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A New Start! (the Reboot) The Front Office, Ownership, & Coaching Staff Thread

Message added by TK,

Pay Attention Knuckleheads



Has your team support wained due to ownership or can you see past it?  

229 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you attend a game and support the team while Dan Snyder is the owner of the team, regardless of success?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I would start attending games if Dan was no longer the owner of the team.

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So you don't think it's weird or coincidental that Deshaun Watson, who has the ability to get any type of massage or treatment he wants on the house from his employer, chooses to peruse the likes of instagram for really attractive females to perform special massages on him?  And that all of their stories have similarities, even though very few of them were connected in any way prior to the allegations coming to light?


39 minutes ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

That is such a load of crap.  IF he forced himself on women, then he deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. But there is a HUGE different in paying for services that were consensual vs forcing himself on anyone. Again, had their been calls to the police after the massages I would 100% believe he's guilty and have a very different stance. But it makes no sense why ZERO of 22 didn't call to report a crime IF there was a crime.

All the accounts of these interactions that I've read, describe Watson as a very calculated predator.  Not your Lifetime movie version of a rapist.  It's not as if he was holding these women down and having his way with them.  He was very calculated about how to address the 'special' things he wanted done and repeatedly kept at it even after he was told no.  So no it's not like he is your stereotypical monster, he's just a real creep that tries to manipulate women into performing sexual acts on him when he has them alone.  Clearly this is an addiction for him as evidenced by the # of times this has happened to different females.


At minimum, this dude is a real creep that needs some serious counseling.  Hard pass.

Edited by BatteredFanSyndrome
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24 minutes ago, ntotoro said:


Dan Snyder hasn't been charged with anything criminal yet, either. Absolutely terrible owner and even worse human being, given the history we have seen from just public record, but nothing criminal yet.

And I never said anything about Snyder being a criminal. He's just an idiot who has hamstrung our organization by meddling far too often. Me wanting Dan out has NOTHING to do with LEGAL issues. Now if he is guilty of all this taping stuff, yeah, makes it even easier. And I hope he has to pay millions in damages.

16 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

At minimum, this dude is a real creep that needs some serious counseling.  Hard pass.

And you could very well be right. We just don't know yet. If it comes to light he is a creep, I agree, needs major counseling/help.

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1 hour ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

That is such a load of crap.  IF he forced himself on women, then he deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. But there is a HUGE different in paying for services that were consensual vs forcing himself on anyone. Again, had their been calls to the police after the massages I would 100% believe he's guilty and have a very different stance. But it makes no sense why ZERO of 22 didn't call to report a crime IF there was a crime.


When literally nobody agrees with you and plenty are calling you out that is not a good sign that you are right. The cheerleaders didn't call the police either, Snyder has committed no crime (that we know of) yet, all your hate for him is a direct result of the losing and other accounts that also did not involve the police.  Yet you want him out and Watson in.  If you can't see the hypocrisy in this you are simply not being honest.  


As has been pointed out you only care about what you want, specifically a POS owner who has shown he can't make your team win being forced to sell and a POS franchise QB on your team because it will help them win more. All of this for one purpose, it's because it's what YOU want for your own enjoyment with no thought what so ever to the victims and Right vs Wrong.  

Edited by Darrell Green Fan
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1 hour ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

That is such a load of crap.  IF he forced himself on women, then he deserves to be punished to the full extent of the law. But there is a HUGE different in paying for services that were consensual vs forcing himself on anyone. Again, had their been calls to the police after the massages I would 100% believe he's guilty and have a very different stance. But it makes no sense why ZERO of 22 didn't call to report a crime IF there was a crime.

Clearly Watson is the victim in your eyes. Must be why the Texans were willing to play him all of last year. Because they know for sure he's so innocent. 

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15 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

Now that we have established  that@Giddy4Gibsonis a selfish hypocrite and a terrible human being can we get back to the investigation?  

I gave over $35k to charity last year. Does that make a terrible human? I have traveled to 3rd world countries to help build homes. Does that make me a terrible human being? You are a total jerkoff for making personal attacks about me because I believe Watson is innocent until proven guilty.

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1 hour ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

I gave over $35k to charity last year. Does that make a terrible human? I have traveled to 3rd world countries to help build homes. Does that make me a terrible human being? You are a total jerkoff for making personal attacks about me because I believe Watson is innocent until proven guilty.

And I'm sure OJ was very generous to others as well. Good deeds do not cancel out bad ones.  Why are you going to great lengths to stand up for Watson and not for Snyder?   We already know your answer, for selfish reasons.  You have yet to address your selfish hypocrisy.  

Edited by Darrell Green Fan
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Why? Because I've been a fan of Watson since his Clemson days. He has done a lot of good charity work and has always been a good guy...until this. And again, until we know for a fact he's forced himself on a woman (something I AM NOT OKAY WITH) I don't see a reason to assume he's guilty of ANYTHING. Remember when Tyreek Hill was a horrible monster and beat his kid? Oh yeah, the woman lied about it, and retracted everything. I hate to tell you, but there are women (and men) in this world that have no problem trying to ruin a person's reputation just to get paid. It happens ALL THE TIME. If there was smoke about Watson being a bad guy in college, or the first few years in the league, I'd have a different stance. As I already said, if at least ONE woman actually called the police after the massage, I'd have a different stance. But it sure seems convenient that NO ONE said a word until Watson came out and said he wasn't happy playing to the Texans and wanted out. THEN all of this started, and a documented ambulance chaser type lawyer got involved...and then boom, 22 women suddenly come forward. I have my doubts. But sadly you and others here have decided that makes me a horrible human being. I think that's just absurd. And I won't apologize for wanting Dan Snyder out, the large majority of Redskins fans I know have wanted the same thing for over a decade.

42 minutes ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

And I'm sure OJ was very generous to others as well.

Actually glad you brought OJ up. There was plenty of documented issues with OJ, fits of rage, getting physical with women, so there was PLENTY of smoke before the fire. And yes I thought OJ was guilty BECAUSE of his history. Where with Waston...not a peep of bad behavior, just the opposite in fact...

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9 minutes ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

Why? Because I've been a fan of Watson since his Clemson days. He has done a lot of good charity work and has always been a good guy...until this. And again, until we know for a fact he's forced himself on a woman (something I AM NOT OKAY WITH) I don't see a reason to assume he's guilty of ANYTHING. Remember when Tyreek Hill was a horrible monster and beat his kid? Oh yeah, the woman lied about it, and retracted everything. I hate to tell you, but there are women (and men) in this world that have no problem trying to ruin a person's reputation just to get paid. It happens ALL THE TIME. If there was smoke about Watson being a bad guy in college, or the first few years in the league, I'd have a different stance. As I already said, if at least ONE woman actually called the police after the massage, I'd have a different stance. But it sure seems convenient that NO ONE said a word until Watson came out and said he wasn't happy playing to the Texans and wanted out. THEN all of this started, and a documented ambulance chaser type lawyer got involved...and then boom, 22 women suddenly come forward. I have my doubts. But sadly you and others here have decided that makes me a horrible human being. I think that's just absurd. And I won't apologize for wanting Dan Snyder out, the large majority of Redskins fans I know have wanted the same thing for over a decade.

Actually glad you brought OJ up. There was plenty of documented issues with OJ, fits of rage, getting physical with women, so there was PLENTY of smoke before the fire. And yes I thought OJ was guilty BECAUSE of his history. Where with Waston...not a peep of bad behavior, just the opposite in fact...


Making the same argument over and over is not making you more right.  The cheerleaders didn't say a damned thing for a longer period of time either and I have yet to see you question their motives or story.  

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2 hours ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

And you could very well be right. We just don't know yet. If it comes to light he is a creep, I agree, needs major counseling/help.

It’s in the light. It just sounds like you don’t want to believe it because you’re a fan of him.


I said this above but you bypassed it, you don’t think it’s wierd that a guy of his stature who can get any massage treatment he desires from his employer, chooses to instead randomly hit up dozens, all attractive females, on Instagram for massages?  And every one of them has similar stories about what he implied, directly asked for, and also ignored their requests for him to stop when he pushed the issue.


Had they alleged that he forcefully imposed his will on them, a police report is more likely.  What they alleged he did, is behavior I can easily see 22 women being creeped out by, but not thinking it was worthy of filing a police report.  Many don’t want the public scrutiny that comes with doing so, don’t think people will believe them, etcetera etcetera.  There are a variety of reasons victims don’t make police reports.  Bill Cosby got away with drugging and raping women for decades.  What Deshaun is accused of doing isn’t as bad as Cosby, but it relates as both are beloved and respected public figures with otherwise very solid reputations.

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members have reported some of your recent posts for rule violations



it appears you've ignored the whole "learning and following the rules" thing that we tell you up front when you register is a 'must' here and that we are not like some other sites in the sense that we really mean it and will enforce it :)


you need to immediately right yourself and make it a long time before you draw negative attention over any rule violation in order to safeguard your posting privileges....you would do best to go read the rules and figure out which one(s) you violated, and especially read rule 18 carefully before you make any more posts


@Darrell Green Fan


as an es vet, you know you should find a non-rule-violating way to express a relevant on-topic criticism :) 

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In light of this team's horrendous record of abuse towards female employees,I can't imagine anything more damaging to this so-called professional franchise than to sign a guy with 22 pending sexual harassment complaints, including four of which are criminal complaints. Although I could see an Onion headline saying Watson refuses to sign with the Commanders because he would lose his self-respect...


I don't care how good a QB Watson is or may be. There are 22 dark clouds hanging over this man, and even if they're resolved legally I have my doubts that his behavior will change much...all of the complaints indicate Watson has a twisted compulsion to engage in these acts, and was enabled by the good ol' boy system in the football world. Character matters...so find someone else to play QB.


And if Watson comes here and we win a Super Bowl? What do you think the first questions that reporters will ask him when he's on the podium holding the trophy??? Maybe something about those 22 (and counting) complaints...

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4 hours ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

If Watson is guilty of a crime I'm for banning him from the league. But he has maintained his innocence all along, and again, quit ignoring the facts, not one single woman contacted the police after the massage. Not a single one. WHY? Please tell me if he forced these women to do anything against their will, why would they have not called? I'm waiting for your answer. There is NO WAY someone wouldn't have called the cops on him if he did something that wasn't consensual. Do you think your wife would NOT call the police if a massage client forced himself on her? Answer honestly! Something doesn't add up. 

This happens every single day. Every. Single. Day. The vast majority of sexual assaults, abuse, and harassment are not reported. And most of those cases don’t even involve rich and powerful superstar athletes or NDA’s.


You sound hopelessly ignorant on this topic. That’s not an insult, it’s a factual descriptor of your level of knowledge on the topic. Go do some reading, and then come back. Or don’t. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Most men with wives who have been assaulted or abused in their lives have no idea. That is a fact that sounds like it would shock you. For the sake of all the people in your life, but especially the women, go read a book. Or at least an article. Even a wiki blurb might help. 

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58 minutes ago, Jumbo said:



members have reported some of your recent posts for rule violations



it appears you've ignored the whole "learning and following the rules" thing that we tell you up front when you register is a 'must' here and that we are not like some other sites in the sense that we really mean it and will enforce it :)


you need to immediately right yourself and make it a long time before you draw negative attention over any rule violation in order to safeguard your posting privileges....you would do best to go read the rules and figure out which one(s) you violated, and especially read rule 18 carefully before you make any more posts


@Darrell Green Fan


as an es vet, you know you should find a non-rule-violating way to express a relevant on-topic criticism :) 

I don't have to post here, and quite frankly, don't need your threats to "get me in line" I've attacked no one, but I sure as hell have been attacked, what a double standard.

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3 hours ago, Darrell Green Fan said:

And I'm sure OJ was very generous to others as well. Good deeds do not cancel out bad ones.  Why are you going to great lengths to stand up for Watson and not for Snyder?   We already know your answer, for selfish reasons.  You have yet to address your selfish hypocrisy.  

Did you just compare him to OJ?  lol


As @Jumbo has said, you guys need to end this little slap fight.  

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1 hour ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

I don't have to post here, and quite frankly, don't need your threats to "get me in line" I've attacked no one, but I sure as hell have been attacked, what a double standard.


a visual interpretation of your stance:







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6 hours ago, Giddy4Gibson said:

If Watson is guilty of a crime I'm for banning him from the league. But he has maintained his innocence all along, and again, quit ignoring the facts, not one single woman contacted the police after the massage. Not a single one. WHY? Please tell me if he forced these women to do anything against their will, why would they have not called? I'm waiting for your answer. There is NO WAY someone wouldn't have called the cops on him if he did something that wasn't consensual. Do you think your wife would NOT call the police if a massage client forced himself on her? Answer honestly! Something doesn't add up. And obviously this will play out in the coming months. If he is found not guilty of this, will you come back and apologize for attacking me and my character??? And my desire to have Dan removed goes WAY beyond this cheerleader thing. He's been horrible for this franchise for decades. So its really easy for you to say I'm hypocritical because I want Snyder out but I've wanted him out WAY before these allegations. 


This is anecdotal but representative of how we have failed, and continue to fail, to teach boys and men about consent from the moment they're born.

There is so much stereotypically and fundamentally flawed here, I literally have my hands thrown up in the air which is filled with my sighs. :(

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Well glad he is gone, and I did edit my post although he had quoted it. Sorry for the violation mods, this is over thankfully. But still pretty disturbing that he could dig in so hard on his stance.  Have we not learned anything these past few years?  This only shows that we have a long way to go. 



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