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The Random Thought Thread Vol 2---Read OP For Thread Rules


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So i just engaged with the thread and made a post about the Simpsons. This is the rando thought thread so here is what im actually thinking about. 

The following is brought to you by Makers Mark. 

My wife and I tonight, on October 30, just had our first meal out at a restaurant (outside) since February. 

Since February. 

We talked about what has been stolen from us, largely due to our ****ty government’s incompetence.  

We had our second child in February. I am so ****ing angry typing this. My firm gave me 2 and a half months off. I had big plans to spend every morning chillin with the newborn while my wife caught up on sleep, and every afternoon with my daughter at The St James, the crazy gym/playground/athletic facility by my house. Also really wanted to work out and get in shape, probably the last chance i had to do that since my job is a meat grinder. Obviously those plans got ruined. 

But ****. We should have been ok to have the 4th of July. Nope. Still on lockdown because 1/3 of people refuse to follow science and Covid never abated.  Labor day weekend, same. Now Halloween. My kids still can’t have a normal holiday because Trump is [thinks about adjectives] a piece of ****. 

Thanksgiving is probably canceled. Christmas almost certainly too. He’s stolen so much from all of us. 

Tomorrow is my birthday. **** this entire year. 


Edited by PleaseBlitz
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1 minute ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Not editing ****. 

Spoken like a man who's appropriately enjoying their whiskey.

Just now, Mr. Sinister said:

Here's to better days ahead (starting next week) :cheers:

Next week will only be the epoch of better days.  Still need to wait a couple months to reach that better tomorrow.

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Is math invented or discovered?


I hate math, but I say discovered, out of respect.


2+2 was always 4 before we got here, understood the difference between 2 and 4, or started using the plus symbol.


Did we really invent Pi or because it works we simply eventually found it?  Did we really jus get bored and invent trigonometry or discovery that it works and keep digging deeper and deeper finding more and more that worked that worked before we could confirm that it worked, waiting for us?


If aliens knew of quantum physics before we did, no way we invented it.  And given it existed before they did neither did they invent it, jus figure out how to get warp to work and fly right past us while locking their space doors like they rollin thru a bad neighborhood. 

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3 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:

Is math invented or discovered?


I hate math, but I say discovered, out of respect.


2+2 was always 4 before we got here, understood the difference between 2 and 4, or started using the plus symbol.


Did we really invent Pi or because it works we simply eventually found it?  Did we really jus get bored and invent trigonometry or discovery that it works and keep digging deeper and deeper finding more and more that worked that worked before we could confirm that it worked, waiting for us?


If aliens knew of quantum physics before we did, no way we invented it.  And given it existed before they did neither did they invent it, jus figure out how to get warp to work and fly right past us while locking their space doors like they rollin thru a bad neighborhood. 

Math is a convenient abstraction that helps us to describe the universe.  So I'd say, yes, we invented math, as it is the abstraction that we invented to translate the universe into something we can (barely) understand.

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3 minutes ago, PokerPacker said:

Math is a convenient abstraction that helps us to describe the universe.  So I'd say, yes, we invented math, as it is the abstraction that we invented to translate the universe into something we can (barely) understand.


Like inventing maps to make since of territory, even though the territory was already there, I see.


You got more love for math then I do, but it is merely a way of describing whats already there.  


Laws of physics for example, good on us to figure them out in a way we could write them out in a way thats repeatable, but the math that dictates those laws are based on our current understanding of them.  We arent always right.


If you want to say we invented the language we needed to make sense of the laws of nature and explain them to each other....hmm...I can see separating the two.  That 2+2=4 was waiting for us to catch up but we should give ourselves more credit for catching up.


We discovered laws of nature and invented math to help explain it, I can see that.

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