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The Quarantine Thread

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46 minutes ago, China said:

But if you do want to do something like that I can recommend going to Wachapreague and hiring a boat to take you out to one of the islands/beaches that are uninhabited.  We did that and had the place entirely to ourselves. Beautiful beach, good sea shelling, no people.


Are they still doing trips to Smith Island or is it closed off? That's been on my list for a while now

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On 3/15/2020 at 5:05 PM, KAOSkins said:

I bought that book as part of the short lived ES book club at IHeartskins' recommendation.  Hope he's doing well these days. My God, if there is a more depressing book written I haven't read it.

he’s doing well. Wife and three kids in Brooklyn. I’ll send your regards. 

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16 minutes ago, skins4eva said:

Will do. He’s one of my best friends from high school and law school. As you can imagine, life got in the way and he had other stuff to do. I know he still holds this place close to his heart. 

He was like the only lawyer i knew when i got accepted to law school and his advice was key for me. It always kind of cracks me up how much real life benefit ive gotten from a message board of Redskins knuckleheads lol.


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So no trick-or-treating this year.  We usually don't get very many kids anyway, so will probably just skip it altogether; although my daughter still wants to dress up and walk around without going to anybody's house (which is fine for her because she's getting too old anyway).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Why It's So Hard To Buy A New Refrigerator These Days


Shortages have hit all kinds of major appliances: dishwashers, dryers, dehumidifiers, even some of the microwaves. That's because the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into both their supply and demand.


The stage was set by a springtime run on freezers, followed by refrigerators with freezers.


"We sold more freezers in two days than we did all of last year," said Steve Sheinkopf, who runs Yale Appliance with stores outside Boston. "People were storing stuff, because we thought this was the end of times, we needed food."


At the same time, makers and sellers faced the difficult task of planning for the future. They were calculating how many appliances they would sell later in the year (as in, now).


And months ago, it was logical for companies to worry that shoppers would stop spending. Businesses closed en masse. Layoffs swept the country. A historic recession began. It made sense for factories to scale back manufacturing plans and for stores to pull back orders.


An even bigger factor was the health crisis itself.


Spikes in coronavirus cases swept through major hubs for shipping and manufacturing of appliances and parts: China, the U.S., Mexico. Many factories had to close or allow fewer people inside, slowing down production.


The final twist was unyielding, unexpected demand.


Turns out, when people are stuck at home — constantly reheating leftovers and baking bread — things start breaking. Even more so, unable to splurge on trips and outings, people began obsessing over their immediate surroundings, moving to new homes and going wild with home improvement.


Now, experts are warning of backlogs on some appliance brands and models through the end of the year and potentially into 2021.


Click on the link for the full article

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3 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

My community is still doing Halloween this year, which is ****ing stupid. In a good year, like when it’s on a Saturday like this year, we will get 1,000 people. Some of my neighbors are suggesting ways to do it while social distancing but I am noping out of it this year. 


Yeah, if I was a parent, my first thought would be prime opportunity for a Covid kamikaze to sneeze on all the candy before handing it out

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1 hour ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Yeah, if I was a parent, my first thought would be prime opportunity for a Covid kamikaze to sneeze on all the candy before handing it out

Not even that. Just, if you come into contact with 1000 people, 80% kids, you are catching it. I just spent 7 months upending my life to not catch it.  The “reward” side of that equation is ****ing KitKats. GTFO. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Acedia: the lost name for the emotion we’re all feeling right now


With some communities in rebooted lockdown conditions and movement restricted everywhere else, no one is posting pictures of their sourdough. Zoom ****tail parties have lost their novelty, Netflix can only release so many new series. The news seems worse every day, yet we compulsively scroll through it.


We get distracted by social media, yet have a pile of books unread. We keep meaning to go outside but somehow never find the time. We’re bored, listless, afraid and uncertain.

What is this feeling?


John Cassian, a monk and theologian wrote in the early 5th century about an ancient Greek emotion called acedia. A mind “seized” by this emotion is “horrified at where he is, disgusted with his room … It does not allow him to stay still in his cell or to devote any effort to reading”. He feels:



such bodily listlessness and yawning hunger as though he were worn by a long journey or a prolonged fast … Next he glances about and sighs that no one is coming to see him. Constantly in and out of his cell, he looks at the sun as if it were too slow in setting.


This sounds eerily familiar. Yet, the name that so aptly describes our current state was lost to time and translation.


Etymologically, acedia joins the negative prefix a- to the Greek noun kēdos, which means “care, concern, or grief”. It sounds like apathy, but Cassian’s description shows that acedia is much more daunting and complex than that.


Cassian and other early Christians called acedia “the noonday demon”, and sometimes described it as a “train of thought”. But they did not think it affected city-dwellers or even monks in communities.


Rather, acedia arose directly out the spatial and social constrictions that a solitary monastic life necessitates. These conditions generate a strange combination of listlessness, undirected anxiety, and inability to concentrate. Together these make up the paradoxical emotion of acedia.


Click on the link for the full article

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Anyone else still being crazy strict with quarantining? I haven’t been 20 feet of another human other than my wife and kids, my mom and mother in law since mid March and the same for them with no other people. I haven’t set foot in a store. Zero drive thru or prepared food delivery. Just grocery delivery behind my door. Biggest risk has been pumping gas a couple of times  but I wear a p100 or n95 and goggles.  So basically no risk. 

I’m picking up two kittens this weekend from my wife’s friend at her house. She’s a physician and petty good about precautions. I’m wearing an n95 and glasses and will be in and out fast. Logically it’s low risk but I’m second guessing why take any risk.


I think I’m being too crazy with this as I’m typing it out.  Anyone think it’s a risk to avoid? I’m fat these days  but otherwise healthy and 46.

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8 minutes ago, SoCalSkins said:

Anyone else still being crazy strict with quarantining? I haven’t been 20 feet of another human other than my wife and kids, my mom and mother in law since mid March and the same for them with no other people. I haven’t set foot in a store. Zero drive thru or prepared food delivery. Just grocery delivery behind my door. Biggest risk has been pumping gas a couple of times  but I wear a p100 or n95 and goggles.  So basically no risk. 

I’m picking up two kittens this weekend from my wife’s friend at her house. She’s a physician and petty good about precautions. I’m wearing an n95 and glasses and will be in and out fast. Logically it’s low risk but I’m second guessing why take any risk.


I think I’m being too crazy with this as I’m typing it out.  Anyone think it’s a risk to avoid? I’m fat these days  but otherwise healthy and 46.

You're doing a good job staying safe.  Its good to stay vigilant.  But don't worry too much about this one interaction; you'll get your new owners and be just fine.  I still go to work every day and am situated within 6ish feet of about 5 people.  I was in the same house as my Dad while he was infected, and in the same room as my Mom as she was probably infected and came away clean (wearing cloth masks).  You can pick up your new floofy overlords with your N95 mask and not worry so much about this one singular human interaction. 

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I'm still strict with quarantining ( my dad is an at risk cancer survivor who had severe complications from surgery). I've been letting my guard down a bit though, at least when it comes to treating inside/outside packages and groceries.


My bros gf was tested, then brought her dogs here and stayed at the house for a few weeks in August,  but apart from that, my nephews visitation,  and going to chill with my dad at least every other week, nada.


I talk on the phone and facetime and stuff like that, but it's just not the same, and doesn't do anything to fill that deep void of mostly solitary living. Thankfully theres a lot of big open space out here in Northern MoCo, so if I want to go for a run or ride outside when I get stir crazy , I can,  especially when its nice like it is now.



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