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Election 2022 (Dems in charge of Senate. Reps take the House. Herschel Walker headed back home to ignore his children )

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On 12/14/2022 at 7:42 PM, China said:

Kari Lake's doomed legal battle: The holiday grift that keeps on giving


Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake — who despite her defeat may yet be a Republican vice-presidential contender — has filed a new lawsuit ostensibly aimed at reversing her loss to Democrat Katie Hobbs. Lake appears to be going for a hat trick of courtroom defeats, which remains no match for her idol, former President Donald Trump, who lost more than 60 cases after the 2020 election. 


The first of Lake's lawsuits, filed earlier this year, was dismissed in August. It sought to replace Maricopa County's voting machines with paper ballots. 


Here's the clincher: In a new order on Dec. 2, federal Judge John Tuchi described the complaint as filled with "false, misleading, and speculative allegations." 


Lake and her co-plaintiff, defeated Republican secretary of state candidate Mark Finchem, were ordered to pay Maricopa County's court costs for having to defend the frivolous suit. Her lawyers — who apparently  included former Harvard Law professor and Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz — were sanctioned with their own fines.


Then came Lake lawsuit No. 2: On election night in November, an Arizona judge rejected a suit that she filed with other Republicans, finding "no evidence that any voter who appeared to vote at Maricopa County polling places was turned away from the polls." 


And now she's back, filing another suit last Friday making the same claim all over again. ABC News called it a "lawsuit riddled with falsehoods." There were rehashed attacks on mail-in ballots, There was plenty of rank speculation — something courts never accept — that signatures initially identified as possible mismatches might have been improperly accepted after review. There were paragraphs recounting discredited 2020 election allegations from a right-wing PAC, We the People AZ Alliance.


And here's a juicy piece of poetic irony about Lake's claims that her voters were disenfranchised. The Democracy Docket website run by Marc Elias, a leading voting rights lawyer, has pointed out that many of the complaints from voters who claim they couldn't cast their ballots arose because of Arizona's HB 2237, the Republican-sponsored bill enacted last May that erected new barriers to the ballot in an apparent effort to suppress the vote. 


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Kari Lake’s ‘Expert’ Witness Undermines Her Election Lawsuit


Kari Lake’s bid to reverse her loss in the Arizona gubernatorial race was dealt an embarrassing blow by her own expert witness on Wednesday. After a judge dismissed eight of Lake’s 10 lawsuit claims, the first day of a trial on her two remaining allegations saw her cybersecurity expert put in a shambling performance from the witness stand. Clay Parikh, who previously spoke at MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s voter fraud summit and was reportedly paid $250 by Lake’s attorney for his expert testimony, was grilled about claims that a Maricopa County official deliberately caused a printer error which produced ballots the wrong size, ultimately causing enough votes to go uncounted that it cost Lake the election.


Tom Liddy, an attorney for Maricopa County, asked Parikh of misprinted ballots: “Once it’s duplicated, would it be tabulated, to your understanding?” Parikh initially tried to dodge the question by insisting the misprintings must have been deliberate. When the judge said his statement was “not responsive to this question,” Parikh said he was unable to answer. “Let me ask a different question,” Liddy said. “Are duplicated ballots tabulated? Maricopa County general election, 2022?” Parikh answered: “If they’re duplicated correctly and they’re configured correctly, yes,” Parikh replied.


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45 minutes ago, LadySkinsFan said:

Crazy eyes! And refers to herself in third person. 


I once dated a woman who when I didn't meet her expectations started to lecture me referring to herself in the third person. Stopped dating her immediately. Narssistic, delusional, and unsafe!

We need a “Holy ****” emoji so I can use it on this post lol…

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  • 3 weeks later...

Make Way for Rachel Jones, the Next Gen of Windbag MAGA Acolytes in Arizona


For MAGA practitioners in the Arizona State Legislature, it’s out with the old, in with the new.


The sun may have set on the political contretemps of "Conspiracy Czar” Mark Finchem and "Windy” Wendy Rogers. But thanks to the November elections, they’ve been swiftly supplanted with new foot soldiers from the ranks of former President Donald Trump’s election-denying cesspool of political inexperience and ignorance.


One new acolyte stands out in a crowded field. Meet State Representative Rachel Jones, who took office on January 9 and has urped out her fair share of alt-right bombast on Twitter. When she’s not agreeing with QAnon followers or stealing other people’s tweets and slapping her own watermark on them, she’s spouting lies — that Governor Katie Hobbs is a dictator, that newspapers work actively to obfuscate the truth, and that at least 42 percent of ballots in the recent election weren’t counted.


Jones, a Tucson Republican, transitioned from stay-at-home mom to state lawmaker when she won one of two House seats in District 17, which includes portions of Pima and Pinal counties. Her campaign was bankrolled by a list of failed up-ticket Arizona Republicans including Blake Masters, Jim Lamon, and Elijah Norton.


Jones’ self-styled platform comprises “banning critical race theory,” which doesn’t exist in Arizona schools, “ending any and all lockdowns,” despite the fact that there are none, and “securing our elections,” which are already secure, according to experts.


She’s intransigent on the fantasy that she can “decertify” the November elections in Arizona, despite handily winning her own seat. It's a gambit that has been broadly decried as legally impossible.



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So the election was illegitimate but, only for Hobbs, not for her?

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Kari Lake Says If She's Not Made Arizona Governor, America Will 'Turn Into A Venezuela'


Failed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake insisted in an interview Friday that if she is not made governor of Arizona, the U.S. will turn into Venezuela.


The Donald Trump-backed Republican raised the specter of a Venezuelan America in an interview with far-right student agitator Charlie Kirk.


Lake lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs in November, the election has been certified and Hobbs has taken office. Lake also lost a court case last month challenging the election result and has since appealed.


“There’s a boatload of evidence in our favor,” Lake baselessly claimed in the interview. “We just need a judge to wake up and realize what’s on the line here, and if we do not restore honest elections right now, our country will turn into a Venezuela. We have Venezuelan-style elections, and this is how you destroy a country.”


Ironically, the ascension to power by someone who isn’t chosen in a free election is typical of authoritarian leadership in Venezuela, not in an American democracy.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Kari Lake loses appeal in Arizona governor race challenge


An Arizona appeals court has rejected Republican Kari Lake’s challenge of her defeat in the Arizona governor’s race to Democrat Katie Hobbs, denying her request to throw out election results in the state’s most populous county and hold the election again.


In a ruling on Thursday, the Arizona Court of Appeals wrote Lake, who claimed problems with ballot printers at some polling places on Election Day were the result of intentional misconduct, presented no evidence that voters whose ballots were unreadable by tabulators at polling places were not able to vote. The court said that even a witness called by Lake to testify had confirmed that ballots that couldn’t initially be read at polling places could still ultimately have their vote counted.


And while a pollster who testified on behalf of Lake claimed the polling place problems had disenfranchised enough voters to change the outcome in Lake’s favor, the court said his conclusion were baseless.


The appeals court wrote Lake’s appeal failed because the evidence supports the conclusion that “voters were able to cast their ballots, that votes were counted correctly, and that no other basis justifies setting aside the election results.”


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  • 2 weeks later...

Herschel Walker's campaign paid defunct car wash for private jets, sparking concerns from experts


Campaign finance experts expressed concern following a Fox News Digital report showing former Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker's campaign paid a defunct car wash hundreds of thousands of dollars for private jet travel.


Team Herschel, Walker's main campaign organization, paid a company named Jetts roughly $595,600 to charter private jets between March and December last year. Other Walker-linked committed paid another $270,000 to Jetts throughout the year. However, a Fox News Digital investigation previously determined that the company was registered in Georgia as Jetts Car Wash, LLC, a defunct car wash owned by a Walker campaign donor.


"The amount of money involved is eye catching. It's certainly not a small sum in the context of a campaign, even for a statewide office like Senate," Saurav Ghosh, the director of federal reform for the nonprofit group Campaign Legal Center, told Fox News Digital in an interview. "This whole notion that a campaign is spending almost $600,000 at a car wash is very, very concerning."


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  • 4 weeks later...

Kari Lake Responds to Supreme Court Update: 'Burn it to the Ground'


Kari Lake, the defeated but defiant Republican candidate in Arizona's last gubernatorial race, has vowed to burn to the ground what she called "a house of cards" built in Maricopa County, after the state's Supreme Court tossed out most of her lawsuit challenging the election.


Speaking at a rally organized by Turning Point Action, Charlie Kirk's right-wing organization, Lake said: "They have built a house of cards in Maricopa County. I'm not just going to knock it over. I'm going to burn it to the ground." Lake shared a video of her speech, with a caption quoting her comments and a fire emoji.


Lake brought her case to the Arizona Supreme Court, which has declined to hear her case, but did send one of her claims back to a county judge for review. A superior court judge in Maricopa County is now reviewing Lake's claim that the county did not follow signature verification procedures.


Her other claims, including the one saying that tens of thousands of ballots were injected into the election, were dismissed by the Arizona Supreme Court.


Click on the link for the full article


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