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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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City in China orders fish swabbed for Covid


In the coastal Chinese city of Xiamen, it’s not just the mouths of fishers being swabbed for Covid-19, but also the fish they’ve caught.


As China maintains its commitment to zero Covid, city authorities are working to ensure there is no avenue for the virus to enter, ordering all fishers and their catch undergo a daily nucleic acid test.


According to the Xiamen Jimei district’s political and legal committee, it was necessary to swab both returning workers and their “materials” immediately upon disembarking each day, because some fishers had made illegal trades or contact with overseas vessels while at sea, “resulting in the import of the coronavirus”.


“At present, all people in Xiamen City need nucleic acid testing, and the fish catches must be tested as well,” an employee at the Xiamen municipal ocean development bureau told local media. TV news reports showed officials swabbing the mouths of fish and the underside of crabs.




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Regular physical activity may lessen Covid risks, study finds


Regular exercise lowers your risk of developing Covid-19 or falling seriously ill with the disease, with about 20 minutes a day providing the greatest benefit, a global analysis of data suggests.


Regular physical activity is linked to a lower risk of Covid-19 infection, severity, hospitalisation and death, according to the new pooled data analysis of the available evidence published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.


A weekly total of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity appears to afford the best protection, the study suggests.


“Regular physical activity seems to be related to a lower likelihood of adverse Covid-19 outcomes,” the team of Spanish researchers wrote. “Our analysis reveals that individuals who engage in regular physical activity have a lower likelihood of Sars-CoV-2 infection, Covid-19 hospitalisation, severe Covid-19 illness and Covid-19-related death than physically inactive individuals, independent of design and instrument used.”


Experts know that regular exercise has a protective effect against the severity of respiratory infections.


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Time for some fear mongering:


How a Major COVID Relapse Could Soon Hit America—and the World


Federal COVID funding is beginning to run out in the U.S. As the once extensive government investment in vaccines, therapies and testing vanishes, epidemiologists are bracing for a major shakeup in—some would say collapse of—critical efforts to contain the SARS-CoV-2 virus.


Vaccine initiatives could suffer the biggest blow. With the impending end of government funding, Americans would have to start paying for their own COVID shots—a disincentive that could further suppress the country’s middling vaccination uptake, currently plateaued at 67 percent “fully” vaccinated, usually with two doses of a messenger-RNA vaccine.


Another likely victim is COVAX, the international vaccine consortium that buys jabs for poorer countries. COVAX has been struggling even before the coming squeeze on U.S. funding. Now an existing shortfall in doses is set to get a lot worse.


Finally, an erosion of federal funding could delay or even kill off efforts to develop new, universal coronavirus vaccines that could work against current and future variants. Experts have pinned their hopes on universal jabs to help the population get ahead of a constantly evolving virus. Without that new vaccine, we’ll always be playing catch-up.


Politics are to blame for the coming cash crunch. “Congress is acting as if the COVID-19 pandemic is over, which is far from true,” Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University global health expert, told The Daily Beast.


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China shuts world's largest electronics market as Shenzhen imposes more lockdowns


China's southern city of Shenzhen on Monday shut down the world's largest electronics market and suspended public transport nearby as authorities enforced neighborhood-wide lockdowns in response to a small number of Covid cases.


Huaqiangbei, a busy shopping area home to thousands of stalls selling computer components, mobile phone parts and microchips, is among three neighborhoods placed under a mandatory four-day lockdown in Futian district, according the district government.


Residents in those neighborhoods are forbidden to leave their homes except for Covid testing, which they are required to undergo daily until Thursday.

All businesses in the affected areas are shut down through Thursday, except for supermarkets, pharmacies and hospitals. Restaurant dining is also suspended, with only takeaways allowed.

China is one of the last places in the world still enforcing stringent zero-Covid measures, which rely on sweeping digital surveillance, mass testing, extensive quarantines and snap lockdowns.

On Tuesday, Shenzhen, an international technology hub of 18 million people, reported just 35 infections, including 11 asymptomatic cases.

The heavy-handed approach has seen dozens of neighborhoods across Shenzhen identified as "high-risk areas," and placed under strict lockdown orders. Videos shared by residents on social media show metal barriers -- some topped with barbed wire -- erected outside residential buildings, blocking residents from leaving.


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Reducing Restrictions: The CDC Has Announced It’s Okay To Die Of The Coronavirus Now


If you’re one of the final holdouts who has remained strict about COVID precautions even as most of the country has done away with masks and social distancing, prepare to breathe a sigh of relief: After almost 3 years of COVID-19 upending our lives, the CDC has announced it is now okay to die of the coronavirus. 


Finally, one less restriction to worry about!


CDC director Rochelle Walensky gave a press conference this morning to announce the major change in CDC recommendations, explaining, “Early on in the pandemic, every death from the coronavirus was a tragedy. Thankfully, due to remarkable advancements in being desensitized to widespread sickness and death over the past several years, we have reached the point where dying of the coronavirus has become fine. Similar to dying of the flu or in a car crash—other causes of mostly preventable deaths that we could do more to curb, but don’t because it’s sort of hard and boring—dying of COVID-19 is now completely okay we recommend that Americans begin incorporating passing away from this disease into their daily routines.”


According to CDC’s updated “How to Protect Yourself and Others” page, the CDC still recommends hand washing, getting vaccinated, and increasing ventilation as ways of mitigating COVID risk, but under the subheading “Dying of COVID-19” it now states “COVID-19 is a deadly disease, but dying from it is now fine. Currently, close to 500 people a day are still dying from it, but that’s OK, because it’s not quite as bad as 3,000+ a day, and as long as you don’t do the math of how many that adds up to in a week or a month it doesn’t seem terrible, really.” 


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“It’s ok to die from Covid” 🙄



right cause nothings changed the lowers your chance of catching it or dying from it. 

That said - already started telling people we won’t be attending their parties this holiday season. Haven’t had Christmas with my folks in 3 years because of Covid, and has 3 trips ruined because we caught it from family/friends just before the trip. Looking at flying across the country to go skiing for New Years, and spending Christmas with my parents. 

everyone is and will be pissed. 

don’t care. 

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12 minutes ago, The Almighty Buzz said:


Thanks for giving me an excuse to skip seeing my family this year.

Recall a joke from the early days of Covid. When you couldn't buy toilet paper. 

"Why aren't the liquor stores sold out?  Don't people realize they're going to be quarantined with their family?"

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2 hours ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

I’m pretty sure that article that China posted is satire. Just info.



So the article below is NOT a real article?...


Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare: This Child Is Dumb, Mean, And Smells Bad

When two people have a child, they are filled with hopes and dreams for its future, looking forward to the happy years they’ll spend guiding their little one’s development. But unfortunately, there are times when those hopes are suddenly dashed, like in the case of this poor couple that has endured a shocking tragedy: Sadly, it turns out that their child is dumb, mean, and smells bad.


This is truly every parent’s worst nightmare.


Ben and Michelle Dawson were overjoyed when they first brought their son Mason home from the hospital as an infant, and his toddlerhood went by uneventfully, but unfortunately, the family’s happiness wouldn’t last forever: Around their son’s fifth birthday, Mason’s parents’ lives changed forever as they began to notice that their child was a stinky moron with a terrible personality.





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4 hours ago, tshile said:

“It’s ok to die from Covid” 🙄



right cause nothings changed the lowers your chance of catching it or dying from it. 

That said - already started telling people we won’t be attending their parties this holiday season. Haven’t had Christmas with my folks in 3 years because of Covid, and has 3 trips ruined because we caught it from family/friends just before the trip. Looking at flying across the country to go skiing for New Years, and spending Christmas with my parents. 

everyone is and will be pissed. 

don’t care. 

Why though? If you are vaxed and boosted I don’t see a reason not to go about your business…

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1 hour ago, Larry said:

Recall a joke from the early days of Covid. When you couldn't buy toilet paper. 

"Why aren't the liquor stores sold out?  Don't people realize they're going to be quarantined with their family?"

To the "Way Back Machine" we go...





Screenshot_20200428-224538_Samsung Internet.jpg

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1 hour ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Why though? If you are vaxed and boosted I don’t see a reason not to go about your business…

Becsuse that’s peak season and last year I had to cancel our trip to Vegas for my sister in-laws 40th because people are selfish pricks and still go to holiday parties when they are sick cause they don’t give a **** about other people. 

and this year I’m going to Washington to hit up skiing for a week or two. And I’m not ruining another trip. 


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Fwiw I haven't had a cold in almost 32 months. Coincidentally that was when I started masking in public and using sanitizer when I've touched common areas. 


I'd like to keep that streak going some more so don't mind me masking and being like Monk.


tv show monk GIF



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1 hour ago, China said:

Well, my daughter just tested positive for COVID.  She's the first one in our family to get it.  I'm hoping my wife and I don't get it.  

I'm hoping (as a smart man's daughter) that she's vaxxed and will be fine. 

If you're being the smart man you are, you and your wife will be fine too.




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13 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

I'm hoping (as a smart man's daughter) that she's vaxxed and will be fine. 

If you're being the smart man you are, you and your wife will be fine too.





We're all vaxxed and boosted.  She's now in quarantine.  Hopefully, we didn't catch it before we got her test results.

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Montana COVID Response Pushed Hospital to the Brink


Last spring, a year after COVID-19 had first ripped through the United States, Republican lawmakers in Montana doubled down.


They passed the nation’s most extreme anti-vaccination law. Not even nurses in a cancer ward could be required to get the shots.


Less than three months later, the delta wave slammed into Big Sky Country.


Inside one hospital just over a mile from the statehouse, doctors were forced to make the kinds of choices Americans had long feared.


This is a story about what can happen when politics trump public health.


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Biden: ‘The pandemic is over’

CNN — 

President Joe Biden said he believes the Covid-19 pandemic is “over” in an appearance on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” but acknowledged the US still has a “problem” with the virus that has killed more than 1 million Americans.

“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. It’s – but the pandemic is over,” Biden said.

The US government still designates Covid-19 a Public Health Emergency and the World Health Organization says it remains a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. But the President’s comments follow other hopeful comments from global health leaders.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said in a news briefing last week that the end of the Covid-19 pandemic was “in sight,” and that the world has never been in a better position to end the Covid-19 pandemic.


(...More in link)




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On 9/12/2022 at 1:13 PM, EmirOfShmo said:

Wife & I are headed to CVS later today for our Omicron booster shot. I'm going to double up & get the flu shot, too. 



How were the side effects for the Omicron-specific booster?  Might grab that dose next week.

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