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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Covid-19: towards a simplified diagnostic test to better identify contagious subjects and those at risk of developing a severe form

French scientists publish the results of a study showing that the measurement of the antiviral response of type I interferon (IFN-I) at the nasal level could be used to help identify patients at risk of transmission of the Covid virus -19. This measurement of IFN-I, carried out using an innovative technique using the same swab as that used for screening for SARS-CoV2, would also make it possible to identify patients at risk of developing a severe form of Covid-19.



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As the Delta variant spreads, so does PTSD among health care workers: 'I'm living in a parallel reality'


It’s been said that between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated in the U.S., there is a tale of two pandemics.


But there also seems to be a distinct third, according to those living it: that of health care workers, who, 17 months in, are exhausted from caring for patients, traumatized in the face of such suffering, and feeling alienated by the parts of society that cannot begin to understand what they’re going through.


“It’s like I’m living in a parallel universe to my nonclinical friends,” Dr. Andrée LeRoy, a physician and single Los Angeles mom, tells Yahoo Life. “I’m living in a parallel reality.”


And she is far from alone: While data about the toll on health care workers is still largely from the earlier days of the pandemic, those worrisome findings — that 76 percent reported burnout, 82 percent felt emotional exhaustion and 63 percent experienced work-related dread — seem to only have worsened, at least for those where the Delta variant, and low vaccination rates, have made the pandemic unrelenting.


Recent findings show that between 20 and 30 percent of frontline U.S. health care workers are considering a change of profession, and an April 2021 survey found that 43 percent of nurses — and 48 percent of ICU nurses — are considering a change of profession.


“Over one-third of health care workers are experiencing anxiety or depression, and as many as one in four are experiencing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.


Click on the link for the full article

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I don’t care about the unvaccinated. Let them reap what they sow.Will just have to be careful when out. No tears the unvaccinated get sick or even worse, dies.


Hope, the kids going back to school don’t get sick. The smart ones with smart parents; will take precautions.  I don’t have sympathy for  the dumb parents; if their kids get sick or worse. Their parents are gambling with their lives

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8 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

the thing is, we should. If they continue with their dumbassery, the virus will evolve easier and if the vaccines don’t stay ahead of them, then it will eventually affect/infect us all. The unvaccinated make it harder on everyone.

Yes.  It will keep mutating.

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COVID-19 live updates: Louisiana 'close to the breaking point,' governor warns


The United States is facing a COVID-19 surge this summer as the more contagious delta variant spreads.


More than 620,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 and over 4.3 million people have died worldwide, according to real-time data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


Just 59.1% of Americans ages 12 and up are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.



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27 Covid cases reported aboard Carnival cruise ship


More than two dozen cases of Covid-19 have been detected among crew and passengers aboard a Carnival cruise ship, according to the Belize Tourism Board.

One passenger and 26 crew members tested positive prior to calling on the port in Belize City, a news release from the tourism board said. All 27 infected individuals are vaccinated and most are asymptomatic, according to the release.

Belize tourism officials met virtually with Carnival Vista officials on Tuesday to discuss the situation before passengers disembarked in Belize City.

During that meeting, "the team at Carnival noted that all positive cases have been isolated and contact tracing has ended with no additional positive cases found, and that the infected crew and passenger do not pose a threat to guests, crew or frontline workers in Belize," according to the tourism board's news release.

Passengers were allowed to disembark in Belize for normal shore excursions with one additional precaution: All guests with a negative Covid-19 test were required to provide proof to Belize officials, with random testing for those without proof.

Carnival said in a statement that it is managing a "small number" of Covid cases on the current Carnival Vista voyage but declined to specify exactly how many.

A "small number of positive cases" was also reported by the cruise line on the previous sailing of Carnival Vista out of Galveston, Texas. That prompted the company to institute its new fleet-wide mask rule for all passengers in certain indoor spaces a few days early on that Carnival Vista sailing.


Click on the link for the full article

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58 minutes ago, bearrock said:

I am seriously at a loss over this.  Why are so many people angry at the mask mandate? 

Six months of the right wing propaganda machine telling people that wearing a mask equals Nazi death camps. 

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6 hours ago, bearrock said:

I am seriously at a loss over this.  Why are so many people angry at the mask mandate?  Even if you think it's completely pointless, what exactly is the harm here?

It’s the logical step when you build your whole identity around being anti-government and anti-science and anti-intellectual/academic


its the same mentality of a 3 year old with defiance disorder


And for many it’s tied right in with their white identity crisis and then thinking their country is being stollen from them 



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1 hour ago, tshile said:

It’s the logical step when you build your whole identity around being anti-government and anti-science and anti-intellectual/academic


its the same mentality of a 3 year old with defiance disorder


And for many it’s tied right in with their white identity crisis and then thinking their country is being stollen from them 



An over-compensation (defiance) for an inferiority complex. 

Liberals are anti human trafficking too. It’s just a different discussion.


And it doesn’t have to be so binary, it’s possible to attempt to address multiple issues at the same time. 


And if you want to lead/spread the anti child trafficking issue, please carry that flag! It’s truly a noble cause. 

But it isn’t respectful to piggy back another issue. And I t isn’t necessary to politicize your issue to make the point. Now you’ve personalized, and made the discussion about you… and not the cause your championing.


Because this isn’t really about any cause. Karen just had an inferiority complex and she’s just screaming out in a public forum to be seen/heard. 

She doesn’t need science right now. She needs therapy.


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I’ve had this sobering thought when I’ve looked at the numbers recently.  Pre-vaccine, the deaths from COVID-19 was disproportionately older people.  That shaped the debate of “keep older people isolated, and let others live their lives.”  Well, flash forward to today’s world where the 65+ population have the highest rate of vaccination and the unvaccinated are the ones who are dying.  And now we have a 7-day daily average of 651 deaths.  But 3 out of the last 4 days has been over 1000.  I’ve been very frustrated with people who can get the vaccine and choose not to.  Now, it’s just really, really sad.  Kids are watching their parents die from something so preventable.  Just get the shot.

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Refuse to get a vaccine? You might be hit with expensive medical bills, employer mandates


People who choose not to get vaccinated against the coronavirus face greater odds of getting seriously ill and hospitalized – a decision that could risk not just their health, but their finances as employers mandate vaccination and insurance companies look at ways to pass on the costs of treatment.


More than 90% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated. And because 41% of eligible Americans have not yet been fully immunized against the virus, some are pushing a new tactic – making the unvaccinated pay a larger share of their medical bills. 


Advocates of the pocketbook approach say tens of millions of Americans who refuse vaccination make it riskier for everyone else, including kids who are not old enough to get vaccinated and have filled hospitals in some states. Taxpayers are on the hook for $178 billion in federal funds allocated to hospitals and health-care providers. Insurance premiums could rise across the board.


"There's a very clear line we can draw between (refusing) vaccination and getting COVID severe enough to put you in the hospital," said Jonathan Meer, an economics professor at Texas A&M University.


"The unvaccinated are essentially asking for a handout, a subsidy for their stance, and that’s cheap talk. Standing up for your beliefs means being willing to take the consequences of them," he said.


Some health insurers already are sharing the financial pain with those sick enough to be hospitalized.


Click on the link for the full article

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