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Summer of 2020---The Civil Unrest Thread--Read OP Before Posting (in memory of George Floyd)


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3 hours ago, Larry said:

If I'm walking down the street, and somebody steps out, blocks my path, and tells me to give him my wallet, I'm allowed to refuse. To use force to refuse. To use lethal force, to refuse. 


depends on the state. I live in Virginia. The only requirement is that you feared for the life or grave bodily harm of yourself or another. Doesn’t matter where you are or whether you’re directly involved (like if you walk around the corner and see a young man beating an old woman with a bat, you can shoot him, doesn’t matter that you don’t know her or weren’t involved)


but. You have to be able to back that up. 

There’s rules about duty to retreat/deescalate but I find them very subjective and last time I tried to describe them I got called out for being a bit wrong. 

florida is a stand your ground stare which is why Zimmerman was not found guilty. The preceding decisions didn’t matter. He was attacked and is allowed to defend himself in that case. 

so. It depends on state. Texas allows you to protect property - not just yours but that of others too. Virginia does not. 

Your scenario in Virginia would depend on a lot of things. “Fear of your life or grace bodily harm” is quite subjective and it could simply depend on how you say it and the specific words you use. Which is why you get a lawyer before you tell your story. 



3 hours ago, Larry said:


But because I wasn't playing on the defensive team. I wasn't just there, and he attacked me. I was there, hoping to find that situation. I went looking for it. And brought a gun, to use if it did

Yeah. Depends on state. Some states would care, others wouldn’t. And even if the state cares, I’m betting there’s lots of cases where it depends on whether your sheriff cares…

24 minutes ago, Burgold said:

Sure, but charge you for going 15 over, reckless endangerment, dui, running a red light, and driving with your brake lights out. 

Yup. That’s fine. 

I grew up surrounded by law enforcement. There’s a fine line between the charges that make sense and the charges that are there for pressure or just throwing stuff against the wall (and sometimes it’s all of the above). And the people that work in that business can spot it pretty easily, I think. 

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I’m as tired of the idiots claiming everyone who disagrees with them is racist, as I am with the people who think racism doesn’t exist. 

I be Jessel Taylor was also someone clamoring for the police to leave the protestors/rioters alone. You know, the thing that drove citizens to grab guns and stand outside businesses since the government wasn’t going to do anything about it anymore…

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Yea saying you have to be racist to see this guy as defending himself (by the definition of the law) is silly and a self defeating argument. All you do with that is turn off people who could otherwise agree with you. And obviously it’s a numbers game. You want more people to agree with you. 

It’s social engineering and for whatever reason the people on my side of the argument refuse to use it to their advantage. 

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2 hours ago, tshile said:

I’m as tired of the idiots claiming everyone who disagrees with them is racist, as I am with the people who think racism doesn’t exist. 

I be Jessel Taylor was also someone clamoring for the police to leave the protestors/rioters alone. You know, the thing that drove citizens to grab guns and stand outside businesses since the government wasn’t going to do anything about it anymore…


1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Yea saying you have to be racist to see this guy as defending himself (by the definition of the law) is silly and a self defeating argument. All you do with that is turn off people who could otherwise agree with you. And obviously it’s a numbers game. You want more people to agree with you. 

It’s social engineering and for whatever reason the people on my side of the argument refuse to use it to their advantage. 


The argument is supporting a racist doing racist things is probably  racist. 🙂


****nuts only went there with his mama to maybe get to shoot and kill some BLM peoples. He did and now mostly Republicans have no problem with it. 

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13 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The argument is supporting a racist doing racist things is probably  racist. 🙂


****nuts only went there with his mama to maybe get to shoot and kill some BLM peoples. He did and now mostly Republicans have no problem with it. 

What exactly is the racist thing he was doing?  Killing people of his own race?


I'm not defending him being there in the capacity he was, as I believe playing stupid games = winning stupid prizes.  But that also goes for the folks he killed.


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13 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The argument is supporting a racist doing racist things is probably  racist. 🙂


OK well I believe he was acting in self defense when he shot the guy pointing a gun at him that admitted wanting to kill him in court. That mean I'm a racist now? 


Just now, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

What exactly is the racist thing he was doing?  Killing people of his own race?


He was down there to shoot BLM and Antifa these white dudes just got in the way imo. I mean take everything you know about him, including the reported video that was not allowed in court but the existence of which is confirmed through court documents that shows him sitting outside a CVS fantasizing about shooting black men who were literally just shopping. Dude was clearly there for one reason. I find it hard to argue it personally but I guess its possible. 


Yes im arguing both points cause I dont feel like him being a racist and him acting in self defense in this one particular instance have to be related in the court of law. They should be. But its clear they are not. 

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7 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

What exactly is the racist thing he was doing?  Killing people of his own race?


I'm not defending him being there in the capacity he was, as I believe playing stupid games = winning stupid prizes.  But that also goes for the folks he killed.



He went to shoot BLM people. He talked about wanting to do it beforehand. Just because the three he shot (including the 2 he murdered) were white, doesn't mean the premeditated actions weren't racist. 

Edited by The Evil Genius
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4 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

Sure, the kid is probably racist.


But a lot of the BLM movement happens to be white.  A lot of the folks looting, damaging property, and lighting fires are white and doing this stuff under the guise of BLM.


Totally. Ever hear the term (And I hope this censorship function works here) *nope* lovers? My understanding is that they were hated just as much, if not more, than *nope* themselves because they supported them. In my mind its the same thing. I could be dead wrong. I don't know what goes through these peoples heads. But I specifically remember people in history being hated and persecuted by racists for NOT BEING racist which always threw me for a loop as a kid. 


edit censor function does not work on that word. My b. Which means no one says it. Which is good 

*nope* = n word

Edited by Llevron
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1 minute ago, redskins59 said:

I mean, you type Kyle Rittenhouse and proud boys on google, some pictures pop up, one where he is making a white supremacist symbol and posing with the Proud Boys.

So I think this guy is probably a white supremacist of some kind.



If he wasn't before he for sure is now. They recruit people like him 


2 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

Judge dismissed the gun charge and is giving the jury instructions now. 


So the only question at this point is self defense? That judge is such a pos and so biased 

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2 minutes ago, tshile said:

I thought today was closing arguments? They’re already giving jury instructions? Hmmm I must have read something wrong. 

Did the judge say why he dismissed the gun charges?

For some reason, he's doing the instructions before the summations.  I haven't heard a reason for the dismissal of the gun charge. 

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