throws a ball in the general direction of the sideline.  He might have been trying to get it out of bounds, or he didn't see the guy who picked it off.  Play grade: F-.


Play 2: Quick screen to the short side of the field.  NOTE: the has is MUCH closer to the sideline in college than the pros.  In the pros, that throw is another 10-15 yards.  Good velocity and accuracy on the throw, but it's a throw a D-1 college QB should make 10 times out of 10. Pay Grade: C. But couldn't be higher because of the play. 


Play 3: Incomplete pass.  Throw was late.  If he throws it when his back foot hits, it's a completion.  This is an easy concept, where he's reading to his left, both receivers are immediately covered, the TE is wide open running right to left, and he's late. You could argue he should have known the quick game to his left was going to be covered based on pre-snap read, the CB was taking inside coverage on the outside receiver.  The receiver who came in motion and went to the slot at the snap was going to run directly into the zone of the nickel corner.  That route combination was dead at the snap. If he had recognized that, he could come to TE 89 immediately and it's a completion.  Pay Grade: D.


Play 4: He had 2 receivers open, the deeper one was at the "M" on the field at the 42 yard line.  I honestly can't tell what happened because the resolution isn't great.  It looks like he threw the ball to the feet of the near receiver.  I'm going to grade this as an incomplete because I can't tell what he was trying to do.  Having said that, this should have been a 10 yard minimum completion to the deep receiver who was open by 8 yards and it was an incomplete, so something didn't happen correctly.


Play 5: Quick screen to the right, the ball traveled from one hash to the other.  Everything I said about Play 2 holds here.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't be any higher.  


Play 6: QB Keeper.  His athletic ability is not in question.  Play Grade: Not grading designed running plays. 


Play 7: Scrambles to his left and then throws late on the sideline.  This was overly complicated.  If he throws on time to his outside WR on the left, he has a TD.  The receiver has inside leverage, and runs right by the CB, and the safety is caught going the other way. And he was staring right at it.   But he's late on the read, bails the pocket.  He gets an upgrade for making a throw in the scramble drill.  Play Grade: C.  Made something out of missing a a read for a sure TD.


Play 8: TD.  This was a TD to the RB who leaked out late and Alabama completely lost him.  It was a 9 yard throw to a player who didn't have a white shirt within 10 yards of him.  And McCarthy didn't have a white shirt within 4 yards of him either.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 9: This is the first "good" play!  But it's still late.  He waits until his receiver breaks to throw the ball.  In the NFL, you've got to throw that ball out there before the receiver makes his break so the ball is on him before the CB has time to react.  Difference between college and pro.  The receiver was wide open.  Play grade: B. 


Play 10: QB Draw.  Looked designed.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 11: Got a completion over the middle for 7 yards on 3rd and 9.  What he did was fine.  He had a 1:1 matchup on the left side he didn't even look at.  If he had, he would have seen his receiver chucked the DB basically on his ass and he would have had the first if not a TD.  I can't tell who that WR is, but DAMN that was a good chuck.  Play Grade: B-.  Got a completion, but should have recognized the 1:1 coverage on a WR on 3rd and 9 and not immediately gone to the checkdown.  


Play 12: This is a good college play and an incompletion, and would be a pick-6 in the NFL.  Throws somewhat late to the right side. It's a 30 yard out which is thrown with a lot of loft on the ball.  The receiver has to go up to get it. It isn't driven to the spot.  In this case the ball was over the head of an open receiver.  Play grade: C-.  Ok in college.  Disaster in the NFL.  


Play 13:   I'm going to give him a pass on this play.  He sprints and throws the ball with velocity on 3rd and 6.  This was essentially a 2 receiver route and both were covered.  By rolling right, he cut the field in half.  When both of those guys are blanketed, not much you can do. Play Grade: B for not doing something dumb.  


Play 14: Throws over the middle to the TE in timing, but behind him.  Play Grade: B-.  Right read, bad throw, but got a completion. 


Play 15: TRICKERATION!  Backwards pass to the right, ball thrown back to McCarthy, who then completes the ball down field.  This was madly impressive.  The throw back to McCarthy was awful, and he had to jump up to get it.  Then he had a guy in his face, and managed to organize himself well enough to throw the ball down field.  Play Grade: A.  


Play 16: Short completion to TE on a crosser who's wide open.  Good protection.  A little late on the throw, but not too bad.  Play Grade: B+


Play 17: Escaped the pocket and threw it away.  He had #9 if he threw it immediately.  Protection broke down quickly.  Play Grade: C+.  He could have had a completion, but he didn't take a sack and got out of trouble.


Play 18: Bad throw late to a wide open receiver who fell down because he had to contort himself to make the catch.  Play Grade: C.  Got the completion, should have been a lot more. 


Play 19: Quick throw.  In time.  Terrible throw high.  Play Grade: D.


Play 20: Quick throw.  Open receiver.  Led him too far. Play Grade: D.


Play 21: Hit as the threw off of Play Action.  Play Grade: Not-graded.  


Play 22:  This is an interesting play. It's 3rd and 9.  He has a guy running wide open 4 yards down field when he hits the top of his drop.  Looking right at him.  He turns it down and evades to his right.  Which might be ok, if you're looking for something deeper.  But then he tries to hit another guy 4 yards down field while on the run and it's incomplete.  If you're going to turn down the layup because he's going to get tackled before the 1st, then don't just throw to another guy who's going to get tackled.  Play Grade: D.


Play 23: This is a really great play design.  The guy running the jet sweep turns into the receiver.  Alabama completely loses him.  McCarthy hits this in time. Good play to a wide open receiver.  Play Grade: B.


Play 24: Quick WR screen.  7 yard throw.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 25:  Quick WR screen.  From one hash to the next.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 26: 3rd and 2.  Rolls immediately right and then throws a ball into a lot of traffic that gets batted down.  Very odd playcall.  Play Grade: C.  It could have been a disaster.


Play 27: 4th and 2 which followed the 3rd and 2 odd play-call.  Alabama completely loses the RB, and it's an easy completion.  Play Grade: B.  Easy completion to a wide open WR. But it was 4th and 2.  


Play 28: QB keeper.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 29: Possibly my least favorite play of the game.  Maybe.  He HOLDS the ball so long, then throws high.  It's complete for a big gain.  In the NFL, the WR is being escorted to the blue tent at best, or it's an INT, or both.  When you throw late and high in the NFL, only bad things happen.  Play Grade: F.  Even thought it was a completed pass for a big gain.  Awful play.  


Play 30: Great play design.  TD pass.  The ball traveled 4 yards in the air. Wide open. They snuck a receiver from the right side behind the line, Alabama didn't notice, and McCarthy could have underhand tossed the ball to him.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been higher.  


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1 minute ago, Dah-Dee said:


Yeah, I'm not sure that's correct either. Had previously looked for analytics on offensive lines, talk about a snipe hunt, but anyway, the NCAA website shows that only two teams in the 14-team ACC (UVA, Wake) gave up more sacks than UNC this year.

They also gave up plenty of sacks with Sam as well, both him and Drake have a tendency to play hero ball and that leads to a lot of sacks. Sacks are just as much a QB stat as a line stat. We learned that this year with Sam, as soon as the sack numbers went down, so did his play. He just wasn’t able to play on time within the offense. 

In college you can get away with that, not as much so when the d ends and linebackers are just as quick and fast as you are, if not more so.


You really need Jayden’s speed, or Caleb’s elusiveness for that kind of thing to work consistently at this level. Heck, Caleb will have to clean his act up to if he’s going to make it, the thing with him that helps, is that he is deadly accurate both in the pocket and on the move, being extremely quick and elusive, and has already shown the ability to play well in the pocket consistently, with him not doing so, not because he wasn’t able, but by choice.



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6 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Ok, fine.  I got bated into watching this package.


Bottom line up front: this was a BAD BAD BAD game from an NFL perspective for McCarthy.  This convinces me more than ever we're getting a massive sell job, because between this and the Ohio State game, I come away thinking McCarthy is an average college QB on a fantastic team with none of the traits needed to be an NFL QB.  It's possible I'm missing something, but if we select this guy, I'm going to be scratching my head. 


So, I guess now I have a more clear opinion.  I used to have basically none, because I watched one college game the entire year while drinking beer. Now I've watched this package fairly closely.  So my opinion has changed from not having an opinion to "not this guy.  Pick somebody else."  Maybe he develops and is the next GOAT.  But nothing I saw leads me to think that would be the case.   


Biggest criticisms:

- He holds the ball.

- Throws high a lot.

- Most of his successful throws travel 4-10 yards to an open receiver. 

- Average arm strength at best.  Has zip on short throws.  Driving the ball to the outside, ball looses velocity quickly.  

- Did I mention he holds the ball?

- Does not seem to recognize 1:1 matchups pre-snap.  


Yech.  That was awful.  


Look below for play by play analysis. 


Play 1: After the play fake has a guy WIDE OPEN at the 30 for an easy completion, holds the ball, keeps running, and then throws a ball in the general direction of the sideline.  He might have been trying to get it out of bounds, or he didn't see the guy who picked it off.  Play grade: F-.


Play 2: Quick screen to the short side of the field.  NOTE: the has is MUCH closer to the sideline in college than the pros.  In the pros, that throw is another 10-15 yards.  Good velocity and accuracy on the throw, but it's a throw a D-1 college QB should make 10 times out of 10. Pay Grade: C. But couldn't be higher because of the play. 


Play 3: Incomplete pass.  Throw was late.  If he throws it when his back foot hits, it's a completion.  This is an easy concept, where he's reading to his left, both receivers are immediately covered, the TE is wide open running right to left, and he's late. You could argue he should have known the quick game to his left was going to be covered based on pre-snap read, the CB was taking inside coverage on the outside receiver.  The receiver who came in motion and went to the slot at the snap was going to run directly into the zone of the nickel corner.  That route combination was dead at the snap. If he had recognized that, he could come to TE 89 immediately and it's a completion.  Pay Grade: D.


Play 4: He had 2 receivers open, the deeper one was at the "M" on the field at the 42 yard line.  I honestly can't tell what happened because the resolution isn't great.  It looks like he threw the ball to the feet of the near receiver.  I'm going to grade this as an incomplete because I can't tell what he was trying to do.  Having said that, this should have been a 10 yard minimum completion to the deep receiver who was open by 8 yards and it was an incomplete, so something didn't happen correctly.


Play 5: Quick screen to the right, the ball traveled from one hash to the other.  Everything I said about Play 2 holds here.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't be any higher.  


Play 6: QB Keeper.  His athletic ability is not in question.  Play Grade: Not grading designed running plays. 


Play 7: Scrambles to his left and then throws late on the sideline.  This was overly complicated.  If he throws on time to his outside WR on the left, he has a TD.  The receiver has inside leverage, and runs right by the CB, and the safety is caught going the other way. And he was staring right at it.   But he's late on the read, bails the pocket.  He gets an upgrade for making a throw in the scramble drill.  Play Grade: C.  Made something out of missing a a read for a sure TD.


Play 8: TD.  This was a TD to the RB who leaked out late and Alabama completely lost him.  It was a 9 yard throw to a player who didn't have a white shirt within 10 yards of him.  And McCarthy didn't have a white shirt within 4 yards of him either.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 9: This is the first "good" play!  But it's still late.  He waits until his receiver breaks to throw the ball.  In the NFL, you've got to throw that ball out there before the receiver makes his break so the ball is on him before the CB has time to react.  Difference between college and pro.  The receiver was wide open.  Play grade: B. 


Play 10: QB Draw.  Looked designed.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 11: Got a completion over the middle for 7 yards on 3rd and 9.  What he did was fine.  He had a 1:1 matchup on the left side he didn't even look at.  If he had, he would have seen his receiver chucked the DB basically on his ass and he would have had the first if not a TD.  I can't tell who that WR is, but DAMN that was a good chuck.  Play Grade: B-.  Got a completion, but should have recognized the 1:1 coverage on a WR on 3rd and 9 and not immediately gone to the checkdown.  


Play 12: This is a good college play and an incompletion, and would be a pick-6 in the NFL.  Throws somewhat late to the right side. It's a 30 yard out which is thrown with a lot of loft on the ball.  The receiver has to go up to get it. It isn't driven to the spot.  In this case the ball was over the head of an open receiver.  Play grade: C-.  Ok in college.  Disaster in the NFL.  


Play 13:   I'm going to give him a pass on this play.  He sprints and throws the ball with velocity on 3rd and 6.  This was essentially a 2 receiver route and both were covered.  By rolling right, he cut the field in half.  When both of those guys are blanketed, not much you can do. Play Grade: B for not doing something dumb.  


Play 14: Throws over the middle to the TE in timing, but behind him.  Play Grade: B-.  Right read, bad throw, but got a completion. 


Play 15: TRICKERATION!  Backwards pass to the right, ball thrown back to McCarthy, who then completes the ball down field.  This was madly impressive.  The throw back to McCarthy was awful, and he had to jump up to get it.  Then he had a guy in his face, and managed to organize himself well enough to throw the ball down field.  Play Grade: A.  


Play 16: Short completion to TE on a crosser who's wide open.  Good protection.  A little late on the throw, but not too bad.  Play Grade: B+


Play 17: Escaped the pocket and threw it away.  He had #9 if he threw it immediately.  Protection broke down quickly.  Play Grade: C+.  He could have had a completion, but he didn't take a sack and got out of trouble.


Play 18: Bad throw late to a wide open receiver who fell down because he had to contort himself to make the catch.  Play Grade: C.  Got the completion, should have been a lot more. 


Play 19: Quick throw.  In time.  Terrible throw high.  Play Grade: D.


Play 20: Quick throw.  Open receiver.  Led him too far. Play Grade: D.


Play 21: Hit as the threw off of Play Action.  Play Grade: Not-graded.  


Play 22:  This is an interesting play. It's 3rd and 9.  He has a guy running wide open 4 yards down field when he hits the top of his drop.  Looking right at him.  He turns it down and evades to his right.  Which might be ok, if you're looking for something deeper.  But then he tries to hit another guy 4 yards down field while on the run and it's incomplete.  If you're going to turn down the layup because he's going to get tackled before the 1st, then don't just throw to another guy who's going to get tackled.  Play Grade: D.


Play 23: This is a really great play design.  The guy running the jet sweep turns into the receiver.  Alabama completely loses him.  McCarthy hits this in time. Good play to a wide open receiver.  Play Grade: B.


Play 24: Quick WR screen.  7 yard throw.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 25:  Quick WR screen.  From one hash to the next.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 26: 3rd and 2.  Rolls immediately right and then throws a ball into a lot of traffic that gets batted down.  Very odd playcall.  Play Grade: C.  It could have been a disaster.


Play 27: 4th and 2 which followed the 3rd and 2 odd play-call.  Alabama completely loses the RB, and it's an easy completion.  Play Grade: B.  Easy completion to a wide open WR. But it was 4th and 2.  


Play 28: QB keeper.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 29: Possibly my least favorite play of the game.  Maybe.  He HOLDS the ball so long, then throws high.  It's complete for a big gain.  In the NFL, the WR is being escorted to the blue tent at best, or it's an INT, or both.  When you throw late and high in the NFL, only bad things happen.  Play Grade: F.  Even thought it was a completed pass for a big gain.  Awful play.  


Play 30: Great play design.  TD pass.  The ball traveled 4 yards in the air. Wide open. They snuck a receiver from the right side behind the line, Alabama didn't notice, and McCarthy could have underhand tossed the ball to him.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been higher.  



mac/illone: McCarthy *squawk* McCarthy *cacaw* McCarthy!




Betting Mads Mikkelsen GIF by James Bond 007





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We have got to be the only fanbase on the planet so jaded that when we get the second overall pick in a quarterback rich draft we're contemplating passing up on it to bring back a quarterback who we let walk 7 years ago because he didn't seem like the type of guy who could get us to the promised land and now his current team is doing the same thing.


If we pay cousins 50 million a year rather than use that money to build smartly around a rookie we deserve what we get.

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15 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

Ok, fine.  I got bated into watching this package.


Bottom line up front: this was a BAD BAD BAD game from an NFL perspective for McCarthy.  This convinces me more than ever we're getting a massive sell job, because between this and the Ohio State game, I come away thinking McCarthy is an average college QB on a fantastic team with none of the traits needed to be an NFL QB.  It's possible I'm missing something, but if we select this guy, I'm going to be scratching my head. 


So, I guess now I have a more clear opinion.  I used to have basically none, because I watched one college game the entire year while drinking beer. Now I've watched this package fairly closely.  So my opinion has changed from not having an opinion to "not this guy.  Pick somebody else."  Maybe he develops and is the next GOAT.  But nothing I saw leads me to think that would be the case.   


Biggest criticisms:

- He holds the ball.

- Throws high a lot.

- Most of his successful throws travel 4-10 yards to an open receiver. 

- Average arm strength at best.  Has zip on short throws.  Driving the ball to the outside, ball looses velocity quickly.  

- Did I mention he holds the ball?

- Does not seem to recognize 1:1 matchups pre-snap.  


Yech.  That was awful.  


Look below for play by play analysis. 


Play 1: After the play fake has a guy WIDE OPEN at the 30 for an easy completion, holds the ball, keeps running, and then throws a ball in the general direction of the sideline.  He might have been trying to get it out of bounds, or he didn't see the guy who picked it off.  Play grade: F-.


Play 2: Quick screen to the short side of the field.  NOTE: the has is MUCH closer to the sideline in college than the pros.  In the pros, that throw is another 10-15 yards.  Good velocity and accuracy on the throw, but it's a throw a D-1 college QB should make 10 times out of 10. Pay Grade: C. But couldn't be higher because of the play. 


Play 3: Incomplete pass.  Throw was late.  If he throws it when his back foot hits, it's a completion.  This is an easy concept, where he's reading to his left, both receivers are immediately covered, the TE is wide open running right to left, and he's late. You could argue he should have known the quick game to his left was going to be covered based on pre-snap read, the CB was taking inside coverage on the outside receiver.  The receiver who came in motion and went to the slot at the snap was going to run directly into the zone of the nickel corner.  That route combination was dead at the snap. If he had recognized that, he could come to TE 89 immediately and it's a completion.  Pay Grade: D.


Play 4: He had 2 receivers open, the deeper one was at the "M" on the field at the 42 yard line.  I honestly can't tell what happened because the resolution isn't great.  It looks like he threw the ball to the feet of the near receiver.  I'm going to grade this as an incomplete because I can't tell what he was trying to do.  Having said that, this should have been a 10 yard minimum completion to the deep receiver who was open by 8 yards and it was an incomplete, so something didn't happen correctly.


Play 5: Quick screen to the right, the ball traveled from one hash to the other.  Everything I said about Play 2 holds here.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't be any higher.  


Play 6: QB Keeper.  His athletic ability is not in question.  Play Grade: Not grading designed running plays. 


Play 7: Scrambles to his left and then throws late on the sideline.  This was overly complicated.  If he throws on time to his outside WR on the left, he has a TD.  The receiver has inside leverage, and runs right by the CB, and the safety is caught going the other way. And he was staring right at it.   But he's late on the read, bails the pocket.  He gets an upgrade for making a throw in the scramble drill.  Play Grade: C.  Made something out of missing a a read for a sure TD.


Play 8: TD.  This was a TD to the RB who leaked out late and Alabama completely lost him.  It was a 9 yard throw to a player who didn't have a white shirt within 10 yards of him.  And McCarthy didn't have a white shirt within 4 yards of him either.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 9: This is the first "good" play!  But it's still late.  He waits until his receiver breaks to throw the ball.  In the NFL, you've got to throw that ball out there before the receiver makes his break so the ball is on him before the CB has time to react.  Difference between college and pro.  The receiver was wide open.  Play grade: B. 


Play 10: QB Draw.  Looked designed.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 11: Got a completion over the middle for 7 yards on 3rd and 9.  What he did was fine.  He had a 1:1 matchup on the left side he didn't even look at.  If he had, he would have seen his receiver chucked the DB basically on his ass and he would have had the first if not a TD.  I can't tell who that WR is, but DAMN that was a good chuck.  Play Grade: B-.  Got a completion, but should have recognized the 1:1 coverage on a WR on 3rd and 9 and not immediately gone to the checkdown.  


Play 12: This is a good college play and an incompletion, and would be a pick-6 in the NFL.  Throws somewhat late to the right side. It's a 30 yard out which is thrown with a lot of loft on the ball.  The receiver has to go up to get it. It isn't driven to the spot.  In this case the ball was over the head of an open receiver.  Play grade: C-.  Ok in college.  Disaster in the NFL.  


Play 13:   I'm going to give him a pass on this play.  He sprints and throws the ball with velocity on 3rd and 6.  This was essentially a 2 receiver route and both were covered.  By rolling right, he cut the field in half.  When both of those guys are blanketed, not much you can do. Play Grade: B for not doing something dumb.  


Play 14: Throws over the middle to the TE in timing, but behind him.  Play Grade: B-.  Right read, bad throw, but got a completion. 


Play 15: TRICKERATION!  Backwards pass to the right, ball thrown back to McCarthy, who then completes the ball down field.  This was madly impressive.  The throw back to McCarthy was awful, and he had to jump up to get it.  Then he had a guy in his face, and managed to organize himself well enough to throw the ball down field.  Play Grade: A.  


Play 16: Short completion to TE on a crosser who's wide open.  Good protection.  A little late on the throw, but not too bad.  Play Grade: B+


Play 17: Escaped the pocket and threw it away.  He had #9 if he threw it immediately.  Protection broke down quickly.  Play Grade: C+.  He could have had a completion, but he didn't take a sack and got out of trouble.


Play 18: Bad throw late to a wide open receiver who fell down because he had to contort himself to make the catch.  Play Grade: C.  Got the completion, should have been a lot more. 


Play 19: Quick throw.  In time.  Terrible throw high.  Play Grade: D.


Play 20: Quick throw.  Open receiver.  Led him too far. Play Grade: D.


Play 21: Hit as the threw off of Play Action.  Play Grade: Not-graded.  


Play 22:  This is an interesting play. It's 3rd and 9.  He has a guy running wide open 4 yards down field when he hits the top of his drop.  Looking right at him.  He turns it down and evades to his right.  Which might be ok, if you're looking for something deeper.  But then he tries to hit another guy 4 yards down field while on the run and it's incomplete.  If you're going to turn down the layup because he's going to get tackled before the 1st, then don't just throw to another guy who's going to get tackled.  Play Grade: D.


Play 23: This is a really great play design.  The guy running the jet sweep turns into the receiver.  Alabama completely loses him.  McCarthy hits this in time. Good play to a wide open receiver.  Play Grade: B.


Play 24: Quick WR screen.  7 yard throw.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 25:  Quick WR screen.  From one hash to the next.  It was fine.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been any higher.


Play 26: 3rd and 2.  Rolls immediately right and then throws a ball into a lot of traffic that gets batted down.  Very odd playcall.  Play Grade: C.  It could have been a disaster.


Play 27: 4th and 2 which followed the 3rd and 2 odd play-call.  Alabama completely loses the RB, and it's an easy completion.  Play Grade: B.  Easy completion to a wide open WR. But it was 4th and 2.  


Play 28: QB keeper.  Not grading designed QB runs


Play 29: Possibly my least favorite play of the game.  Maybe.  He HOLDS the ball so long, then throws high.  It's complete for a big gain.  In the NFL, the WR is being escorted to the blue tent at best, or it's an INT, or both.  When you throw late and high in the NFL, only bad things happen.  Play Grade: F.  Even thought it was a completed pass for a big gain.  Awful play.  


Play 30: Great play design.  TD pass.  The ball traveled 4 yards in the air. Wide open. They snuck a receiver from the right side behind the line, Alabama didn't notice, and McCarthy could have underhand tossed the ball to him.  Play Grade: C.  But it couldn't have been higher.  


You think that’s bad, watch Maye vs Clemson and NC State.  On top of that, he went 17-27 this game with 3tds to 0 picks, while beating the best defense in college football. You should’ve picked the ball state game. Not many QBs have had a game as good as JJ had that game against Alabama in years.

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4 minutes ago, mac8887 said:

They also gave up plenty of sacks with Sam as well, both him and Drake have a tendency to play hero ball and that leads to a lot of sacks. Sacks are just as much a QB stat as a line stat. We learned that this year with Sam, as soon as the sack numbers went down, so did his play. He just wasn’t able to play on time within the offense. 

In college you can get away with that, not as much so when the d ends and linebackers are just as quick and fast as you are, if not more so.


You really need Jayden’s speed, or Caleb’s elusiveness for that kind of thing to work consistently at this level. Heck, Caleb will have to clean his act up to if he’s going to make it, the thing with him that helps, is that he is deadly accurate both in the pocket and on the move, being extremely quick and elusive, and has already shown the ability to play well in the pocket consistently, with him not doing so, not because he wasn’t able, but by choice.




Maye had a better pressure-to-sack ratio (19.5%) than either Daniels (20.2) or Williams (23.2).  And Daniels had one of the finalists for the Joe Moore Offensive Line Award at LSU (Washington won). 


Maye didn't have a good OL at UNC.

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37 minutes ago, ThatNFLChick said:




Giants - Maye

Falcons - Daniels

Raiders - Daniels



New Orleans?

Denver (Allbright says Pratt)?

The only way Giants are getting Maye is if he’s there at 3 on draft day and Pats willing to go down to 6 and get McCarthy.   The Bears and Commanders aren’t trading down.

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Just now, Dah-Dee said:


Maye had a better pressure-to-sack ratio (19.5%) than either Daniels (20.2) or Williams (23.2).  And Daniels had one of the finalists for the Joe Moore Offensive Line Award at LSU (Washington won). 


Maye didn't have a good OL at UNC.

No he didn’t, but it wasn’t crap compared to the talent he was playing against. But it’s ok to bash JJ for having a talented team around him, and to bash Daniels for his great receivers, but win Drake struggles it’s always someone else’s fault.


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7 minutes ago, mac8887 said:

Not many QBs have had a game as good as JJ had that game against Alabama in years.


You say a lot of things that make sense, then something like this pops up. Come on, man. Daniels put up 382 yards offense with 3 TD (one tipped-pass INT) against Alabama THIS YEAR. In less than 3 quarters (got knocked out of game by Dallas Turner helmet-to-helmet hit flagged for roughing passer). 

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Just now, mac8887 said:

No he didn’t, but it wasn’t crap compared to the talent he was playing against.

 You said few posts back that UNC had "stacked" OL versus the DLs they played, I'm just saying that doesn't look accurate. Not bashing JJ or defending Maye.

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I can see Williams actually liking Chicago because he knows he could control who the Bears hire as next coach.


Everyone knows Eberflus is on the hot seat and a non playoff season, even with a rookie qb and he’s gone. Bears did have 7 wins last year, so playoff expectations not unwarranted.


He sees how Rodgers basically runs the Jets, they do everything to his wishes. He could have similar power in 25, to a desperate Bears team.



He won’t have that sway here, under previous owner; yes.

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