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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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‘A total failure’: The Proud Boys now mock Trump


After the presidential election last year, the Proud Boys, a far-right group, declared its undying loyalty to President Donald Trump.


In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.


But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel Monday.


As Trump departed the White House on Wednesday, the Proud Boys, once among his staunchest supporters, have also started leaving his side. In dozens of conversations on social media sites like Gab and Telegram, members of the group have begun calling Trump a “shill” and “extraordinarily weak,” according to messages reviewed by The New York Times. They have also urged supporters to stop attending rallies and protests held for Trump or the Republican Party.


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Just keep talking, Tommy Tuberville


It’s a new twist on an old question: What did Tommy Tuberville know, and when did Donald Trump know it?


Alabama’s junior senator has again opened his mouth. This time, rather than revealing what he doesn’t know — like what the three branches of government are — Tuberville let slip he knew something he maybe shouldn’t have.


And Donald Trump knew it, too.


And it could mean the president knowingly put his vice president, Mike Pence, in danger, or even incited a mob to try to kill him — which is all kind of important in the impeachment of the former president.


Here’s what we know so far.


On Wednesday, after the second day of impeachment hearings, Tuberville spoke with reporters about a phone call he had with the president the day of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. As insurgents stormed the building, Pence’s security swept the vice president out of the Senate chambers. Tuberville says he was on the phone with Trump, who wanted his help delaying the Senate count of electoral votes.


“I said ‘Mr. President, they just took the vice president out, I’ve got to go,’” Tuberville told Politico.


At least Tuberville has sense enough to look out for his own safety.


But if Tuberville is telling the truth, what he’s revealed is important — not only that Trump would have known Pence was in danger, but more importantly when Pence was in danger.

Tuberville would have told Trump that Pence had been evacuated from the Senate chambers around 2:15 p.m.


About 10 minutes later, Trump tweeted angrily about the vice president.


“Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify,” Trump tweeted before his account was suspended. “USA demands the truth!”


There are only a few ways to interpret this. Either, Trump didn’t care his vice president was in danger and recklessly put his life at further risk. Or Trump did care — and wanted him pursued, or hurt, or killed.


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“I Don’t Trust the People Above Me”: Riot Squad Cops Open Up About Disastrous Response to Capitol Insurrection


The riot squad defending the embattled entrance to the west side of the U.S. Capitol was surrounded by violence. Rioters had clambered up the scaffolding by the stage erected for the inauguration of President Joseph Biden. They hurled everything they could get their hands on at the cops beneath: rebar, plywood, power tools, even cans of food they had frozen for extra damage.


In front of the cops, a mob was mounting a frontal assault. Its members hit officers with fists and baseball bats. They grabbed at weapons slung from the officers’ waists. They unleashed a barrage of M-80 firecrackers. Soaked in never-ending streams of bright orange bear spray, the officers choked on plumes of acrid smoke that singed their nostrils and obscured their vision.


One officer in the middle of the scrum, a combat veteran, thought the rioters were so vicious, so relentless, that they seemed fueled by methamphetamine. To his left, he watched a chunk of steel strike a fellow officer above the eye, setting off a geyser of blood. A pepper ball tore through the air over his shoulder and exploded against the jaw of a man in front of him. The round, filled with chemical irritant, ripped the rioter’s face open. His teeth were now visible through a hole in his cheek. Blood poured out, puddling on the pavement surrounding the building. But the man kept coming.


The combat veteran was hit with bear spray eight times. His experience overseas "was nothing like this,” he said. “Nothing at all.”


Over the last several weeks, ProPublica has interviewed 19 current and former U.S. Capitol Police officers about the assault on the Capitol. Following on the dramatic video of officers defending the building that House lawmakers showed during the first day of the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump, the interviews provide the most detailed account to date of a most extraordinary battle.


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57 GOP State And Local Officials Were At The Capitol Insurrection


At least 57 state and local Republican officials attended the Jan. 6 rally in Washington that turned into a deadly insurrection, according to an updated HuffPost tally. Almost all of them are resisting calls to resign. 


They traveled from 27 states for the “Stop the Steal” demonstration near the White House. A couple of officials even gave speeches, warming up the crowd for then-President Donald Trump, who took the stage and regurgitated lies about the election results before instructing the “Make America Great Again” mob to march on the U.S. Capitol.


Late last month, after identifying an initial 21 state and local GOP officials at the rally — among them a QAnon conspiracy theorist, a self-described member of a far-right militia and a man who once declared that “the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat” — HuffPost received emails from readers across the country identifying the additional 36 officials in this new tally. 


Some of the reader emails were urgent — “PLEASE, PLEASE REVISE YOUR ARTICLE TO REFLECT THESE INSURGENT SEDITIONISTS PLEASE!” read one — underscoring how communities across the country are still grappling with the fallout from the siege of the U.S. Capitol. Many are hoping that these officials will somehow face consequences for their actions.  

Nearly all 57 are facing calls to resign. Yet only two men, both of whom were arrested for their role in the riot — a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates and a secretary of the California Republican Assembly — have actually stepped down.


 Elsewhere, a Virginia state senator was censured and stripped of committee assignments. Two other censure attempts — of a city councilwoman and a school board member in California — were voted down. In Texas, a Pizzagate-conspiracy-theory-believing field organizer was fired. 


In most cases, the GOP officials have brushed aside calls to resign. 


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Insurrectionists are rushing to delete evidence of their participation in the Capitol riot, report says


Insurrectionists are scrambling to delete photos and social media posts proving their participation in the January 6 Capitol riot, according to CNN.


The outlet obtained and analyzed FBI affidavits and court documents that allegedly show about 30 riot attendees have actively taken steps to delete or remove any evidence of their participation. 


Several broke their cellphones, scrubbed their social media accounts, and tried to wipe hard drives that might contain photos and other proof of their involvement, CNN reported. One man is even believed to have stolen body cam gear from a police officer who was reportedly present at the riot, CNN reported. 


FBI investigators had search warrants to go through the contents of the phones of some of the people who attended the riot. Their goal was to find relevant photos and videos that would serve as further evidence of their participation, CNN reported. But the FBI discovered smashed phones instead, CNN reported.  


Joshua Black is allegedly one of those rioters who's been deleting contents related to the attempted coup. 


"After being told by an acquaintance that he was wanted by the FBI, [Black] says that he deleted things from his phone, which had been with him at the Capitol," prosecutors said, according to CNN.


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From Proud Boys panicked about the revelation that their leader was a snitch to the racist America First crowd, old pals are now enemies.


As federal authorities crack down on the far right after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the movement’s leaders have found new sources of suspicion: each other. 


In the Trumpist “America First” movement and the far-right paramilitary group the Proud Boys, alliances are fracturing as extremists brand each other as potential informants. Now racist live-streamers are accusing their former comrades of attempting to turn over followers to law enforcement, while Proud Boys chapters are splintering from the national organization over similar fears.


Until the FBI started closing in, white nationalists Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey were the two most prominent figures in the racist “America First” movement.


The pair built up shared audiences on live-streaming platforms, and cheered as their fans, nicknamed “groypers” after an obese version of the cartoon Pepe the Frog, heckled more moderate Trump allies at conservative events.


But the federal heat is on after Fuentes received roughly $250,000 in a much-scrutinized bitcoin transfer, then appeared outside the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 riot. The FBI is reportedly investigating the bitcoin transfer, though Fuentes has not faced charges over the money or the riot.


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‘Embarrassed’ Dad of Teen Insurrectionist: I Regret Taking My Son to Capitol


The father of a MAGA-loving Georgia teen who allegedly shoved a police officer while forcing his way into the Senate chamber on Jan. 6 regrets bringing his son to D.C.—and pushing baseless voter fraud conspiracy theories on his family.


“I feel responsible for bringing him up into that environment. I feel embarrassed that we drank in a lot of this rhetoric from so-called leaders that never materialized. I feel I should have known a little bit better at my age,” Joseph Cua said during a Friday bond hearing for his 18-year-old son, Bruno Joseph Cua.


The teen from Milton, Georgia, faces several charges, including assault on a federal officer and civil disorder, for his role in the unprecedented siege. On Friday, U.S. Chief Magistrate Judge for the Northern District of Georgia Alan Baverman ordered Cua—who encouraged his social media followers to “fight” for former President Donald Trump in the two weeks ahead of the siege—to be held without bond pending his trial.


Before handing down his detention ruling, Baverman slammed Cua’s parents for allowing their son to carry a weapon on Jan. 6 and blaming “leaders” for misleading them, when they should have been setting a better example for their son.


“Mr. Cua said he is misled by leaders. Well, Mr. Cua is supposed to be the leader,” Baverman said. “These were not spontaneous youthful actions.”


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28 minutes ago, China said:

As federal authorities crack down on the far right after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, the movement’s leaders have found new sources of suspicion: each other. 


Part of me wants to say "Good".  


Although I also have to reflect that such things tend to be very Darwinian.  


A year from now, the dumb ones will be gone.  But the smart ones will be smarter.  


(I'll be somewhat consoled if big chunks of the Trump administration, and the Republican Party, are in the "dumb ones" category.)

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What worries me about the last 2 months is if the absolute nothing-burger % of voter fraud was able to convince this many people that overturning the election would be justified, imagine how every single election from here on out has the potential to go?  There will always be a tiny % of legitimate fraud in every election, especially a national one.  Going forward how different will things go if say those claiming fraud are savvy enough to at least find the small cases of legitimate fraud and use cable news and social media to amplify it so loud.  They tried doing that this time but the accusations were so over the top and ridiculous that it.......still convinced 70% of Republicans so......oh wait. 


Yeah we're screwed.

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36 minutes ago, NoCalMike said:

There will always be a tiny % of legitimate fraud in every election, especially a national one.  Going forward how different will things go if say those claiming fraud are savvy enough to at least find the small cases of legitimate fraud and use cable news and social media to amplify it so loud.


I will point out that in this election, I believe that they did find three real people who got caught attempting to vote twice.  (They didn't actually succeed in voting twice, because they got caught.)  


They really couldn't point at them, though, since all three of them were Trump voters.  

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46 minutes ago, Larry said:


I will point out that in this election, I believe that they did find three real people who got caught attempting to vote twice.  (They didn't actually succeed in voting twice, because they got caught.)  


They really couldn't point at them, though, since all three of them were Trump voters.  

Remember when Trump told people to vote twice?

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Support grows for Capitol riot inquiry after Trump acquittal


A day after former President Donald Trump won his second Senate impeachment trial, bipartisan support appeared to be growing for an independent Sept. 11-style commission into the deadly insurrection that took place at the U.S. Capitol.


Investigations into the riot were already planned, with Senate hearings scheduled later this month in the Senate Rules Committee. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has asked retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré to lead an immediate review of the Capitol’s security process.


Lawmakers from both parties, speaking on Sunday’s news shows, signaled that even more inquiries were likely. The Senate verdict Saturday, with its 57-43 majority falling 10 votes short of the two-thirds needed to convict Trump, hardly put to rest the debate about the former president’s culpability for the Jan. 6 assault.


“There should be a complete investigation about what happened,” said Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, one of seven Republicans who voted to convict Trump. “What was known, who knew it and when they knew, all that, because that builds the basis so this never happens again.”


Cassidy said he was “attempting to hold President Trump accountable,” and added that as Americans hear all the facts, “more folks will move to where I was.” He was censured by his state’s party after the vote.


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