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The Vaccine Thread

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1 minute ago, mistertim said:


Are we sure that those numbers in other industrialized western nations are actually due to anti-vaxxers or is it possibly due to something else like distribution, etc?


Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but anecdotal evidence like yours can generally be disregarded. That's how we end up with people who say COVID-19 isn't serious because they don't know anyone who has died or gotten seriously ill from it.

I don't know if it's anti-vaxxers or not. But it's not like the vaccines aren't available there. 

My main point was we need to stop looking at this as an America problem. It is a worldwide problem and it will never be under control unless the global community works together. I think it was great that Biden sent all the vaccines to other countries. I believe the US actually is leading the pack on that.


1 minute ago, purbeast said:

I'm just confused because Sweden isn't even on the image you posted...

Lol yeah I know that. It was 2 edits. First I searched for Sweden vaccination rate because I know people there who are anti-vax. Then I searched for Italy because I was curious. That's why Italy is top.of the list. When I actually saw the worldwide percentages I screen shot it and posted it.

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31 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

I'd look to our neighbors to the north for how we could be if the GQP didn't exist to kill us.


Despite starting after us by a few weeks/months, they are at 66.1% fully vaxxed and 73.1% first dosed. 


We're at what..52.1% full dosed? 

I agree...I would love to know what they are doing then the rest of the world. Seems they are one of the VERY few that have high vaccination rates. Them and Israel.

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Fauci: Pandemic Could Be Under Control by Spring if Enough People Get Vaxxed


The U.S. could finally have the COVID-19 pandemic under control by next spring—but only if enough Americans get vaccinated before then, according to Dr. Anthony Fauci. President Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser told CNN on Sunday night: “We hope we'll be there... but there’s no guarantee because it’s up to us. If we keep lingering without getting those people vaccinated that should be vaccinated, this thing could linger on and lead to the development of another variant.” Fauci said that it’s not clear what proportion of people had to be vaccinated before life could return to normal, so the only answer was to persuade as many people as possible to get their shots. At the moment, only 51.5 percent of the population are fully vaccinated. Fauci was speaking to CNN after the FDA gave its full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for anyone aged 16 and over.


Click on the link for more

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21 hours ago, Xameil said:

I just wanted to point out, the anti-vaxxer issue is not just Americans. It is a world-wide problem. Just fixing it at home will do nothing. This is a world wide issue.

I know, idiots aren't exclusive to America. These just happen to be the only idiots that I have (or would ever want) access to.

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20 minutes ago, No Nonsense said:

My question is, if almost 70% of the population has taken the vaccine, why is COVID on the rise again? 

Only 52% of the US is fully vaccinated.  This poll doesn’t take into account people under 18 and/or people aren’t responding truthfully.








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12 minutes ago, No Nonsense said:

My question is, if almost 70% of the population has taken the vaccine, why is COVID on the rise again? 

Variants.  Pay attention. 

And primarily in southern (ignorant) states. 

(I didn't say stupid, even though I live here and most people are.  I was educated in Virginia.)

But most people are ignorant to the knowledge that they have access to...and I've never had any social accounts other than sports, so I only see what's posted here in that regard. 


My mom is a retired RN, I rely on her.  Vaxxed on the very first day. She votes R, but she's neither ignorant or stupid.   She's not a fan of Fauci (thinks he needs to retire).  Despite our disagreement, she has told me that he's right in every assessment. 

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22 minutes ago, No Nonsense said:

My question is, if almost 70% of the population has taken the vaccine, why is COVID on the rise again? 


Because certain areas are nowhere near 70%. Those areas are where the delta is spreading like wildfire. 


Louisiana for example aint even at 50%.


Plus kids under 12 can't get vaccinated. Which is about 50 million people. 





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2 minutes ago, clietas said:


Because certain areas are nowhere near 70%. Those areas are where the delta is spreading like wildfire. 


Louisiana for example aint even at 50%.


Plus kids under 12 can't get vaccinated. Which is about 50 million people. 





Yeah, I kinda figured that trip was the ultimate dream. 

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1 hour ago, Ball Security said:

I really wish they could break out the new case numbers by unvaccinated, vaccination-type.  I want to what portion of the break through cases are J&J.

Yeah, I'd like to see that as well. Also, Is the CDC breaking down daily infections/deaths by strain (Delta, etc...I'm assuming strain is the correct term)? 

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58 minutes ago, No Nonsense said:

My question is, if almost 70% of the population has taken the vaccine, why is COVID on the rise again? 


Additionally,  the immunization alone was never 100% effective and the protection it offers diminishes each month moving forward. 


I wish people (not you) understood this wasn't a cure. 

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