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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

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  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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6 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

You've made a lot of conclusions about what transpired without knowing all or even most of the facts.  You've cited 'claims about his treatment that were contradicted by actual facts' as if we even know the whole story of how everything went down.  I'd venture a guess we know only a smidge of what actually transpired.  Sure, money probably came into play - but it's pro football and it always does with elite players.  But the dude played at a very high level here for losing teams under losing regimes for a loser owner and GM, who provided loser facilities and care, where "the culture was damn good".  At some point, enough is enough and he found that point.


Feel free to take the side of Bruce Allen and the rest of his regime vs. that of an elite player at one of the most important positions in the game, most likely future HOF, who is still playing at an elite level.  I would advise against it, but it's a free world.

Oh I was on Trent's side for sure early on. But again he made claims, such as nobody visited him when that was not true, that turned out to be false.  It was later learned that the team told him to see a specialist and he did not do that, he declined to be interviewed when the NFLPA wanted to follow up on his grievances if I have that right and that's pretty telling.  


But we are still left with how it ended after the long call with RR.  If it were truly a medical issue then why were they "not on the same page" after all those offenders were gone and when they were starting all over with totally different people?  I had a serious issue with his "in the past" comment after the team, at his request, front loaded his last deal. Were you OK with that?  I firmly believe it was always about the money,  

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Fwiw: to play along, and even if I accept he way exaggerated the story and his concerns and did so to get out of here…


im still on his side cause he’s an elite player and we’re a garbage franchise and he was right to get out any way he could


and that still makes it the organizations fault. 


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29 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

You've made a lot of conclusions about what transpired without knowing all or even most of the facts.  You've cited 'claims about his treatment that were contradicted by actual facts' as if we even know the whole story of how everything went down.  I'd venture a guess we know only a smidge of what actually transpired.  Sure, money probably came into play - but it's pro football and it always does with elite players.  But the dude played at a very high level here for losing teams under losing regimes for a loser owner and GM, who provided loser facilities and care, where "the culture was damn good".  At some point, enough is enough and he found that point.


Feel free to take the side of Bruce Allen and the rest of his regime vs. that of an elite player at one of the most important positions in the game, most likely future HOF, who is still playing at an elite level.  I would advise against it, but it's a free world.

There were reports that the teams training staff told him they thought it was a cyst but that they weren't experts and to go see a specialist for a second opinion. Then the team asked the nfl and nflpa for an independent review of the situation which trent proceeded to tell the nflpa not to participate in. Kinda odd huh? Also keep in mind Dan was the one that set up the meetings with specialists for Trent and gave him the private plane to travel to have it removed. Then Trent complained that no one from the team came to visit him while he was in the hospital. Then Trent was supposedly upset because Ron didn't call him the moment he got here to check on him. Then Trent got upset with Ron because Ron said he needed to see it on the field first before giving him a huge deal. Which by the way was totally fair considering by the time the season wouldve started Trent wouldn't have played football in a year and half. The conclusions that Trent wanted out because he wanted more money are easy to make. And thats hardly taking up for Bruce Allen who instead of trading him when you had leverage decided to get in a public spat with the teams best player for over a year because he just had to be right.

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We should all be praising Trent Williams. He was the first and main step in showing Dan how incompetent Bruce was that eventually led to Bruce's firing. Bruce so royally screwed up the Trent situation that even Dan started to see Bruce for what he was. If the Trent thing never happened, there is an alternate universe where Bruce is still here. 

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7 hours ago, Conn said:

Basically only the Bruce Allen/Snyder led team played dumb and didn’t want to operate that way with their franchise player. 

You're 100% right about everything you said, but I think there is some culpability on Trent's side about how he started the whole thing.  Caveat: we don't know what conversations took place prior to the initial bombshell announcement. He wanted a new contract, but he started the whole thing with a tirade about the medical staff and demanding a trade because of that.  


But if I recall correctly, the first salvo we heard publicly was Trent slamming the medical team and using that as a means to get traded. Then later, when the Redskins (I think that's what they were called at the time) requested an independent review of their handling of the medical situation by the NFLPA, Trent declined.


I went back and looked at some articles and it looked to me like the first reports are Trent slamming the team about the medical stuff.  Then it came out he wanted a new contract.  


Now, I think what Dan/Bruce should have done is publicly said, "Trent is invited in to the facility to talk to us directly about anything he perceived as an issue, and we will 100% sort it out, and if that means making drastic changes to the training and medical staff, we will do so immediately, as Trent is a cornerstone of our team."


And that would have put the ball in his court.  


But what they did was get defensive about it.  I don't exactly blame them for feeling that way, but it served no purpose to be defensive publicly.  


So Trent, in a way, played it perfectly.  He put something out there which everybody would believe and set a trap for Bruce/Dan to step in, and they did, hook, line and sinker.


Now, what he probably wasn't expecting is Bruce was going to be SO petty he wouldn't trade Trent for a 1st round pick.  That's where Bruce really screwed up.


Of all the 10,000 screw ups from Dan/Bruce, this one I think is one they did screw up, but I think Trent didn't behave extremely professionally either.  

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10 hours ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

That’s not the point I was making, so YES, it’s entirely irrelevant. 

Irrelevent: "not connected with or relevant to something"


Its definitely not.  The tweet says the medical team does not say which of the two worst medical teams in the past decade of the NFL it was, which were fired and hired that year.  When the head is rotten, everyone they hire tends to be as well.

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17 minutes ago, Peregrine said:

Irrelevent: "not connected with or relevant to something"


Its definitely not.  The tweet says the medical team does not say which of the two worst medical teams in the past decade of the NFL it was, which were fired and hired that year.  When the head is rotten, everyone they hire tends to be as well.

The tweet was talking about the medical team from the jay gruden era, since that’s the one he had a problem with. So, again, YES, it’s irrelevant to the point I was making.

This couldn’t possibly be any clearer. Whether or not Trent Williams was right or wrong is irrelevant to my point. The head trainer from the panthers is irrelebs

 to my point as well, because it was already reported that none of the players were getting sold any of the pills or whatever. 

My point is SIMPLY that the medical staff he had an issue with got fired 4 months before he “got tf out”, INSTEAD OF him getting out before the medical staff that he had an issue with (the Jay Gruden medical staff) was able to kill him. Nothing more, nothing less. 



Edited by Cooleyfan1993
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This whole dumb tangent could have been short-circuited at the very beginning with a simple “yeah that’s not a good look” instead of “that’s irrelevant to my point” lol. Simple communication thing, but not everyone is wired the same way I guess. Needlessly argumentative imo. 

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4 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

You're 100% right about everything you said, but I think there is some culpability on Trent's side about how he started the whole thing.  Caveat: we don't know what conversations took place prior to the initial bombshell announcement. He wanted a new contract, but he started the whole thing with a tirade about the medical staff and demanding a trade because of that.  


But if I recall correctly, the first salvo we heard publicly was Trent slamming the medical team and using that as a means to get traded. Then later, when the Redskins (I think that's what they were called at the time) requested an independent review of their handling of the medical situation by the NFLPA, Trent declined.


I went back and looked at some articles and it looked to me like the first reports are Trent slamming the team about the medical stuff.  Then it came out he wanted a new contract.  


Now, I think what Dan/Bruce should have done is publicly said, "Trent is invited in to the facility to talk to us directly about anything he perceived as an issue, and we will 100% sort it out, and if that means making drastic changes to the training and medical staff, we will do so immediately, as Trent is a cornerstone of our team."


And that would have put the ball in his court.  


But what they did was get defensive about it.  I don't exactly blame them for feeling that way, but it served no purpose to be defensive publicly.  


So Trent, in a way, played it perfectly.  He put something out there which everybody would believe and set a trap for Bruce/Dan to step in, and they did, hook, line and sinker.


Now, what he probably wasn't expecting is Bruce was going to be SO petty he wouldn't trade Trent for a 1st round pick.  That's where Bruce really screwed up.


Of all the 10,000 screw ups from Dan/Bruce, this one I think is one they did screw up, but I think Trent didn't behave extremely professionally either.  

I think both the Trent and Kirk situations the players have culpability in how it all went down, I totally agree though that in both situations where it really went wrong was stubbornly not trading them when their trade market would have been hot. Think about how good this team could be right now with the assets they could have landed from those guys. 

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20 minutes ago, Conn said:

This whole dumb tangent could have been short-circuited at the very beginning with a simple “yeah that’s not a good look” instead of “that’s irrelevant to my point” lol. Simple communication thing, but not everyone is wired the same way I guess. Needlessly argumentative imo. 

Except it IS irrelevant to my point, as I very clearly stated. Why would I not point out something is irrelevant to my point if it is? I can’t possibly make my point any more clear, yet others still chose to bring up things that are irrelevant to the point I’m making. 

my point isn’t to bring up who was right or wrong in the whole thing from back then, or which medical staff was worse. 

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22 hours ago, Conn said:

Hate to tell you this but Trent Williams is historically good and this franchise ruined its relationship with arguably the best pound-for-pound player and athlete it ever had, AND on top of it he was the obvious good guy in the situation to anyone who wasn’t a Washington fan. The entire rest of the sports world was on his side and he is arguably even better today than he was for us. He’s the only modern-era HOF level player we’ve drafted and we ruined it. 

What you’re describing about his contract is how contracts work for elite players. When the guarantees run out and an injury could leave them vulnerable, it’s treated as a decision point in the contract where it’s time to give more guaranteed money or move on. Contracts are now structured this way on purpose, and renegotiating is expected. Basically only the Bruce Allen/Snyder led team played dumb and didn’t want to operate that way with their franchise player. 

Meh. I'm not going to repeat the same argument all over again. Others have made the same case. When he told the NFLPA to stop their investigation that's all I needed to see. Who does that if his claims were true?  Nobody.  So sorry I still don't see him as this great guy despite my feelings on Bruce and Dan.


I also can't see him being the highest rated OL in Madden history when I consider the names Jonathan Ogden, Steve Hutchison and others.  


As for the best "pound for pound" player in team history I gotta go with my username.  

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10 hours ago, CommanderCarson said:

I think both the Trent and Kirk situations the players have culpability in how it all went down, I totally agree though that in both situations where it really went wrong was stubbornly not trading them when their trade market would have been hot. Think about how good this team could be right now with the assets they could have landed from those guys. 


I do find it interesting that fans are taking Trent's side but constantly complained about Kirk when they were very similar situations.  The difference is Kirk did not make suspect medical claims that have many question marks.  All I heard was "screw Kirk, he did not want to be here". Well neither did Trent. And Kirk never did this while under contract as Trent has done.  

Edited by Darrell Green Fan
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I just find it odd that anyone thinks they know enough about Trent’s relationship with the team and it’s medical staff to say with certainty that he’s the bad guy.


If this team was ran in an even remotely competent fashion at any time he played here, I’d be more inclined to subscribe to the narrative that it was all just a big ruse to get out of Ashburn.

I think it’s fair to say that Trent is the furthest thing from a medical professional and acted like a lot of people do, ignore things until it actually gets scary.  Call it irresponsible or whatever, that’s fair.  But to suggest that he manufactured everything in an effort to get out of town vs. simply just saying he wanted out, doesn’t make much sense to me. 

I gather his issues with the team were piling up over the years, and eventually he had enough, and had his agent in his ear telling him what he’s worth.  Whatever transpired, it’s clear Bruce Allen  put the nail in the coffin with how he handled it, as there was no repairing the relationship after he did what he’s known to do- make private issues public, with his narrative that it’s all the players fault.

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